Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2885: Xuan Bing fairy must die

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Hearing Ji Dong's words, Ye Hong's eyes suddenly froze and asked coldly, "Why are you asking this?

Also, tell me what happened to the night food? "

"Don't you know?"

Ji Dong also seemed quite stunned, glanced at the crowd in the distance, and led Ye Hong and others to the secluded beach behind the nightclub.

Then his face solemnly said: "Do you know that now the entire Egret City is full of your wanted orders!"

"Wanted order?" Ye Hong's eyes were even colder. "Why is the wanted? Where was it issued?"

"Where else can it be? It must be the order of our Jiangnan Provincial Hall and Governor General Mo Mo!

The reason for wanting you seems to be that you are suspected of commercial fraud and absconding with money."

Mo Tianlin?

Ye Hong's brow was wrinkled again, and the uneasiness in his heart grew stronger.

Ye Hong didn’t even have to think about the wanted reason for the lack of tune. It must be an excuse for making up.

What motivates Ye Hong is Mo Tianlin's attitude!

"Do you know where the people in the night food are now?" Ye Hong asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know, it seems like the world is evaporating."

"When did it close?"

"It should have been a month ago..."

Ye Hongshen took a deep breath and thanked Ji, "Thank you for telling me these things. Please keep my whereabouts."

Ji moved his head and said seriously, "You killed Dongfang Luyong and avenged our Ji family. I will help you with this kindness.


Ji Dong wondered: "What are you going to do next?

Or how about fleeing abroad? "

"Escape?" Ye Hong smiled coldly, and the murderous death flashed in his eyes. "The ones who should escape are those who are looking for death!"

At this moment, Ye Hong's immortality was far beyond the world standard, and the momentum was suddenly released.

Although it was only a flash in the pan, Ji was also shocked.

At that moment, he seemed to feel that his heartbeat was still.

Just when Ji Dong was horrified to guess Ye Hong's current strength, Ye Hong had already taken people away from Ye Shi.

The next destination is the Provincial Palace!

He wants to find Mo Tianlin and ask clearly in person!

Provincial Hall, the top of the White Tower.

In the office, a majestic old man is bowing his head for official duties.

He is the chief of the provincial hall, Mo Tianlin, the supreme ruler of Jiangnan Province.

In the office at this time, a young woman with a cold expression was sitting on the sofa.

The province hall is well known, this is Secretary Li Mo who recruited Mo Tianlin a month ago.

At that time, someone secretly ridiculed Mo Tianlin from time to time to remember Secretary Li's appearance.

I never imagined that for the next period of time, everyone in the Provincial Palace had learned Secretary Li's methods.

Anyone who has ideas about Secretary Li will disappear inexplicably.

Finally, Secretary Li became a taboo word in the provincial hall.

Anyone who sees her will be terribly cold.

Secretary Li at this time, while playing with the mobile phone, looked at Mo Tianlin from time to time with cold eyes.

In expression, there is no respect for being a secretary at all.

After a moment, Secretary Li stood up and came to Mo Tianlin's desk and asked coldly, "Old guy, is there any information about Yehong today?"

Mo Tianlin's hand holding the pen was tight, and there were faintly visible green bars.

The face was expressionless and indifferent: "No."

"Humph! If you let me find you hiding Yehong's intelligence, let you die in a minute!"

Secretary Li threatened coldly and walked back to the sofa to play with the phone.

At the end, don't forget to explain: "Also, there are too few of your recent warrants printed, don't be lazy, hurry and print more!"

Mo Tianlin lowered his head and looked at the table with cold eyes, his fists tightened.

In the end, he only sighed silently, showing sorrow and bowing his head again.

But at this moment, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded in the room: "Exactly, I also want you to taste what life is better than death."

Mo Tianlin and Secretary Li's complexion changed at the same time.

"who is it?!"

Secretary Li collected the phone and asked coldly.

However, a hand stretched out from behind her, pinched her neck, and raised it into the air bit by bit.

"Come on--"

Secretary Li's mobile phone fell to the ground, and his hands kept patting the hand that pinched his neck.

But his hands were like iron hoops, so he didn't loosen it.

What surprised Secretary Li most was that the fairy baby in her body was directly destroyed by a powerful force.

In an instant, from an immortal to an ordinary person is not as good as a waste!

"who are you......"

Secretary Li was pinched from behind, unable to turn his head, and could only ask.

Mo Tianlin stood up in surprise, looking at the teenager behind Secretary Li, and said in surprise: "A Hong?!"

Yes, the person who suddenly appeared and restrained Secretary Li was Ye Hong.

With Ye Hong's current strength, it was easy to sneak into Mo Tianlin's office silently.

At the same time, I heard Secretary Li's words.

If you take a closer look, this secretary Li is actually a fairy!

Nowadays, in addition to Ye Hong and others on the Blue Star, they are still immortal, and they can only be the people from the prison of exile!

Whether it is a prisoner of imprisonment or an exile, they are the enemies of Yehong!

After listening to Secretary Li, Ye Hong also understood how the wanted order came from.

It was this Secretary Li who controlled Mo Tianlin and forced him to do the wanted thing for Honghong.

It was difficult for Yehong to kill him, and he appeared directly to control Secretary Li.

Secretary Li is nothing but a fairyland, and has the same strength as the exiles who were in Granville yesterday.

Ye Hong easily destroyed the fairy baby in Secretary Li's body and turned her into a waste.

Hearing Secretary Li's question, Ye Hong said coldly, "I am the one you are looking for."

Secretary Li shuddered and was horrified: "Ye, Yehong?!"

Ye Hong did not answer, keeping the posture of holding Secretary Li's neck still, but slightly loosened his hand so that Secretary Li could speak normally.

At the same time, he asked indifferently: "Tell me, how many people are there in Bailu?"

Secretary Li sneered, "Ye Hong, as expected by Master Xuan Bing Xianjun, you will definitely come back from the ancient world.

It seems that I am guarding in Jiangnan Province, and I really wait for you! "

"Don't talk nonsense, Yemou has limited patience." Yehong said coldly.

"Hahaha, do you dare to kill me?" Secretary Li laughed arrogantly. "What strength are you, and what strength is Master Xuan Bing Xianjun?"

If you kill me, he will surely slaughter your relatives and friends, making you regret it! "

In Ye Hong's eyes, the shock of the sky suddenly appeared.

Dragons have counterscales, and wolves have dark spines! Peeping is anger, touching it is dying!

No matter how powerful Xuan Bing Xianjun behind Secretary Li is, at this moment Ye Hong has only one idea in mind.

Xuan Bing fairy king, must die!

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