Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2876: Goodbye

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The expected welcome scene did not appear, it seems that the night gods did not care about the visiting Granland mission.

Krumm, who felt deeply neglected, immediately shouted.

Finally, something came from the temple.

A black man dressed as a night **** believer hurried out of the temple.

Seeing the man's anxious expression, Krum's anger in his chest only subsided.

"Humph! It seems I have realized my mistakes."

What happened to Krom unexpectedly happened.

After seeing the mission, the believer suddenly patted his head: "Are you a Grand Mission?"

Come in yourself, I have other urgent matters to be busy. "

With that said, it was necessary to bypass the mission team and go down the mountain.

Everyone in the mission was stunned.

And Krum's face is already ugly to the extreme!

He has led the Grand Mission to many countries in the world, but he has never been so neglected!

The anger distorted Krum's face, and even his voice was deformed: "Catch him!"

The royal guard acted quickly, and quickly arrested the believer, pressing it to the ground.

"Brother Wang, stop!"

The blue-haired girl's face changed, and she quickly shouted: "You will cause conflict with the night gods!"

"Conflict?" Krum sneered. "Since the night gods are so rude, I will teach them how to be polite!"

The night **** believer who was crushed to the ground did not struggle, but said indifferently: "You will regret it later."

"Ha ha ha!" Krum laughed loudly, "I have no regrets in the dictionary of Krum Windsor!"

Before the laughter fell, a dark shadow burst out of the night temple.

"Boom!" knocked over Crow, who was still laughing.

And he was constantly cast, rushing through the crowd like black lightning.

Especially the members of the royal guard who pressed the believers of the night gods, were directly flew into the air.

In a scream, the rest of the people were stunned to find that the black shadow turned out to be a huge black crane!

But in Bluestar, I have never heard of this kind of crane!

After the night **** believer was rescued, he bowed deeply to the **** crane and said respectfully, "Thank you, Master Beast!"

The **** crane seemed to understand human words, raised his head proudly, and fluttered his wings, as if to say: Lift your hand, don't care.

"Where are the beasts, oh-"

Crumb, who was knocked over first, leaned on his sore waist and pointed at the **** crane's teeth.

However, when he was about to scold, he was irritated by a waist injury and choked back.

The picture is not funny.

Somehow, the blue-haired girl couldn't help but smile when she saw Klum's deflated eating.

The **** crane's smart and smart expression also reminded her of someone.

One person and one crane seems to have a similar temperament.

Thinking of this, the blue-haired girl's eyes suddenly startled.

Afterwards, he dropped all the envoys, took off his shoes, lifted the skirt, and ran straight into the night temple.

Along the way, the girl only felt that a heart was almost flying out of her body.

It seems that fatigue is not noticed, and I just want to rush to the end of the hall.

The night gods who passed by were all confused, not knowing what made the girl look forward.

Finally the girl came to the end of the temple, deep inside the hall.

There, a dark-haired teenager turned her back and looked up at the sky.

Seeing the familiar back, the girl was excited and asked with a tremble: "Mr. Magician?"


The black-haired teenager turned his head and saw surprise when he saw the blue-haired girl: "Lellani, why are you here?"

The girl couldn't help but answer, a swoop, Ruyan jumped into the forest and jumped into the boy's arms.

Holding his arms tightly, a sobbing but firm voice came under his head buried in the chest of the boy: "This time, I will never let go!"

The dark-haired teenager was a little helpless, and looked at the joke around him, scratching his head.

This dark-haired boy is of course Ye Hong.

He was still thinking about when the Grand Mission would arrive, but he didn't expect to see an acquaintance first.

It was the Queen Granny, who was met on the beach of the sunless coast, Leilani.

Because of a coincidence, Ye Hong met Leilani dressed as a maid and misunderstood her identity.

The reason why Lailani was called Mr. Yehong Magician was because Yehong had repelled the joint attack of Axiu and Camille there.

Because he didn't know how to explain his strength to Lailani, he casually found a magic excuse.

Unexpectedly, Leilani actually recognized this title.

Until her maiden identity was revealed, she was still used to calling Yehong by this name.

And at the time of the division in the Grand Country, Leilani vowed to go to Yan Guo to play.

But for the next six months, Ye Hong didn't wait for Leilani once.

So Yehong thought about whether something happened to the Gran King's room that prevented Leilani from getting away.

However, at that time, Ye Hong was busy fighting the fifth family, and he didn't have time to care about it.

Until a year later, I saw Leilani again.

Over the past year, Leilani seems to have changed a lot.

The original immature and pure temperament has become mature.

And some immature parts seem to develop rapidly.

This is especially obvious when Leilani hugged Yehong tightly.


Ye Hong old face blushed and coughed twice.

Leilani also seemed to be aware of her gaffe, and left Yehong's chest with a blushing face.

But unlike the introverted woman in Dongzhou, Leilani was obviously bolder.

She blushed and stared at Ye Hong: "Mr. Magician, I really miss you."

Seeing the tears overflowing in Leilani's eyes, Ye Hong was also touched.

He smiled slightly and stroked Lerani's head: "Why? Did someone bully you when I was away?

Rest assured, I will use magic to help you punish the bad guys. "

Hearing Ye Hong's words, Leilani burst into tears and smiled.

The two smiled face-to-face, both recalling the scene where they first met on the beach.

Over the past year, Leilani has long known that it is not magic at all, but the strength of practitioners.

However, in Lailai's heart, Ye Hong is always the powerful magician who can do everything.

Later, Lilani talked to Yehong about what happened to her this year.

It turned out that after they left the Grand Kingdom a year ago, the current Queen of the Grand Kingdom [Oriana Windsor] had physical problems.

The world-wide poisonous epidemic and meteorite crisis that occurred half a year ago made the Queen's heart haggard and worse.

So the queen immediately appointed the crown prince, and let other princes assist the current crown prince.

And the reason why Lailani has been unable to get away is because he suddenly took over this mission.

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