Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2872: He is so pitiful

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All the men and women walking from the front hall of the Night Temple are wearing the costumes of the Divine Master.

The old man who asked the question was of great stature and gray hair.

Holding a long golden stick in his hand, the crystal ball at the top shone mysteriously.

This person is really Augusto Lang of the Association of Divinity Teachers!

It is also the chief commander of this attack on the night gods.

It turned out that Augusto Lang also saw the fall of the meteorite, and worried that there was a problem on the front, he brought the central army to check the situation.

After thinking about it for a while, I saw the scene of the Confederate army kneeling down, and my beard was almost exploded.

"Who made you kneel, get up quickly!"

"Axiu, Camille, how did you bring the team?"

Augusto Lang rebuked.

However, it is strange that no one at the scene answered his words.

Axiu and Camille also looked weirdly in one direction.

Suspicious Augusto Lang looked down his eyes, his pupil suddenly shrunk to two points.

With a tremor in his hand, the golden long stick almost came out.

"you you you......"

The person Augusto Lang saw was naturally Ye Hong.

He stared straight at Yehong, as if everything in his mouth was stuck in his throat, he couldn't say anything.

"Ogutolang, long time no see."

Ye Hong smiled slightly, but his eyes were mocked.

Half a year ago, on the eve of the decisive battle with the Fifth Family, Ye Hong specially invited two of the world’s strongest mother-in-law, Ebony Wumu and Augusto Lang, to join the Battle of Sijuefeng.

In the battle with Fifth Jun, Mother-in-law Ebony did her best, but Augusto Lang was shamefully escaping.

That matter is undoubtedly the stain of Augusto Lang's glorious life.

So after the fifth Jun's death, Augusto Lang also returned to Xizhou in disgrace.

Before Ye Hong didn't go to the ancient world, Augusto Lang was like a tortoise, and he didn't dare to show his head.

And now, half a year later, on this land of Xizhou, Ye Hong saw Oguto Lang again.

Combined with Fangcai's environment, Ye Hong has roughly guessed the causes and consequences.

Presumably it is to wipe out the original stain, so Augusto Lang, who is angry and angry, will vent his resentment to the night gods related to Yehong!

If it wasn’t for Ye Hong that just happened to be in this Greek country, it might have caused Augusto to destroy the **** of the night.

Thinking of this, Ye Hong flashed a killer in his eyes.

Augusto Lang, as the top Blue Star powerhouse, naturally found the murderous opportunity from Ye Honghong, and he immediately felt a sigh of relief.

When it comes, it is a deep shame.

He is the first strongest man in Xizhou, the president of the Association of Divinity Masters, the spokesperson of the Supreme God, the Supreme God Envoy!

How could it be frightened by the eyes of a younger generation?

What's more, although Ye Hong is powerful, his Augusto Lang has not made any progress in the past six months!

So Augusto Lang's eyes rose sharply, raised his staff in his hand, and said to the Confederate confessor: "There is no one named Xishen in the Xizhou Divine Book!

The so-called night **** is heresy from Dongzhou!

Now lend your power to me, and let me summon the power of the High God in the name of the High God Envoy to rule this heresy! "

The spiritual masters immediately knelt on one knee and prayed.

Faithful, with words in his mouth.

"Dark, the believer of Vulcan, hereby urges the great Vulcan to drop his divine power, lend it to the Supreme God, and judge the heretics..."

"Zhirad, the believer of Fengshen, once again implores the great Fengshen Lord to drop his divine power, lend it to the Supreme God, and judge the heretics..."

"The believer of the Snow God..."

"The believer of Luna..."

Countless spiritual teachers were chanting in unison, as if they were singing a sacred ballad in the ensemble.

A force of faith flew from them and entered the golden rod in the hands of Augusto Lang.

The crystal ball at the top of the stick also gradually condenses a bright golden awn, like an increasingly bright golden sun.

Augusto Lang stretched his long stick towards the void, and suddenly a golden awn was hit on the sky dome.

The clouds rolled, and a golden ring appeared gradually.

Like a heavenly gate that suddenly opened in the sky.

The hymns in the golden circle burst, and a strong will appeared from the circle bit by bit, gradually condensing between the world.

That powerful will formed an angel dozens of meters high in the air.

The golden wings dyed the clouds together into bright gold.

On the angel's face, half a white mask was wrapped, covering the part above the nose, only showing the lips as thin as a knife.

On the muscular body, the muscles are well-proportioned, like a perfect artwork.

A platinum ribbon is wrapped around various parts of the body.

A golden sword with a length of more than ten meters was held in his hand.

As soon as the angel appeared, a sacred breath fell upon the earth.

In the city of Shenchi, the people were already kneeling on the ground and shouting miracles.

"This angel must be the messenger sent by the Supreme God!"

"Sovereign Lord Lord did not give up on us!"

Not only that, countless people in Xidian and even Xizhou all felt this divine power at this moment.

For a while, the news of the appearance of the Supreme God's miracle spread throughout the land of Xizhou.

On the high platform, Augusto Lang maintained the golden stick in his hand and proudly said: "Yehong, send you a sentence you Yan people often say.

There are people outside, there are days outside.

I know that you are already an ancient fairy martial realm, but I can also use the power of condensing faith to temporarily enter the realm of the same level!

This state is the god!

After entering this realm, I can master the magical abilities that God can control!

And this trick of mine is called [Supreme Divine Skill Angel Coming]! "

Augusto Lang's expression of complacency grew stronger.

However, the group of people behind Ye Hong was talking about something weird.

"What is the old man saying?"

"Divine art? Isn't that the most basic ability of the gods of the God Race?"

"Yeah, isn't this old man not even a god, can only reach this state briefly?"

"He's so pitiful..."

Ming Yuan's voice of their discussions, did not hide Augusto Lang.

Augusto Lang's cheeks twitched, and he glared fiercely at everyone: "It turns out that people are divided into groups, and the people who follow Yehong are as arrogant as he is!

Later, let your frogs at the bottom of the well see the true power! "

Ye Hong's attention at this time was on the angel in heaven.

Augusto Lang didn't lie, he could feel the breath of magic from this angel.

That is to say, Augusto Lang is now forcibly entering the realm of the gods with the blessing of the belief power of those divine teachers.

If it was half a year ago, Ye Hong who had just stepped into the ancient fairy martial realm was really not good at handling the situation in front of him.

However, Ye Hong is no longer the one he was half a year ago!

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