Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2877: Your brain is not so sick

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However, Leilani was very dissatisfied with the current crown prince, that is, her elder brother [Crom Windsor].

In her view, her elder brother was short-sighted, arrogant, and arrogant, and could not listen to others' advice.

Therefore, Leilani believes that if Crom inherits the throne in the future, it will be a catastrophe for the country.

However, the crown prince was decided by the queen, and no one else was qualified to object.

So Lellani fell into exhaustion and was deeply anxious about the future of Granland.

In this case, a bad news reached Leilani's ear again.

A few months ago, Augusto Lang, president of the Association of Divinity Masters, reported that Ye Hong had passed away.

At that time, Lellani already knew that the magician Mr. Ye Yun that he knew was Ye Hong's pseudonym.

So after hearing this news, I was hit hard.

Whether it is work or life, they are listless and almost depressed.

She didn't want to come this night as a missionary.

Crumb did not want to take her, so she called her to learn the elder brother's ability.

But Lerani didn't expect that this time the emissaries let her see Yehong again!

At that moment, she seemed to be reborn.

Listening to Leilani's exposition, Ye Hong also sighed in sigh.

I did not expect that the legendary Queen of Gran Centennial would still be no match for the power of time and disease.

At the same time, Ye Hong was also dissatisfied with Krum, the crown prince who had tortured Lailani.

"Where is Krum now?

I will use magic power to teach him a lesson and exhale for our Highness! "

Hearing Ye Hong's words, Leilani remembered the envoy who was still outside Ye Shen Temple, and could not help but exclaim.

When the members of the mission were brought in front of Yehong, it was already a swollen nose.

The **** crane that rushed out to save people was naturally only a two-dog.

After Leilani left, the royal guard was not convinced and was ready to take revenge on the second dog.

The results can be imagined.

Ye Hong also saw Crown Prince Crum in Lylanie's mouth.

It's just that the handsome face is tall and swollen at the moment, like a pig's head.

But what doesn't change is still that arrogant look.

He said coldly to Ye Hong: "Are you the **** of the night?"

A fierce beast appears in your temple, why is it not managed?

On behalf of the Gran Kings, I strongly condemn this matter!

If your night gods do not give compensation plans, our royal family will unite major denominations to impose sanctions on your night gods! "

Seeing that Ye Hong sat in the position of the god's envoy, Krum naturally regarded him as the **** envoy of the night god.

While watching Krom threatening over there, Ye Hong was sleepy for a while.

After all, the last person who united the major denominations to suppress the night gods has now been abandoned by Ye Hong.

Could it be that Krom's strength is worse than that of Augusto Lang?

So Yehong yawned lazily and said with a dull expression: "I'm not a god."

Krom suddenly stunned, then shouted: "You are not a god, then what are you doing sitting there?"

"Where can I sit, where can you control?" Ye Hong rolled his eyes.

Leilai next to her quickly covered her mouth, afraid she could not help laughing out loud.

But he said in his heart: Mr. Magician is still as naughty as before.

At the time when Crom was furious, Ananketo at the side finally stood up: "Prince Crom, I am Ananketo, the **** of the night god.

Excuse me, what's your job for your country's mission to come to my night temple? "

"It turns out that you are the Divine Envoy?" Crom turned to Anan Keto immediately, and said in a cold voice: "I lead the mission this time, mainly to inform you of the night **** teaching.

Next week, the Grand King’s Chamber will hold a [miracle appreciation meeting].

You night gods transported the meteorite from the sea to Granland as soon as possible.

Representatives from all over the world will be invited to appreciate the meteorite.

So if you don’t want to be embarrassed, it’s best not to make a mistake! "

Krom's high words made the night gods believers frown.

And Ye Hong's eyes are also flashing.

It turns out that Granland suddenly sent a mission to it, but it was staring at Meteor Star 11.

After all, in the eyes of the world, Meteorite 11 is a so-called miracle.

The Gran Kings intend to use this opportunity to expand their influence.


Why do you always feel that Meteor Eleven is the same as his thing when you listen to Krom?

It seems that Lellani was right.

Her elder brother is really arrogant and arrogant.

Ananketo couldn't help but frowned, "Prince Crumb, please forgive us for rejecting this unreasonable request.

Meteorites are the night gods, never allow others to get involved! "

"Night **** thing?" Krum sneered, "Don't forget, one hundred years ago your Greek country was also the colony of the predecessor of our Grand Kingdom.

Everything that has landed on you is from our country! "

This remark angered all the gods of the night god.

Even Honghong inevitably sighed in her heart. The queen is probably not too sick. Otherwise, how could she be blind enough to let a wonderful flower like Krum become the crown prince?

He shook his head and said to Crom: "Prince Crom, your brain seems to be very ill, or should you cure it first?"

Leilani covered her mouth with one hand and changed her hands to cover her mouth in an instant. A cheek was flushed with smile.

Crom glanced suspiciously at Lerani who was standing next to Yehong, and then faced Yehong fiercely and said: "You guys posing as gods, is there a place for you to talk?

Quickly close your dog's mouth! "


The night **** taught everyone to rebuke in unison.

The neat sound was like thunder, which scared Klaum's body.

"This is Lord Night God. How dare you, a little prince, be rude in front of Lord Night God?"

Ananker yelled coldly.

"Huh? Is he the night god?" Crom looked at Ye Hong with an unbelievable look.

Then he shook his head again and again with a sneer: "Although there are gods in the world, but they all live in the legendary God Realm, how can they come to the earth?"

Ye Hong who has been to the ancient world knows that the **** realm in the Xizhou legend is probably the **** realm in the ancient world, just like the fairy world in the legend of Dongzhou.

Ye Hong suspected that the major gods in the legend of Xizhou were actually some powerful **** clan gods.

Therefore, Ye Hong said indifferently: "Do you believe in the goddess of the sea?

Unfortunately, I have seen her in God Realm. "

At this moment, everyone at the scene couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Even Leilani showed incredible.

Because of Ye Hong's expression, it was nothing like lying.

Ye Hong's words continued.

He looked at the dumbfounded Krum, expressionless: "Your sea goddess asked me to bring you an oracle to the Grand King's room.

That is......"

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