Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2862: Sadly remind three brothers

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Because of the proximity of the super large meteorite, the ecology of the ancient world was also affected.

The flow of ancient gas in the air has been disturbed, leading to the occurrence of ancient gas disasters in various places.

The entire ancient world, regardless of east, west, south and north, maintained the rare unification of the climate for the first time-that is pure heat!

Through the fiery sky, people seem to be able to see the giants approaching from the sky!

"God, is the ancient world going to die?"

"No! I still have a lot to do!"

"Crazy once before dying!"

Like the Blue Stars at that time, people in the ancient world faced the fate of such an eschatological scene, regardless of their strength, their hearts were equally fragile.

The desperate mood forced a crazy move.

In all major regions, there are crazy thugs who do things they dare not usually do.

Blood and sin have become the main theme of the moment.

Natural disasters and human disasters are cruelly intertwined.

Xianyu, Xiandu.

At the top of Taiyi Mountain, left to destroy the independent void, carrying his hands on his back, looking up at the Chihong sky dome without expression.

All the immortals at the foot of the place are full of fire and chaos.

But Zuo Mian ignored it and looked at it indifferently.

Fairyland, Fairy Lion City.

The three major legions of the Golden Lion, the White Lion and the Purple Lion collectively dispatched to calm the chaos in the city.

The Purple Lion Dojo on the Lion Mountain is full of purple light, accompanied by bursts of thunder.

Fairyland, Crane City.

"All the people of Xianhe City, all enter the first ring zone!"

"Xianhecheng Kongdao, start an emergency wartime state!"

Between heaven and earth, countless cranes flew back and forth.

The sound of Wu Jian, the sword crane immortal, spread throughout the whole area of ​​Xianhe City.

"But Lord Xianjun...what about the three young masters Wu Mou, Wu Jia, and Wu Ying of the prison of exile?"

Someone suddenly mentioned this.

Wu Jian was silent immediately: "It can only make them ask for more blessings!"


The chaotic image of the fairyland is just the chaotic corner of the ancient civilization.

Around the world, crimes in the depths of human nature continue to unfold.

It seems that before the world is destroyed by the meteorite, it will be destroyed by the major races themselves.



Located in the universe, there is a suspended structure connected into a circle.

It looks like a necklace of ancient planets, surrounded by planets.

The color of the building is unified into forest white, which looks like bones, and it is filled with a gloomy atmosphere in the dark space.

This outer circle of heaven is the legendary prison of exile!

In all areas of the ancient world, there is a tradition of sending criminals with great sins to prisons of exile.

These criminals detained in exile are collectively referred to as [the exile].

Most of the exiles will stay here for life.

Because of their sins, eternal life is difficult to eliminate.

Only a small part of the exiles reinvented themselves and returned to the ancient world.

At this time, part of the building of the prison of exile is being restored.

That part of the building was a section of prison that was destroyed when the meteorite passed through the ancient world half a year ago.

In that destruction, a large number of exiles took the opportunity to escape from the prison of exile.

The rumored jailhouse grew upset and sent someone to catch the fugitive while ordering people to strengthen the destroyed prison.

At this moment, in a prison cell, three young people with similar faces are being escaped.

They are the three young masters of the Wu family, Wu Mou, Wu Jia, and Wu Ying.

Last time, because of the plot against Yehong, their father, Wu Jian, sent them into space for the oath of heaven and sent them to prison of exile.

I wanted to make them reflect on themselves, but how could these three people be the ones who would change the past?

Since being put in prison, he has been thinking about how to escape from prison all the time.

On this day, they finally found an opportunity.

"Brother Ninety Five, can you unlock it?"

"Still trying..."

"Damn, is the money for the guards stuffed? Is it a fake key?"

"Thirteen brother is a little restful, let ninety-five brother try again."

In the cell, the three brothers tried to bribe a bunch of keys from the guard while discussing.

Finally, five minutes later, with a click, the cell was opened lightly.

"It's done!"

"Quick leave this place, I don’t want to stay anymore!"

"Brother, what shall we do next?"

Of the three, Wu Mou was the natural leader.

At this time, Wu Mou's eyes flashed, and his face was strategistically commanded: "Taking advantage of the guards' handover now, let's steal a small spaceship and sneak away from here."

The idea was immediately supported by two brothers.

As a result, the three brothers crept away from the cell and headed towards the space ship boathouse.

After a while.

"found it!"

As the three brothers happily planned to board the space ship in the shipyard, the harsh alarm sounded suddenly.

"Warning-Warning-Warning -"

"There is a giant meteorite approaching-there is a giant meteorite approaching-there is a giant meteorite approaching -"

"Invite prison personnel to avoid-please pay attention to prison-to avoid escape -"

The alarm sounded three times in a row, ringing all over the prison of exile.

At the same time, an angry roar came from the depths of the prison: "Special grandma! The meteorite is idle and doing nothing? Come to our prison of exile in two days!"

As the alarm sounded, the guards of the prison of exile were also released.

With the last experience, this time they will never let any criminals escape!

Naturally, the three brothers of the Wu family who were hiding in the space ship's boathouse failed to escape the search by the guards.


"Put your hands up!"

When a gun was aimed at himself, the three Wu family brothers looked somber, crying without tears.

Only one step away, they can escape from here!

At this moment, the three brothers scolded the meteorite that came by accident in their hearts!

But soon, the people in the prison of exile discovered that the meteorite did not continue to approach, but hovered outside the sky.


Yehong, located in the ruins of the meteorite, was cut off from communication with the outside world, so he did not know that the entire ancient world had become a mess.

He is now thinking about a problem.

Although the Meteorite is an ancient tool, the body is a meteor that is even larger than the blue star.

Hastily come to ruin the ancient world?

Regarding Ye Hong’s concern, Chi Yu scoffed: “Who told you that the blazing meteor will come to the ancient world?”

"How do people get up if they don't come?"

"You will see if you continue to read."

Soon, Ye Hong understood the meaning of Chi Yu.

The super-large meteorite of the Meteorite in the sky does not continue to approach the ancient world, but stays in the sky.

But there was a meteorite much smaller than the blazing meteorites, which fell from the sky.

The destination points directly to the land of the Beidou of the meteorite ruins!

At this moment, a team of people is also heading towards the land of the Beidou of the meteorite ruins.

They were wearing green robes and carrying long swords, but they were all disciples of Taiyi Xianzong!

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