Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2869: Belief in night god

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However, Axiu and Camille, who were under pressure from the Confederate forces, did not rush to attack, but chatted quietly at the door.

"Isn't this night **** religion really related to Ye Hong's kid?"

Axiu sighed and said to Camille.

He always remembers how disgraced he was when he and Camille asked Yehong for the supreme secret a year ago.

And a year has passed, and the evildoer has no idea how far he has grown.

Therefore, when he received the order to teach the **** of the night, Axiu always felt his heart fluffed.

When Ashe recalled the past, Camille also recalled the scene of his first encounter with Yehong in Lanxi.

That was the first time she saw a Yan Guoman use her ability to contemplate before her.

From that time on, Camille did not get a little bit cheaper on Yehong, but witnessed the growth of the evil spirit again and again.

In the end, when she and Axiu saw the strength of Ye Hong's Divine Realm, they were completely convinced.

It should be understood that the Xizhou Divinity Master system is composed of the elementary Divinity Dividers-the intermediate Divinity Dividers-the high-level Divinity Dividers-the Divine Ambition Divine Divination Divers.

The Divine Realm Divine Thought Master is the top of the Divine Thought Master Pyramid!

At that time, under the death of Fu Luo Ni, there was only one **** in the whole Xizhou, Augutolang.

So when Camille and Axiu saw that the young Yehong had the same realm as Augusto Lang, how could he not be dumbfounded and convinced?

For such a genius who is out of tune with Xizhou, Camille couldn't hate it, but with a sense of admiration.

As for Yehong's Yeshen, she and Axiu had no idea of ​​killing them.

The two hit it off, and they casually found an excuse to delay the attack.

The only thing that confuses Camille is that if Ye Shenjia is really related to Ye Hong, why hasn't he seen Ye Hong appear in the past six months?

"Are you saying...The news that the chairman said that Ye Hong died half a year ago, is it true?"

Camille glanced at the back of the night temple, thinking that he and Axiu had put water here for so long.

Then he lowered his voice and asked Axiu this question.

Axiu also had a weird look and grunted: "Don't you think that the old man Ogutolang has become weird since he returned from Yanzhou in Dongzhou six months ago?

To be honest, I don’t dare to believe his words now..."

Camille nodded with emotion.

Half a year ago, their boss, the first master of Xizhou, the president of the Association of Divinity Masters, Augusto Lang was invited by Ye Hong to go to Yan Guo to deal with a strong mysterious family.

However, the details of that battle did not spread.

After returning to Emperor's Kingdom, Augusto Lang said nothing about it.

Instead, the original indifferent character suddenly became irritable and twisted.

Over the past six months, the Association of Divinity Masters has also changed from an organization of a communicative nature to an expansionary organization under the radical orders of Augusto Lang.

Especially after the rise of the Night God Religion, Augusto Lang was as crazy as he was, and he madly ordered the sage masters to trip the Night God Religion.

Until the establishment of the League, it was revealed that Augusto Lang wanted to completely eliminate the night gods.

Axiu and Camille once persuaded Augusto Lang, but Augustu Lang was directly led from the Emperor God to the front.

Because of this, their trust and surrender to Augusto fell sharply, or they dared not discuss Augusto Lang publicly.

At the same time, it is also one of the reasons why they openly put water here.

Because they always suspected that what had happened in the battle of Yan Guo six months ago would only lead to Augustus Lang's current state of listening to "night" discoloration.

Before they know the reason, they will not choose to offend Yehong, even if they are not sure about Yehong's relationship with Yehong.

"Ah, we have no choice anyway."

"It's almost possible to launch a total attack?"

Axiu looked at the tenacious believers in the night gods at the door of the night temple, sighed in his heart, and waved toward the army behind him: "Offense."

"Don't kill." Camille added.

Soon, the Confederate forces flowed into the night temple hall like a flood.

And hit all the way from the front hall to the back hall.

Although the believers of the Night Gods resisted stubbornly, they retreated because of the gap in numbers.

Finally, on the high platform behind the temple, under the huge statue, the Confederate forces forced the final power of the night gods to the edge of the cliff.

Looking at the familiar face on the statue above his head, Axiu felt another hair in his heart.

On the back, there was a chill.

As if in the midst, Ye Hong's eyes were looking at himself.

Because of this weird feeling, Axiu didn't want to kill him.

He sighed to Ananketo, the **** of the night gods, and said: "Ananketo, surrender, we don't want to kill."

Camille on the side was also persuading.

However, Anan Keto was determined, and his young face was full of strength and unyielding.

He leaned against the statue of the night god, and his voice was like a Hong Zhong, and the voice was majestic: "From the day I became the **** envoy of the night god, he took the sacred mission!

Whenever I prayed prayerfully to the statue of the night god, I always heard a vague word.

That is a sentence spoken in Yan Guohua.

Later, I specifically checked the meaning of that sentence.

It turns out that the Lord of the Night God is lowering the Oracle, telling me what kind of spirit of faith should the believer of the Night God teach!

That sentence is called "Unfulfilled, Don't Speak Down!" "

As soon as the six simple words came out, it seemed that there was awe-inspiring entanglement in Ananke.

The night gods believers who were present heard the blood boiling, unable to extricate themselves.

Staring at the opposing Confederate army, he hissed and shouted: "We are not exhausted, don't say anything!"

"Being exhausted, don't say anything!"

"Being exhausted, don't say anything!"

At this moment, the spirit spirits of all the believers in the night gods seem to be fused together, exuding a stormy wave.

The sea behind Lianshan Mountain seemed to be infected by this earth-shattering momentum, and rolled up thousands of waves.

Axiu and Camille looked shocked.

Since their birth, they have seen countless denominations.

But I have never seen a believer in a sect with such a firm belief as the night gods and such a tenacious and unyielding character!

"I can't say anything but my strength..."

Axiu muttered to himself, as if he had realized something.

But the believers from various denominations behind Ashe and Camille could not bear it anymore.

"Since you don't surrender, die here!"

In spite of this, regardless of the orders of Axiu and Camille, he directly attacked the believers of the night gods.

However, at the moment when both sides were about to contact, a bright light suddenly appeared in the sky!

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