Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2871: Old Father Ye Hong

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After confirming the geographical location, Ye Hong also invited the people in Meteor Star 11 one after another.

Now that it is determined that it is a Greek country, it can only be returned from the Greek country to the Yan country.

Although Meteor 11 also has a flying function, no one wants to experience the crash again.

A group of people set foot on the stone steps and came all the way from the meteorite to the cliff.

The people on the cliff looked at Ye Hong and the rest of the crowd, seeming at a loss.

It was like seeing a group of aliens descending suddenly, completely ignorant of how to react.

Ye Hong, Fei Long, Shou Hu, Gong Sun Yang, Xing XVII, Gentle, Li Man, these seven people with human characteristics are just fine.

But gray hair and gray eyes, a ghostly abyss, red hair and red eyes, and red jade all over the body are all appearance features that have never appeared on Blue Star.

Also, what the **** is that **** crane taller than people? !

The eyes of Axiu and Camille are mostly concentrated on Yehong.

The expression on the two's faces was full of complexities.

Although Ye Hong smiled, she seemed harmless to humans and animals.

However, from Ye Hong's body, they kept sending them the powerful coercion that made them tremble.

It seems that as long as one finger, they can be easily crushed into foam.

If Yehong was once a mountain within their reach, now it looks like a bottomless ocean, bringing them endless despair.

Not to mention, the people behind Ye Hong felt similarly.

Although there were only a few people in front of me, Axiu and Camille seemed to have seen thousands of troops.

In the eyes of everyone, Ye Hong and others came to the high platform.

Except for Yehong, everyone else came to Blue Star for the first time and immediately looked around the environment with curiosity.

For the residents of Xianyu, such as Feilong, the blue star sky is so beautiful without the seal of the nineth immortal seal.

The fresh air around them also greedily enjoyed them.

In the eyes of Ming Yuan, most of them looked at the spiritual masters at the scene, and their eyes could not stay on the goddess masters in particular.

Chiyu and gentle, but slightly frowned, it seems a bit unfit for the surrounding environment.

Ye Hong can understand them both.

After all, it has been a long time in the ancient atmosphere, and it is really difficult to adapt to the new atmosphere.

Forty-two years ago, Fifth Jun was for this reason, so there was no way to restore the level of the Immortal, and Xuanyuan found an opportunity to repel it.

On the contrary, Ye Hongben is the one here, and has already adapted to the new atmosphere, so it has not been affected.

At this time, Yehong glanced around at the battlefield where he had battled with Fuchenie for 300 rounds, and then came to the night **** believers in Ananketo.

From these believers, Ye Hong felt that a strong force of faith was flying into the body head-on.

Even if this group of people did not introduce themselves, Ye Hong instantly knew their identity.

The night **** divine art in the body has no wind automatically, condensing a circle of translucent black halo outside Ye Hong.

At this moment, Ye Hong's figure became more prestigious.

And the night gods believers also found a strange body inside at this moment.

The exhausted thoughts when fighting the Confederate believers were instantly replenished, and an endless power rose from all parts of the body.

It seems that the state of the spiritual master who has been stuck for a long time seems to have suddenly reached the edge of breakthrough.

They were both shocked and happy, and they became more convinced of Ye Hong's identity.

Led by Ananketo, he screamed on his knees, "Thank you Lord Night God!"

"No, I should thank you." Ye Hong smiled.

During the last showdown with Yot Kris at Zhaoxing Academy, Ye Hong realized the magical ability.

At the time, he felt a force of faith from heaven.

If it were not for the power of faith, Ye Hong would not be so easy to comprehend divine art.

At that time, he was just doubting. Now looking at these fanatical faces, it is almost certain that the power of faith comes from them.

So Ye Hongcai said to thank them.

Although the believers could not understand the meaning of Yehong's words, they felt Yehong's gentle and kind attitude.

They couldn't help being moved for a while, and the shouts in their mouths were even more fanatical.

Later, Ye Hongcai turned his attention to Axiu and Camille.

These two people are also old acquaintances.

Camille, deputy chairman of the Association of Divinity Masters, high-level Divinity Masters, believes in Ice God.

Axiu, a fighting madman, believes in the **** of light.

At the same time, he is also the owner of the holy weapon of the four artifacts.

When Ye Hong accompanied Phoenix Rose to Xizhou, she had several frictions with Ashe and Camille.

The two of them once caused Ye Hong a lot of trouble.

But looking at them again after an interval of one year, I just feel that it is no different from two ordinary people.

Because this year, Ye Hong's strength is advancing by leaps and bounds.

When he was in Xizhou, he was just an ancient warrior and a god-satisfied teacher.

But after returning to Dongzhou, he went all the way from the ancient warrior to the ancient road magician, and then from the ancient road magician to the ancient fairy warrior, until the present fairyland fairy.

In terms of strength level, they are far away from the two.

While sighing for something wrong, Ye Hong also glanced at the Confederate believers behind them.

Although Ye Hong didn't know what had happened since he left six months ago, the situation of Ma Jingwei between the Confederation and Ye Shenjia was clearly in his eyes.

Combined with the scars on everyone, Ye Hong had vaguely guessed the truth.

His eyes chilled instantly.

Since the believers of the Night Gods believe in Ye Hong, then he has an obligation to protect the believers!

And whoever dares to teach Ye God, no matter who he is, is his enemy of Ye Hong!

As soon as Yehong's eyes cooled down, the immortal who surpassed the world suddenly released his momentum.

Although one finger didn't move, the confederates across the league had difficulty breathing.

His body became heavier and heavier, and finally he couldn't help but thud, Qi Qi was forced to kneel on the ground.

Looking at Ye Hong's eyes, it was full of horror!

On the contrary, the night gods believers are extremely relieved.

Just like a group of children who were bullied, they were suddenly guarded by their father.

The grievances suffered over the past six months have all been vented at this moment!

Anan Keto wanted to explain the situation with Ye Hong, but Ye Hong extended an index finger and gently shook it, stopping his words.

Then he pointed to the Confederate believers on the opposite side and said lightly: "I want them to speak."

Ye Hong's indifferent words seemed like an oracle, with irresistible power.

The Confederates of the Confederacy were full of horror, only thinking that they would evaporate in the next moment!

Axiu and Camille smiled bitterly.

They want to explain, but they don't know where to start.

However, the two of them were very happy at the moment. Fortunately, they didn't kill the **** of the night.

And at this moment, a team of people came out of the temple.

A majestic and familiar voice came from it.

"Axiu, Camille, why haven't you captured the Night God?"

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