Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2882: Goodbye Kafman

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Oriana has been in a state of panic since the exile started.

When Ye Hong killed the exile with a sword, she let out a breath.

But because of the ups and downs in his mood, it made his body a little overwhelmed and fainted.

The scene was suddenly chaotic.

Ye Hong was also pulled back to reality from the restless thoughts by the outside world.

He frowned and let the two dogs fly to Oriana with him.

Perhaps it was the fierce power that was revealed before Yehong. No one dared to block Yehong in front of him and made way.

Only when Yehong reached out to Oriana, some loyal ministers still shouted angrily: "What are you going to do?"

At this time, Krom on the side also recognized Ye Hong.

He did not rush forward to stop Ye Hong, but dispatched a large number of royal guards urgently to prepare to "protect the queen".

Ye Hong looked at the people who were standing in front of him, frowning.

At this moment, Leilani finally walked from the stone steps to the ground.

She shouted loudly: "I order in the name of Grand King Lailani Windsor, everyone withdraw!

I can guarantee that the Lord of the Night God will not hurt Her Majesty the Queen. "

On this occasion, the clever Lyrani knows why to call Yehong.

Hearing Leilani's words, the ministers and guards were shocked.

Especially the title of Night God made them think of many things.

The night gods of Xi Dianguo, the miracles that took place in Xi Dianguo, Ye Hong who took the dragon out of the miraculous meteorite, and the sword killed Ye Hong who was the arrogant Yanguo youth who made the royal guard helpless...

When all this was combined with Leilani's words, they could not help but jump out an answer.

The young man in front of him is the rumored night god!

When a mortal sees a god, where is the courage to stop it?

And with the assurance of Lellani, who they think is the messenger of the goddess of the ocean, they have no reason to live with God.

When Ye Hong came to Oriana, she raised her hand and used King-level medicine.

After seeing Oriana's health, Ye Hong frowned again.

"My God the Night God, how is my mother?"

Leilani also came to Oliana and asked worriedly.

"I can cure her disease, but I can't give her more life."

Ye Hong said euphemism, but wouldn't Lailani not understand?

"I will be able to protect my mother from illness and suffering."

Leilani seemed to look very open, but turned to tears secretly.

After that, Ye Hong cured the disease in Oriana.

But as he said, Oriana has already reached the limit, and time is running out.

Healed her disease, but only let her stay in the world for a while.

Even Yehong's king-level medical skills can't make people achieve longevity.

Of course, if Oriana suddenly stepped into the realm of spiritual cultivation at this time, she would have the opportunity to extend her life.

However, at her age, it was too late.

After that, the Grand King's room sent Orianna back to the palace.

The people at the scene and representatives of various countries were also arranged to leave one after another.

A century-level appreciation meeting ended in an endless manner.

But everyone who is here today will never forget the scene they saw.

The huge meteorites flying in the airspace, the maiden Lailai from the sky, and the dark-haired teenager who took the dragon to kill...

Ye Hongben also wanted to return to the meteorite, but was stopped by someone.

"Brother Yehong?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Ye Hong turned back subconsciously.

Oncoming from the beach was a handsome middle-aged man with a magnificent appearance.

He was guarded by a large group of black bodyguards.

At this time, the black bodyguards watched Yehong alertly, putting their hands on their waists.

Looking at their movements, it should be ready to pull the gun at any time.

But their hands were trembling.

No way, the peerless power that Ye Hong showed before has left a deep shadow in their hearts.

Seeing the middle-aged man, Ye Hong finally smiled on his cold face: "Brother Kafman, I haven't seen you for a long time."

This middle-aged man is none other than King Kafman of the Sith Kingdom.

When Hiroshihiro first saw him in the sea market, he was still known as the wealthy businessman of "Golden Son".

When Ye Hong came to Xizhou last year, because of a series of errors, he finally indirectly helped Kafman to take the position of king.

Therefore, Kafman equated Yehong with his brothers, and before Yehong left Xizhou, they were treated with the highest standard etiquette.

Today, the Grand King's Chamber will invite the kings of Western Europe, and Kafman should be present.

However, because of the exile, Ye Hong had no time to pay attention to other places, and he ignored Kafman's existence.

"Really you?" Kafman was shocked and happy, "You have been told outside half a year ago..."

He patted his mouth: "It's all back, and he said what they were doing.

Just come back, just come back! "

At this time, a bald man beside Kafman also quickly turned back and kicked the bodyguards. He said, "Dut respectfully, this is a good brother of our majesty!"

Ye Hong recognized that this was the bodyguard next to Kafman, who had led Ye Hong and Phoenix Rose and other people to visit the capital of the Sith country, and now the captain of the Sith Guards, Labadi.

The bodyguards quickly withdrew their hands from the waist, but their hands no longer shook.

Even though Labadi kicked a few feet, they were filled with ecstasy.

They did not think that there was such a good brother in his majesty.

"By the way, I advise you not to return to Yan Guo first.

Your Yan country now..."

Before Kafman's words were finished, Ye Hong said coldly, "What happened to Yan Guo?!"

Kafman felt the power of Ye Hong up close, and he was surprised.

If last year's Yehong only made Kafman feel evil, but today's feelings can no longer be described in words.

Like a mountain standing in front of you, all adjectives are so pale and weak.

And while Kafman was stunned, a Grand King guard in red suddenly ran to Ye Hong and said earnestly, "Master Ye God, Your Majesty, please."


What else did she do?

Ye Hong thought about Yan Guo, but he didn't want to take care of it. When he wanted to refuse, Kafman said: "You should go.

She knows more about Yan Guo than me. "

Then there was no reason for Ye Hong to refuse.

Follow the guard to the King’s Palace.

Ye Hong didn't know that there was another person who had the same ups and downs as Oliana today.

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