Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2881: Stunned

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Along with the vocals, there was a passionate sound of Longyin.

A ten-meter-long green dragon suddenly flew out of the meteorite.

This kind of dragon is Dongzhou Shenlong, not Xizhou Giant Dragon.

The scales on the green dragon shone with gemstones, dazzling.

But the attention of more people on the scene was the figure standing on the green dragon.

I saw it was also a dark-haired teenager with Yan Guo's face.

He stood on top of the green dragon, with a chic heroic look and imposing majesty of heaven and earth.

One eye, it looks like a **** hunts the sky, it is natural to give birth to surrender and awe.

The sword shadow is heavy, but it turns into a bubble under the young man's hand.

Not only that, the body of the flying sword was held in the hand by the young and easy to lift.

And this young man can only be Ye Hong.

The green dragon beneath his feet is the flying dragon form of the two-dog blue sea arowana during the mutation stage.

Where have the Blue Star people seen flying dragons like Bihai Arowana, they knelt down on the ground and shouted at the beast.

The young Yan country stared at Ye Hong.

"Broken copper and iron, dare to take out Yaowuyangwei?"

Ye Hong looked at the flying sword seized in his hand and said lightly.

The young man on the ground was so angry that he had never heard anyone say that his sword was broken.

The powerful breath of Ke Yehong and Ergou, the understatement melted his black mans, which filled his heart with fear.

I saw his eyes flicker for a while and gritted his teeth and asked, "Where is your Excellency from?"

Ye Hong didn't answer, but his eyes suddenly narrowed after hearing the tone of the youth.

Although the young man spoke the Yan Guo dialect, he had a tone of ancient tone familiar to Ye Hong.

Because this tone of ancient tone can only come from the ancient world!

"Are you from the ancient world?"

Ye Hong asked coldly.

The young man was stunned for a while, and then surprised: "Are you also a fellow of the ancient world?"

The whole person relaxed and smiled and said, "Brother, why didn't you say it earlier?

Almost flooded the Dragon King Temple! "

Ye Hong didn't laugh, but just looked at him expressionlessly.

The young man totally regarded Ye Hong as his own, hehe laughed and said, "Brother, did you come out of prison of exile?

Whether you are a prisoner of war or an exile, you will be a family in the future.

Because Xuan Bing Xian Jun has integrated the two groups together, we will not have to kill each other in the future, and complete the hegemony of ruling the New Territories together! "

Ye Hong was keenly aware of a name in the youth's words.

"Xuan Bing Xian Jun?" he asked frowning, his cold eyes flashing like a sharp blade.

It’s just that the young man immersed in joy didn’t notice Ye Hong’s strange expression, but nodded and said, “Yes, that’s the Xuan Bing fairy king of the prison prison army.

He took us to the New Territories half a year ago.

People in the New Territories are too weak, and treat us as an omnipotent god, but I am euthanized.

Just like last month, I directly took a beautiful woman on the street to take home fortunately, but the people in the New Territories dared not say anything.

Where is this treatment in the ancient world, you say no? "

The young man chattered there, but did not notice that Ye Hong's expression was getting ugly.

Overlooking the young man on the ground, Ye Hong asked indifferently: "The last question, how many people do you come to Blue Star?"

"A hundred or so."

The young man replied subconsciously, and then his eyes suddenly appeared suspicious, "No, we all call this planet the New World, how can we call Blue Star?

Also, [Last Question]...What does it mean? "

"Because this is the last question you have heard in your life." Ye Hongdan replied lightly.

The young pupil shrank suddenly, exclaimed: "No, you are not from the ancient world!"

Then he seemed to remember something, with a horrified expression: "I know who you are, you were from the New Territories six months ago..."

Before he finished speaking, he quickly took out his mobile phone, as if he wanted to send something out.

But Yehong would never give him this opportunity.

Pointing the long sword just captured in his hand to the mobile phone in the hands of the young man, he threw it from the sky to the ground.

This young man is only the strength of a big fairyland, but Yehong is already close to the level of war fairyland.

Whatever Ye Hong's true strength is far beyond the surface level.

The difference in rank between the two decided that the young man could not escape this sword anyway.

"call out--"

Like a fast and shadowless day shooting star, Feijian accurately penetrated the mobile phone in the hands of young people.

After the violent sword pierced the mobile phone, it continued to cast off and passed through the young man's body.

The powerful force took the youth's body and flew out several tens of meters again, and it slammed into the outer wall of the palace, which stopped.

The young man stared blankly at his sword on his chest, and then glanced back at Ye Hong with a glance.


Only one time to spit out the word "Ye", and his head was crooked and left the world.

The young man died, but Ye Hong's face was still somber.

Because he already knew the identity of this young man.

The prison of exile, the exile!

Those criminals who were guilty of crimes in the ancient world appeared on Blue Star!

Because of the leak of the exile just now, Ye Hong knew the time when they came to Blue Star.

half year ago!

This is the time when Yehong went from Blue Star to the ancient world.

The coincidence in time made Ye Hong have to wonder whether these people came to Blue Star with the help of the fairy gate that Ao Lu had opened.

But the problem is not this, but the other party has indeed entered the Blue Star!

With their strength, there is no doubt that a group of tigers suddenly entered the world of ants.

The one that Ye Hong cares most about is the Prison Prison!

The Zhenxian Xianjun is a strong legion specially sent by Xianyu to guard prisoners in exile.

Nominally, it is under the jurisdiction of the warden Guan Mengui.

However, half a year ago, the prisoner of imprisonment came to Blue Star.

And listening to what the exiled person said just now, the immortal army of the imprisoned town and the exiled person were so angry that they were embarrassed!

Moreover, it was Yehong's "old acquaintance" who created this situation with one hand.

Xuan Bing fairy king!

At that time, the sneak attack on Yehong from outside the sky directly caused Linglong and Ao Lu to fall into sleep.

Now Linglong is awake, but Ao Lu still sleeps.

And such a peerless fierce fairy is now in Blue Star, and most likely in Yehong's hometown of Yan Guo!

If he was asked to investigate Ye Hong's identity, then everything related to Ye Hong...

Thinking of this, Ye Hong was so anxious that he just wanted to return to Yan Guo in an instant.

Yehong is in a bad mood here, and there is a subconscious release from all around him.

Almost all of the people on the coast did not feel that the whole body was depressed, as if there was an iceberg standing on the head.

Ye Hong's powerful force of killing with a sword just now made people dare not move.

Finally, the first unlucky victim under this strong pressure appeared.

"No, Her Majesty fainted!"

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