Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2879: Miracle Appreciation

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"Lerani is too much, and even beaten my brother with outsiders!"

"The night goddess is all a fan of Leilani!"

"Mother, Leilani may have an idea about the throne!"

Krom snotted and shed a tear, and three words in his mouth were inseparable from Leilani and the Night God.

Oriana on the bed kept silent.

After a long time, I asked in a weak voice: "So, did I bring the miraculous meteorites you brought back?"

Krum shuddered, but his eyes turned quickly, and immediately said: "Lerani said she was responsible for this matter!

So my mother is waiting with peace of mind that she will definitely bring meteorites back! "

As he said this, Klaum smiled in his heart.

He said so, if the meteorite was not brought back in the end, the Gran Kings wanted to find someone to blame, only Lellani!

Anyway, Leilani didn't come back with him. He splashed as much water as he wanted.

Even if Leilani came back in the end, Krum had 10,000 ways to keep Leilani speechless.

With his head down, his eyes flashed with a murderous sentiment.

Oriana didn't seem to doubt anything, but ordered some details of the miracle appreciation meeting.

The time of a week is fleeting.

The news of the upcoming Miracle Appreciation Meeting has already spread throughout Xizhou.

On this day, the King’s Palace opened the access to the sunless coast for a hundred years, and used this as the venue for the miracle appreciation meeting.

To know that this coast was previously a private place of Wang family, ordinary people were not allowed to enter.

Therefore, countless people have poured into the sunless coast and beaches, and the scene was full of excitement.

At about nine o'clock in the morning, the invited representatives from various countries also showed their faces in the VIP area.

King of Sith, King of Lanxi, King of East Banya... appeared one after another.

Not only that, this time the miracle appreciation meeting also invited representatives from Dongzhou, Nanzhou and Beizhou and other major powers.

For example, the Yan country in Dongzhou, the Ikiput country in Southland, and the United States in Northland... all represented.

The people at the scene instantly understood the good intentions of the Gran King.

Since the first half of this year, the scientific and technological level and practice level of Dongzhou, Nanzhou and Beizhou have advanced by leaps and bounds.

However, they, Xizhou, have been stagnant because of the struggle among the major denominations.

This rare meteorite from Xizhou, Gran Queen Oriana seized the opportunity and intended to deter other three continents.

"Look, the miraculous meteorite fell on our Xizhou territory, can't this tell us anything?"

Presumably, what Oliana wanted to show is what this means.

But everyone on the scene was wondering, which meteorite will be transported from the Greek country in the announcement?

Why can't I see it at the scene?

The most embarrassed to this is the kings of Xizhou.

Because they trust Oriana, they will support this miracle appreciation meeting.

However, at this moment, the key lord is that the meteorite has not appeared. Which miracle is being appreciated?

Therefore, these kings sent people to find the news of Oriana.

Today, Oliana finally no longer lies on the hospital bed.

However, her actions still had to be replaced with wheelchairs, and a group of fearful personal doctors were standing beside her, fearing that Oriana would have three shorts and two shorts.

Oriana in a wheelchair, after hearing the enquiries of the kings of various countries, also cast a stern look at Krumm.

Crumb gritted his teeth and said: "Mother, it must be Leilani who has messed things up, and now no one dares to come back!"

Oriana looked more tired, waved her hand, and sighed: "Then announce that the appreciation will be cancelled..."

Klaum almost laughed out loud in his heart, but walked to the stage with a serious face.

Standing in front of the microphone, cleared his throat, and then said loudly: "Guests, I'm King Crown King Crum Windsor.

I regret to inform you about one thing.

Because of the incompetence of Queen Lailai Windsor, the miracle meteorite could not be transported to Granland.

and so......"

Crumb's words hadn't been finished, and there was already an angry noise.

"Just kidding, we're looking at Miracle Meteorites specifically!"

"Are you Grand Kings playing us as monkeys?"

Not only the people on the beach, but also the representatives of the countries in the VIP seats all lowered their faces.

But at this moment, someone suddenly pointed in the direction of the sea and exclaimed: "What do you see?"

I saw a huge meteorite flying in the sky above sea level.

It is like an alien flying machine in a science fiction movie, full of mystery and science fiction.

This scene suddenly made everyone on the beach dumbfounded.

They have seen meteorites falling from the sky and have never seen meteorites flying against the sea!

Just stunned, they reacted and picked up the camera to take pictures crazy.

But most people are kneeling and praying.

This scene in front of me is not a miracle, what is it?

At this time inside the meteorite, everyone has long laughed into a piece.

This meteorite is of course Meteorite 11.

Everyone thought that Meteor 11 would still be disturbed by the disordered atmosphere in the Blue Star, but did not expect that there would be no problem within the Xizhou range.

So they gave up the plane decisively, flew on Meteor 11, and flew directly from the sea of ​​the Greek country to the coast of Granland.

Because the two countries are only separated by a sea, they will arrive soon.

The reason why everyone laughed was because they saw the people who were kneeling outside.

Except for Yehong, other people never thought that they would be worshipped as gods one day.

Of course, the scene inside cannot be seen outside.

Among all the people, only Lerani looked nervous.

She entered Meteorite 11 for the first time, and was already shocked by the technological crystallization and ancient artifact technology beyond the times.

The whole person stood rigidly, without knowing where to put his hands and feet, for fear of accidentally touching any switch.

Ye Hong walked to Leilani, patted her shoulder, and smiled: "It's almost time you came out, are you ready?"

Leilani remembered her purpose of returning and nodded firmly.

At this time on the beach, as the meteorite got closer and closer, there was a cry of exclamation.

No one seems to remember the Crown Prince on the high platform.

In fact, when the meteorite appeared, Krom's face was already ugly to the extreme.

He didn't expect the meteorite to really come, but still played in such a shocking way.

However, the things that made him even more unexpected are still coming.

I saw the meteorite suddenly hovering over the coast, casting a huge shadow on the beach.

And while everyone looked up at this behemoth, a stone step suddenly stretched out from the inside.

On the stone steps, a blue skirt girl appeared.

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