Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2883: Temple Change

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Among the scattered people, three figures were motionless on the beach.

They are Ashiu, Camille, and Augusto who can only sit in a wheelchair.

Among the three, Augusto Lang's expression is the most complicated.

Today, the three again saw how terrible Ye Hong's strength was.

In particular, Augusto Lang understands how terrifying the exile is.

Even, he originally expected the exile to defeat Ye Hong.

But such a strong man was taken away by Ye Hongyi's life directly, and also took away the last trace of hope in Augusto Lang's heart.

"Damn, what the **** is he now?"

Augusto Lang unwillingly knocked on the wheelchair.

Axiu pouted, and persuaded: "Old man, you are all like this. What is the use of listening to the realm of others?"

Listen to our persuasion and go back to the countryside to honestly farm and care for the elderly. "

Augusto Lang's body stiffened, angrily said: "How do I farm like this?"

Camille surprised: "President, do you really want to farm?"

That's simple, I and I will help you. "

"You, you!"

On the beach, Oguto Lang's voice suffocated.


It was not the first time that Yehong came to the King’s Palace.

As early as last year, Leilani once took him and Phoenix Rose to browse the palace.

At this moment, the art palace made of the property brought back from the Four Kingdoms in search of the sun never set, but Yehong didn't have any mood to appreciate at the moment.

When he was invited into the Queen's bedroom, he found that Lellani was also serving by the bed.

"Lord of the Night God, I am very lucky to be able to see you before leaving this world."

Although the illness in Oriana is all right, her spirit is still weak.

There was death on his face that only Ye Hong could see.

Ye Hong silently only heard Oriana continue: "I don't know the relationship between you and Leilani, but I can see that Leilani likes you very much."

Hearing this, Leilani immediately blushed and lowered her head.

Oriana sighed: "Although Leilani is not my biological daughter, I have always been regarded as a treasure of my heart.

When I discovered Leilani under the statue of the goddess of the ocean, she regarded her as a gift from the goddess of the ocean.

As for the Gran King, I also think that no one is more suitable for succession than Leilani. "

Hearing this, Lairani was still shy, and looked at Oriana stunnedly: "Mother Mother, haven't you, Brother Klaum always felt more suitable?"

"Stupid boy." Oriana held Leilani's hand and shook her head: "That's not what I meant, but [the palace] a will imposed on the royal family."

Leila Ni thought suddenly.

Ye Hong, who is accustomed to the wind and waves, has already seen through.

The Grameen State is a theocracy, and the largest sect in the country is the Ocean Goddess.

Unlike the king of the Greek State, which was a puppet, the King's room firmly controlled the theocracy.

But in recent years, the theocracy has been weakened, but another faction of the Gran Kingdom has been rising.

That is the administrative system of the Grand State-governing the palace.

The master of the palace is the governor of the palace.

Therefore, the royal family controlled the divine power and won the support of the nobles.

The palace governs the administrative power and is favored by the grassroots civilians.

Over the years, the palace and the royal family have fought openly and secretly for the actual control of the Grand Kingdom.

And Oliana’s physical problems must have given hope to the palace.

Krum is the governor of the palace to prepare to become the crown prince of the next Grand King.

In all this, Oriana who stepped half into the coffin had no right to interfere.

Therefore, Oriana will say that this is the will imposed on her by a family of rulers.

"The governor once threatened me in person and said that if I didn't support Krum, I would shoot Leilani.

Forced by frustration, I can only work with them..."

"But it's different now!"

Oriana looked at Ye Hong, her eyes glowing with hope, "Lord Lord, I know you will definitely help Leilani!

As long as Leilani can take over as queen, I can go to heaven with peace of mind. "

Only then did Lerani know that Oriana had been bearing humiliation, and she couldn't help holding Oriana sadly.

Ye Hong said indifferently: "No one can take away the position of Lailani's Queen."

Although it was just a simple sentence, Oriana felt as if she had eaten the best reassuring pills in the world, and she was no longer worried.

"So Her Majesty, can you tell me what happened to Yan Guo?"

Ye Hong then asked what he was most concerned about.

Oriana nodded her head and looked east: "About half a year ago, after the poison epidemic crisis and the meteorite crisis, Yan Guo's reputation was unparalleled.

However, the Yan State did not choose the path of hegemony, but carried out technical cooperation with countries all over the world to help each other.

Until the Sanctuary of the Yanguo Central Shrine changed..."

Hearing this, Ye Hong suddenly felt tight.

"A group of mysterious people controlled the important positions of the temple almost instantly.

Judging from the reports of our spies in the Grand Kingdom, even the Yanwu's most powerful Yanwu Army could not help those mysterious people, but was controlled together.

Since then, Yan Guo's attitude toward the outside world has suddenly changed.

From the original humility suddenly became overbearing and violent.

Anyone who dared to resist was strongly suppressed by Yan Guo.

Therefore, Yan Guo’s current international reputation is not very good. Everyone says that the dragon-slayers eventually became evil dragons, and Yan Guo also became the nasty powerful country..."

Hearing Oriana, where did Yehong still not understand?

The mysterious people must be the more than 100 prisoners and exiles!

With their strength, it is easy to control the temple and the Yanwu Army.

No wonder today the exile will come to the meeting on behalf of the temple.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that now the entire Yan Kingdom is under the control of that gang!

Ye Hong also suddenly understood why Meteor Eleven would be disturbed by the disordered atmosphere when it selected Yan Guo as the landing place, but it could run smoothly in the Xizhou land.

Because that group of people from the ancient world is now in Yan Guo!

However, the huge ancient atmosphere of them and the new atmosphere of Blue Star are incompatible, which caused the disorder of the atmosphere in the area above the Yan State.

Perhaps it was because of this that the Meteorite Dragon Rock had lost control of the Meteorite.

That is to say, Xuan Bingxian Jun, who was Ye Hong's enemies, is now the actual master of Yan Kingdom.

In this case, Ye Hong can never return to the Yan Kingdom with a big swing.

Not even phone calls to acquaintances, otherwise it is easy to be alert.

However, Ye Hong could not procrastinate for too long, and must return to Yan Country as soon as possible.

First, he was worried about the safety of his relatives and friends. Secondly, the fact that he killed the exiles may soon be transmitted back to Yan Guo, and it will also be noticed.

Therefore, Ye Hong has decided not to use Meteor Star 11, instead to take the plane to the city of Egret, and return to Yan Country as quickly as possible!

After dispatching the night gods to the Grand Kingdom and instructing them to assist Lailai, Ye Hong took the others on the plane.

More than ten hours later, Egret City Airport was in sight.

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