Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2880: Abrupt change

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Blue hair and blue eyes, blue dress.

Under the sunlight, it is like an ocean goddess under the **** realm.

The people who saw this scene were completely crazy.

If the appearance of meteorite has made everyone sigh miracles.

Then the appearance of such a noble and majestic girl makes them feel that the gods are born!

Suddenly, more and more people were kneeling to the ground.

As the blue-haired girl gradually walked down the stone steps, she was getting closer to the ground.

Suddenly, the people of the Grande nation exclaimed: "Isn't that Her Royal Highness Lerani?"

"How could she come out of the meteorite?"

"Is she the messenger of the goddess of the sea?"

The people were surprised and then overjoyed.

Immediately afterwards, the news that Leilani was the messenger of the goddess of the sea spread to the entire sunless coast.

Before long, thunderous cheers and shouts had sounded on the ground.

"Long live His Highness Leilani!"

"Long live goddess of the ocean!"

When everyone in Meteorite One saw this scene, they all showed the smiles of old father and mother.

The reason they chose this way of playing is also to build momentum for Leilani.

Now it seems that the effect is excellent.

But Yehong frowned slightly.

Somehow, he always felt an uncomfortable breath on the ground.

But because there are so many people, he can't locate the source of breath for a while.

At this time, those delegates from the VIP seats could not help applauding.

It's really because of the way Lerani played, it was too shocking.

Queen Oriana, who looked weak, looked at Leilani who was walking from the sky and smiled comfortably.

Seeing this smile, Krom on the side was eager to bite his teeth, and his chest was filled with jealous fire.

In his view, it wasn't Leilani who was accepting Wanmin's worship at this time, but his Krom!

"I am the crown prince!"

Krum growled in a low voice.

Oriana on the side heard the voice, frowned at Krum, and then sighed secretly.

In the VIP seat, only one person did not stand up and applaud.

Instead of standing up and applauding, he looked at Leilani in the sky with gloomy eyes.

That man is a representative from the Yan Guo Temple.

This man is a young man, wearing a dark gray robe and carrying a long sword on his back.

Between the eyebrows, there will always be a coldness like no one else.

There was nothing unexpected about the strange appearance of this man.

Since the practice of this kind of thing became popular, it was common to see Yan Yan people wearing such robes and long swords.

However, the Yan country man's disrespect for Lellani angered the believers of the nearby goddess of the ocean.

In an instant, many abusive words flew towards the man.

"To shut up!"

The Yan Guo man drank coldly, as if there were invisible waves spreading from the ground, and the people around him were upset.

The movement in this corner immediately aroused the attention of others.

However, the Yan Guo man stood up and stretched his hand toward the void.

The long sword on the back came out of the sheath automatically, but it flew straight towards Leilani in the sky!

"There is no **** in this world!"

The man's expression was fierce and his face was murderous.

"call out--"

The flying sword was faster than the arrow, and flew to Leila in a flash.

Leilani's face was pale, and the whole person was stiff on the stone steps.

At the same time, the people on the coast couldn't help but exclaim in unison.

However, at this very moment, a black awn flew from the meteorite.


Feijian hit Heimang as if hitting a copper wall or iron wall. After making a crisp sound, he fell back to the ground.

The eyes of Yan Guo's youth suddenly froze, pointing at the meteorite and asking, "Who is there to pretend to be a ghost and get out!"

In the meteorite at this time, Ye Hong was also gloomy.

The black awn that protected Lerani just now was from his hand.

At this time, Ye Hong already knew where the uncomfortable breath came from.

It was the Yan Guo youth who attacked Leilani on the earth!

"Ding! Trigger the guru-level seeing ability, trigger the guru-level effect [Dong Ruo Guan Huo]..."

"Ding! After seeing through, the target type: Immortal [Great Wonderland].

The target is good at the ability: Flying Sword Fairy.

Ability characteristics: control flying sword. "

This young man turned out to be a fairy!

Although it is only a big fairyland fairy of the 20-40 level, it is also enough to set off a stormy wave in Ye Hong's heart.

In theory, in addition to the people who came back from the ancient world, Blue Star, there can be no other immortals!

Because above the Blue Star, there is no ancient energy that can make people break through to become the ancient immortal warrior, that is, the fairy.

The most is the most, that is, the ancient law.

The reason why Yehong was able to enter the ancient immortal martial arts was to use Xuanyuan's Taiyi recipe.

What's more, this young man is still a big fairyland fairy.

Even if the other party also used any method to enter the ancient fairy martial realm, it is obviously not that the grand fairy land can be reached in just half a year after Ye Hong left!

The thing that disturbs Ye Hong most is that this young man is still a temple representative!

For a moment, strong uneasiness filled Ye Hong's heart.

Could it be that there is nothing changed in the temple?

The temple is the administrative center of the Yan Kingdom. If the temple changes, it also means that the Yan Kingdom is in a bad situation!

At this moment, Ye Hong no longer had the situation in Xizhou. He just wanted to hurry up the young man on the ground and torture and understand!

At this time, the talents on the coast reacted one after another.

They were so furious that they realized that someone had just started to attack Lellani just now!

"You evil Yan countryman, get out of here!"

"No, you must die with death!"

Even Oriana was terrified.

Then he shouted loudly to the royal guard: "Hurry up and grab the representative of Yan Guo!"

The first team of royal guards suddenly went towards the young Yan Guo.

However, the youth just sneered and stomped **** the ground.


As if stuck in general, a huge deep hole suddenly appeared around him, which also blocked the intention of the royal guards to approach him.

And the royal guard was frightened by this horrific trick.

Because of the young man’s actions, the coast suddenly fell into chaos.

"Local chicken tile dog."

The Yan Guo youth disdainfully sneered, and then looked at the meteorite with a cold eye: "I want to see who is pretending to be a ghost in the end!"

He made a move, and the long sword that had fallen on the ground once again flew into the sky.

This time, it turned out dozens of sword shadows.

The target of all sword shadows is still Lellani!

The blood that had just recovered from Leilani's face disappeared again.

However, at this moment, there was a cold voice from the meteorite: "Dare the light of the firefly also compete with the sun and the moon?"

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