Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2878: The throne does not pass on

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At this time, those in the Grand Country had been stunned for a long time.

Yehong left a **** realm and another goddess of the ocean, which attracted everyone's attention.

At this time, Ye Hongcai said leisurely: "The oracle of the Ocean Goddess mentioned that the King of Gran can never be passed on to such a fool as Krum.

She thinks Leilani is a good child and can serve as the next queen. "

Of course, these words of Ye Hong are all lip service, where has he seen any goddess of the sea.

But when the words came out, the scene suddenly fell into a strange silence.

Lailani blinked, and looked dull, as if she hadn't responded at all.

Krum's face had already turned into pig liver, and he roared: "You fart!"

He said to Ananke: "What the **** are you going to do, how can you allow such a lunatic to talk nonsense here?"

Get him out soon! "

"Prince Crumb, although you are the King's Crown Prince, you can't be disrespectful to our night **** again and again!

If you have such remarks again, Hugh we will expel you from the Greek kingdom. "

Ananke said indifferently.

"Crazy, crazy, all crazy!" Krom looked mad, "What night gods, I think is a group of unreasonable lunatics!"

With that said, he had to take the royal guard and turn away.

"Huh? Did I say you can go now?"

Ye Hong suddenly said.

The night **** believers heard this, and immediately stopped Krom and his party.

"Do you want to fight against my country?"

Krum said sternly.

Suddenly the two dogs came out slowly and glanced lazily at Krum.

Krom thought of the picture of being beaten at the door. His scalp suddenly felt numb and his momentum suddenly weakened. The words in his mouth changed: "What the **** do you want to do?"

"I almost forgot to say." Ye Hong said slightly in the corner of his mouth: "In addition to that oracle, the goddess of the ocean also told me one thing.

That is to teach her this idiot for her. "

Before waiting for Krum's reaction, Ye Hong touched his chin and said: "Since you believe in the goddess of the sea in the Grand Kingdom, then use the sea to punish you.

Come, tie Krum and throw it into the sea. "


The believers of the Night God responded with a rush.

Despite Krum's struggles, he tied him up with a rope and dragged him out.

The royal guards wanted to stop, but they were not opponents of the night gods. They could only watch Krumm being dragged away while screaming.

Leilani was dumbfounded.

Then he anxiously said to Ye Hong: "Mr. Magician, let your people stop!

Although I hate him, I never thought about killing him! "

"Of course I know." Ye Hong smiled. "Relax, I didn't want to kill him."

Speaking, he invited Leilani to the high platform behind the temple.

From here, looking down at the sea, you can see that Krumm is being dragged by the believers to the beach, and kicked directly into the sea.

But they dragged Krum through the rope to prevent Krom from drowning.

So, as the night gods believers kept pulling the ropes, Krum also went up and down in the sea.

At first it was still possible to yell and swear, but in the end it was no longer enough to scold others, just for a while.

Although Lairani looked very relieved, she frowned and said with a bitter face: "But I think Brother Wang will not repent, and may even get worse."

Ye Hong nodded in agreement: "So, as long as he completely cuts off his thoughts of the throne."

Leilani first stunned, then looked at Yehong in shock: "Mr. Magician, what are you going to do?"

"Do you think the oracle I just said is just a joke?" Ye Hong's mouth slightly tickled, and he did not answer questions.

At that moment, Lailani only felt that Yehong had a superb dominance over the world.

Leilai realized that Mr. Magician in front of him was not the same as Mr. Magician a year ago.

However, for this change, Leilani was not annoying, and she couldn't help but even give birth to joy.

Because she knows who Ye Hong did all this.

Krom's punishment is over.

Although the person is not dead, it is almost the same.

The night gods threw the half-dead Krum to the royal guard, who did not dare to let go of the fart, and took Krum to leave the Shenchi City in disgrace.

As for Leilani, she stayed.

In order to resolve the issue of Lailani first, Ye Hong decided to go to the Grand Country before returning to Yan Country.

In this regard, people such as Xing Yuan naturally have to follow along to join in the fun.

After introducing a group of people to Lellani, Lellani was also surprised.

Although Ye Hong didn't explain their outside world identity, Lellani could obviously feel the strange temperament of everyone and Blue Star.

And everyone also loved the generous and polite Lilani.

Especially Li Man, who is about the same age, quickly became a good friend with Leilani.

Before leaving the Greek State, Ananketo offered to send out the whole education to **** Yehong, but Yehong refused decisively.

Night God's mission is still to gather scattered believers, not to follow him.

What's more, with the strength of Yehong's group, who might **** them?

Of course, in order to avoid being bullied by night gods while he was away, Ye Hong gathered a group of backbone gods and taught them a lot of spiritual knowledge.

This knowledge comes from the ancient world and has exceeded the blue star level for several times.

So for that group of backbones, it is tantamount to the initiation of Daigo, allowing their strength to advance rapidly.

In this regard, this group of people is naturally grateful, and their belief in Ye Hong is more firm.

And ordinary believers are envious, and have vowed to work hard to get the guidance of the night **** as soon as possible.

At the same time, Yehong also left some treasures brought back from the ancient world.

There are many combat tools such as powerful weapons and armor.

Yehong wanted them to use it, but Ananketo immediately made people serve as artifacts in the religion, making Yehong cry and laugh.

Ye Hong did not know how miserable Krum was crying.

The capital of the Grand Kingdom, the sun never sets, and the sun never sets the palace.

The platinum palace looks beautiful in the sunset.

But almost all the guards and waiters inside and outside the palace heard the bleak cry of Crown Prince Krom.

Located in the depths of the palace, in a beautiful hall.

On a luxurious bed, an old lady who hung down was lying.

Because the silver gauze covers all around the bed, you can only hear the coughing sound faintly coming from inside.

This old lady is the legendary queen of the Grand Kingdom.

It is also the country with the longest life span of Blue Star.

The Windsor family has been a magnificent figure only for thousands of years.

Oriana Windsor.

However, the legendary queen, now drooping old, half stepped into the coffin.

Krum, with a swollen nose and blue face, knelt in front of Oriana and kept crying.

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