Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2870: Long time no see

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"what is that?!"

At this moment, no matter which side of the battlefield is looking up to the sky.

I saw a bright light above the sky, falling like a meteor, getting brighter and brighter.

But somehow, the light shook left and right, as if drunk.

Anan Keto suddenly looked excited, pointing at the light on the sky and said: "It is the night **** lord!

The night gods are saved! "

Upon hearing this, the night gods followed the excitement and enthusiasm, and their morale suddenly soared.

When the believers of the Confederate opposite heard it, where would they agree?

"Bullshit, that is obviously Lord Vulcan's spirit!"

"Fart! Apparently Lord Fengshen!"

"You all flashed away, obviously our Lord of the Water God!"

The Confederate believers are assembled by believers from various denominations.

They originally shared a common enemy, the Night God Religion, so they can all be together.

However, the Night God Religion is now a turtle in the urn. When the crusade war is about to win, and the sky has a miracle-like light, the drawbacks of the Alliance will be revealed.

The beliefs of the major religions violently conflicted at this moment.

The believers of each sect hold their own words, and they all believe that they are miracles of their own gods.

Axiu and Camille looked at each other and looked at each other.

Then stare at the sky.

As the light drew closer, Axiu's complexion suddenly changed: "Oops, it's a meteorite!"

After him, the rest of the people also saw the true face of the so-called light.

It is a huge meteorite with a long fire tail falling from the sky!

At this moment, who still cares about miracles or not, began to run away in a burst of exclamation and screams.

Anan Keto did not panic and calmly commanded: "The believers of the night gods follow me under the statue of the night gods.

We must believe that the Lord of the Night God will definitely protect us! "

Afterwards, all the believers of the night gods, under the leadership of Ananketo, hid under the statue.

At this time, the members of the League had no time to care about the behavior of the night god, and they ran around like headless flies.

At this moment, not only the Greek country, but many countries on the Blue Star have seen the trajectory of the meteorite falling from the sky.

Like the believers of the major denominations in the Temple of Night, many people believed that the miracles appeared and prayed on their knees.

Only calm astronomers are still wondering whether this meteorite is related to the planet-sized meteorite beyond the sky.

Finally, in the eyes of many people, the meteorite in the sky fell in Xidian.

And the fall point is exactly the sea behind the night temple.


A burst of roaring sound made countless people in Shenchi City temporarily deaf in both ears.

The waves that splashed after the meteorite crashed directly onto the cliff.

After the night temple, rushed to the Shenchi City.

Because the geographical environment of Shenchi City is a city built on a mountain, the sea wave washed up from the top down like a flood.

At this moment, countless people in the city of Shenchi shouted in exclamation, avoiding this catastrophe.

And the worst is undoubtedly the Confederate believers who are closest to the waves.

The oncoming waves rushed them to the ground.

If it weren’t for Axiu and Kamil to launch the Divine Master's shield in time, they might be even more miserable.

For the rest of their lives after the robbery, they saw the believers of the night gods straight and straight.

Because they hid under the statue of the night **** before, they were not affected by the waves.

And while those believers were still jealous of the night **** believers, the night **** believers had come to the edge of the cliff under the leadership of Anan Keto.

Everyone looked curiously at the sea.

In sight, you can see a huge meteorite with a diameter of more than 100 meters floating on the sea.

However, there are traces of artificial carving on the surface of the meteorite.

All of a sudden, everyone was blank, not knowing what it was.

On the other side, the Confederate members also rushed to the edge of the cliff.

Ma Jing, who was a **** of the night gods, stood on the other side clearly, and also observed the meteorite.

But at this moment, the meteorite suddenly shook, and scared everyone on the cliff side to jump together.

Then they were shocked to find that a door opened on the meteorite.

At the same time, there was a series of quarreling voices inside the door.

"Two dogs, your feathers should be brushed too, almost didn't stink me."


"Yehong, you're so embarrassed to say Ergou, where did you touch the old lady just now?!"

"Cough... accident, accident..."

"Okay, don't be noisy.

A Hong, you are a local, do you know where we are now? "

The sound from the meteorite carried a strange tone.

However, the word "Yehong" in those populations, many people on the cliff are listening in their ears.

At that moment, everyone had their eyes wide open.

In particular, Axiu and Camille were breathless and stared at the door on the meteorite.

Immediately after, two rolling steps protruded behind the door.

The steps were upward, extending from the front of the door to the edge of the cliff.

Everyone on the scene had seen such advanced technology, and they took a few steps back and looked at the steps in amazement.

Then, a figure stretched out from behind the door while stretching out.

I saw it was a teenager with dark hair and black eyes.

A long black trench coat, covering the stiff body like a cloak.

Just a random stop there, it looks like Dinghai Shenzhen, with the power of moving mountains and seas.

The wind and waves at sea calmed down together and seemed to bow down to the boy.

While seeing the face of the teenager, almost everyone on the scene looked up at the statue of the night **** on the high platform.

Because the appearance of the teenager is exactly the same as the statue!

At this moment, the believers such as Ananke suddenly fell into fanaticism.

Knelt on the ground and shouted in unison: "Congratulations to Lord Ye Ye!"

Every believer was almost weeping with excitement.

It turns out that praying prayers will really touch the gods!

At this moment of their despair, the night **** Lord actually came!

Ashe and Camille smiled bitterly.

"I thought about 10,000 scenes where he met again, but I never thought it would be like this..."

"This time, I really can't see through him..."

The young man on the stone steps also found a man on the edge of the cliff, frowning at first, and then beckoned to Axiu and Camille in surprise: "Yo! Isn't that Axiu and Camille, haven't seen Sa for a long time!"

This young man is naturally Ye Hong.

When Ye Hong saw the surrounding environment, she smiled secretly.

After the Meteor 11 drifted through the air, it finally completely deviated from the orbit.

From the Dongzhou Yanguo to the Xizhou Xidian country.


Ye Hong looked at a group of people on the cliff and thought that something interesting was happening here.

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