Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2861: Blue sign

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Ye Hong verified another guess.

That baby is the descendant daughter of Long Yan and the human wife!

However, Ye Hong still didn't understand, even if his wife waved his sword at her husband, why didn't she let her flesh go?

Tiger poison does not eat children, this family, what hatred or grudge?

Long Yan did not mean to continue to discuss in depth, but sighed: "Before the seat was sleeping, in order to protect her daughter from being harmed, Xuanyuan was specially entrusted to take care of her daughter.

Now that thousands of years have passed, I wonder if she is well.

and so......"

In Longyan's eyes, he pleaded: "If Yehong returns to Blue Star, can she bring her daughter back to the ancient world?"

You told her that this time this seat will definitely not let her suffer a little bit of damage! "

Ye Hong scratched his head: "But I don't seem to know who your daughter is, do you have any information for me, so that I won't admit it by the time."

"That's nature." Long Yan nodded, but there was a confusion in Long Pu's eyes: "But I can only remember that she was born in the 10,000-year-old Gregorian calendar, and her name.

In addition, there is not much information. "

"This information is not enough." Ye Hong shook his head, "Forget it, you tell me her name first."

Long Yan nodded, stretched out the pillar-like thick claws, and wrote his daughter's name on the magma.

Stroke, outline two simple and vigorous fonts.

Looking at the name, Ye Hong's complexion changed from calm to stunned, and then twitched from stunned to the corner of his mouth.

What interstellar joke? !

What makes Ye Hong so disoriented is naturally the two words written by Long Yan.

Because of these two words, he is very familiar!


Ye Hong read the two words in a complex expression.

That's right, the name of the daughter written by Long Yan is the word pumice!

This name reminded Ye Hong of a person.

That is the pumice stone in the blue star magma organization.

Wearing a gray robe, the pumice stone wearing a gray feather mask.

Once lurking in the Xizhou God of War, he helped Ye Hong kill the pumice stone of Fu Jing Ni.

In the Nanzhou Wolf God Tower, help Ye Hong to deal with the pumice stone of the nine-headed giant wolf together.

Due to an accident, Ye Hong accidentally discovered the pumice stone that she disguised as a man's secret.

Xuanyuanzhi, pumice stone!

Is that pumice stone actually the daughter of the Emperor?

Or is it just a coincidence of the name?

Looking at Yehong's strange expression, Chi Yu next to him couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

Ye Hong shook his head and just said to Long Yan: "I will take her back as far as possible to reunite your father and daughter."

"Good, good, good..."

Long Yan said with emotion, and said three good words in succession, showing how excited he was in his heart.

The red jade next to him saw Yehong dare not take care of himself, and immediately licked his tiger claws fiercely, and looked at Yehong's eyes constantly flashing a dangerous light, as if brewing something.

After that, Longyan was about to start calling the blazing meteorite.

After all, that kind of rare ancient artifact, even in the heyday of Longyan, could not be easily summoned, not to mention the incomplete body now.

Therefore, he needs some time to prepare.

Ye Hong also followed Chiyu to leave the underground and returned to the Tianshu tribe.

Until this time, Ye Hong had time to care about the bamboo stick left by Xuanyuan.

There is no difference between the bamboo sticks and what Ye Hong has seen at Blue Star.

It seems ordinary, but it cannot be destroyed by any force.

On the side of the bamboo stick, a word was written.

A [blue] word.

This reminded Ye Hong of the two bamboo sticks with the same words that he once obtained at Blue Star.

They are "Qian" and "West".

Xuanyuan's bamboo sticks have proved to have the prophetic effect of Xuan Zhi and Xuan Zhi.

It's like the "Qian" sign, which points to Qianshan where Yehong and the Fifth Family are fighting.

[West] word sign, pointing to the various encounters that Ye Hong went to Xizhou.

So does this [Blue] sign mean that you can return to Blue Star soon?

Thinking of this, Ye Hong couldn't help but surging.

On the other side, the news of the Emperor's awakening, like a gust of wind, blew toward the Big Dipper.

The seven major tribes all celebrated together.

The seven magma towers standing at the seven star positions in the place of Beidou also began to roar day and night.




Holy Calendar 11020, December 1.

It has been half a year since Ye Hong came to the ancient world from Blue Star.

On this day, the seven magma towers in Beidouzhi suddenly ejected a thick magma column into the sky dome.

But these magma columns didn't splash around, but gathered like seven rays to somewhere in the sky.

This place is just above the sky directly opposite the underground altar.

The seven magma column rays are connected to each other in the sky to form a star map of the Big Dipper.

The hot magma hangs the sky, as if to turn the sun, moon, and heaven together, forming a wonder that is rare for thousands of years.

A melodious dragon chant, like the sound of a horn from the vast ancient desert, shook between the heavens and earth of the ruins of meteorites.

And the momentum continued, spreading from the ruins of meteorite towards the ancient world.

The fairy fields on the east of the meteorite ruins, the **** fields on the west, the dark fields on the south, the mechanical plateau on the north, the Beast Emperor Valley on the far southwest, the snow on the far northeast, and various large and small areas are heard. This sound of Long Yin.

Longyin Million Miles, shocking the sky!

All major races, major forces, major powers... were shocked by this peerless Dragon Yin and asked about the source of the Dragon Yin sound everywhere.

However, what they did not expect is that something more shocking than this has just begun!

After the sound of Long Yin, the red awn suddenly spread in the sky.

The whole sky in the ancient world seems to be a burning sea of ​​fire, a red.

At the same time, the temperature between heaven and earth suddenly increased, and the powerful air pressure forced the earth.

In the sky, on land, in the ocean... All living things begin to be uneasy, as if there are some terrifying giants coming.

"Report-The Universe Observation Center discovered that a super large meteorite is approaching the ancient world quickly!"

"Report-Star Observatory found a mysterious object is approaching the ancient world quickly!"

"Report-the prison of exile in the outer world, the suspected mysterious material is approaching the ancient world quickly!"


At this moment, the astronomical institutions in various regions are all messed up, and all astronomers ushered in the busiest time of life on this day.

Soon, a cosmic video clip was sent back to the ancient world.

From the video clip, you can see a huge meteorite burning flames all over the body, rolling towards the ancient world!

The star dome trembles wherever it passes, Taiyu trembles!

It seems that with the power of extinction, the ancient world will be smashed into cosmic dust!

Endless panic spread to the entire ancient world in an instant!

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