Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2884: Excited Ji Dong

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"Brother Ye, is this your hometown?"

As soon as he got off the plane, Ming Yuan looked at the girls near the airport with bright eyes.

Ningyuan is gray-haired and gray-eyed, and does not cause much disturbance in the complex ethnic areas of Xizhou.

But for the Yan nationality with dark hair and black eyes, it seems very abrupt.

Not only that, the red-haired red jade in the team is also striking.

Needless to say, Ergou, has been surrounded by a photo shoot.

If it weren't for Yehong that they were flying on Queen Oriana's private plane, I'm afraid they couldn't even bring the two dogs back.

Because this is a private airport, there are not as many people around as there are in the public airport.

But in the eyes of young people, there are other explanations for the appearance of Ming Yuan and others.

"Handsome guy, are you a secondary coser? Can you take a picture with me?"

A young girl looked at Ming Yuan with bright eyes, but it seemed that she looked at the appearance of Ming Yuan as COSPLAY.

Of course, there is also something like COSPLAY in the ancient world, so the abyss was just startled, and it quickly reacted.

Smiled: "I am happy."

Ming Yuan was already pretty good, coupled with the unique evil charm of the Ming tribe, suddenly the girl was red-faced.

The crowd on the side looked at this scene with cold eyes, perhaps considering whether to tell the girl the cruel fact that the concubine of the Ming family had already 300 concubines.

Ye Hong didn't have time to control the abyss of hooking up the girl, but was thinking about where to go first.

On the way he came, he had already spoken to the crowd about the prisoners and the exiles coming to Blue Star.

Also made it clear to them that these people will be enemies.

Everyone supported Ye Hong and decided to obey his arrangement.

After thinking about it, Ye Hong still decided to go to the nearest night food from the airport.

There was also the beginning of his life in Egret.

In that place, Ye Hong has many memories that are worth remembering.

At that place, he developed the Supreme Xianghe Glutinous Rice Chicken, participated in the Kitchen God Competition on behalf of the store, and fought against the enemies of the food court...

Face to face, flashing like a horse in the head.

The beauty president Qin Hongshuang who cooperated to open the store together, Murong, the assistant of the talented and talented high-quality students Murong, listened to the dream, Pu Yunyue, the granddaughter of Pu Chang, Pu Yunyue, who often went to the kitchen from time to time, helping Huang Fu and Yao Ling, and Jiang Yu who occasionally came to the door...

Those big figures who have visited the store once, Mo Tianlin, the chief of the provincial palace, Jiang Guchan, the head of the Jiang family, Huang Ze, the king of seafood, and Panda, a wealthy real estate business...

Of course, there are those enemies who once crumbled in front of the night food gate.

Ji Yueling, the ancestor of the Ji family, Dong Yiming, the owner of Wu Fuzhen, Fan Mingen, the president of Yunxiao Group, and Arian Dean, the chef of Lanxi Kingdom...

Scenes of memory flowed from the depths of the memory like springs, and the chaotic thoughts filled up in Ye Hong's heart.

Especially those confidants and friends, Ye Hong desperately wants to know their current safety.


When Ye Hong brought people to the Yeshi Gate, he suddenly fell into silence.

Because of the strong strength of night food, the status of the entire seaside food street has always been unique.

Unless there is a collective vacation in the shop, there will never be no guests.

However, today is not a holiday, but the night food is the door closed.

Not only that, looking at the dust accumulated on the store, it has obviously been closed for a long time.

This scene made Ye Hong sink even deeper.

He wanted to call the people in the shop immediately, but he was worried that he would be detected by the prison guards and the exiles, which would affect their safety.

"You are......"

At this moment, a man's voice suddenly came from behind.

After all, it is a food street and a beach attraction at the same time. Although it is daytime, there will still be tourists or diners.

Ye Hong wasn't too surprised at all, but the sound was familiar.

He turned around and saw a middle-aged man smoking a cigarette in a sturdy figure wearing a chef robe.

Because smoking is not allowed in the kitchen, it is not surprising that chefs on the food street can often see smoking addictions running outside to smoke.

However, Ye Hong knew the chef in front of him.

To be precise, he should not be a chef.

"Ji Dong?"

Ye Hong looked at this middle-aged man doubtfully.

This person is Ji Dong, the head teacher of the Martial Arts of Ji Family.

After the death of Ji Yue's ancestor Ji Yueling, the Ji family changed greatly.

The Ji family head has changed twice in a row, from Ji Xiang's wife Yao Xianghe to three generations of Ji Chuanshuo.

However, in the end, it was discovered that Ji Chuanshuo killed Yao Xianghe together with Huai Yonglu of the Nightmare Factory through the method of killing her mother, and then took the throne of the family.

All this was witnessed by Ji Baxiao, another three generations of Ji family, brother of Ji Chuanshuo, who had conflict with Ye Hong.

In conjunction with the Jijia martial arts general head Ji Dong, he killed Ji Chuanshuo.

At that time, Ye Hong had a holiday with Himekawa Shuo because of the nightmare factory.

Therefore, the reason why Ji Baxiao can kill Ji Chuanshuo mostly depends on Ye Hong's contribution.

Therefore, after the successful revenge, Ji Baxiao finally disbanded the Ji family, and gave the island of the Ji family to Yehong, which became the base of the night of the night.

For himself, he surrendered himself to jail for murder and rethought.

As for Ji Dong, it was entrusted to Ji Baxiao to look for the culprit that has harmed the Ji family for three generations-Huaiyonglu, the nightmare factory.

Since then, it has disappeared.

I didn't expect to see him for a long time, but I would see him in such a situation.

"How do you..."

Ye Hong looked at Ji Dong's chef robe in amazement.

Ji Dong at this time also recognized Ye Hong.

His eyes widened, his hands shivered, and the smoke fell to the ground.

"It really is you, and I'm still thinking about how familiar my back is!"

Ji Dong looked excited.

After seeing Ye Hong looking at his dress, he also reacted.

After scratching his head, there was a trace of embarrassment on his dark face: "I'm not following the clues of Dongfang Luyong, I've been to the door of the absolute sword.

Then I heard the news that Dongfang Luyong has been killed by you at the Seventh Son of Judai..."

Ye Hong silently.

The seven sons of Jue Dao are the seven gatemen in Huaiyonglu's martial arts Jiu Dao, which was not established under the alias Dongfang Lu Yongqian.

Ye Hong was also misunderstood by Qi Zi Qi Zi, thinking he killed Huai Yonglu.

However, the truth of Huai Yonglu's death was due to Xuanyuan's bamboo sticks.

However, Ye Hong did not intend to explain this old story. He just listened to Ji Dong and continued: "After the death of Dongfanglu, I suddenly lost my goal.

After the Ji family was disbanded by the young master, I had nowhere to go.

I thought of trying to be a chef in this food street and waiting for the young master to be released from prison. "

Yehong realized why Ji Ji, a big-eyed warrior, suddenly became a cook.

"Wait a minute, I almost forgot one thing!" Ji Dong suddenly looked around with his guard, and then lowered his voice: "How dare you come back?!

Are you afraid of death? "

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