Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2886: Severe punishment and severe law, a hundredfold torture

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Ye Hong's heart was full of anger, and the movement in his hand was suddenly tight.

"Ding! Trigger mastery-level torture ability, trigger mastery-level will destruction ability..."

In an instant, Secretary Li screamed.

His face was distorted, and his body caught in the air was trembling.

Even Mo Tianlin beside him couldn't bear to look straight.

But Ye Hong still feels not enough!

His heart was full of anger, and he was far from venting!

"Ding! Triggered ability transfer, the host's selected ability has been transferred to the mastery torture ability.

Torment ability upgrade, current level: Grandmaster level.

Gain master-level effects [Severe Penalties]: When tormenting the target, magnify the target’s sensory perception multiples.

Current magnification: 100 times. "

A bit of a needle was inserted, maybe it was just a moment of pain, and it was forgotten after the eye.

But what if this pain is magnified a hundred times?

Even if the will is made of steel, it cannot be resisted!

This is what Secretary Li feels now!

And, more than that!

"Ding! Trigger the guru-level torture ability, trigger the guru-level effect [severe punishment method], magnify the target one hundred times the physical pain."

"Ding! Trigger the guru-level torture ability, trigger the guru-level effect [Severe Penalty Law], magnify the target a hundred times the nerve touch."

"Ding! Trigger the guru-level torture ability, trigger the guru-level effect [Severe Penalty Law], magnify the target a hundred times the soul fear."


The guru-level torture ability is magnified by a full range of sensory perception, including body, will, mind...

At this moment, Secretary Li only felt that his body had been run over by millions of trucks, and his mind recalled the most feared things in his life.

The endless pain and fear, like a wave, wrapped around her body and mind.

The face changed from twisting to collapse, and the body changed from shaking to struggling.

Under this kind of peerless punishment, Secretary Li finally couldn't stand it.

"I said! I said everything! Please stop!"

When Ye Hong loosed his hands, Secretary Li fell to the ground.

The sweat from all over the body soaked the carpet underneath.

She kept panting, her eyes still full of fear.

"Tell me, your distribution in Bailu City."

Ye Hong asked blankly.

Secretary Li heard Ye Hong's voice, and his body shivered subconsciously.

Not daring to hide anything, I hurriedly said: "A total of twenty people were sent to Egret City.

I am responsible for monitoring Mo Tianlin here, and others are responsible for monitoring others related to you. "

Later, Secretary Li explained the distribution of other associates.

Mostly in Bailu City and Anming County.

The people under surveillance include Mo Tianlin's power and influence, as well as ordinary subordinates like Feng Lubai.

It's weird that Ye Hong didn't hear those relatives and friends who are closer to him.

Such as family members at home, or those in the night food, night blade.

Immediately afterwards, Secretary Li explained the reason: "Of course we also want to control those people, but they were taken to Haiye Island by a group of mysterious red robe people as early as a month ago.

Some of us are still confronting Haiye Island. "

Hearing Secretary Li's words, Ye Hong's eyebrows jumped suddenly.

Mysterious red robe?

Could it be the magma group?

The gods are mysterious and secret, and there is an old man with Xuanyuan, who really has the strength to compete with the people from the prison of exile.

Since Secretary Li said that the two sides are still facing off, that is to say, those who Yehong has been thinking about have not fallen into each other's claws?

Thinking of this, Ye Hong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The heart that has been hanging has also relaxed a little.

But Ye Hong did not completely relax.

Since it is still confrontation, that is to say, the crisis of people on Haiye Island has never been lifted.

And that crisis will not be lifted for a moment, and Ye Hong's heart will not be stable for a moment!

"I said everything I should say, can you let me go now?"

Secretary Li pleaded.

But in my heart, I made up my mind and waited for the information to be reported back to Kyoto.

I couldn't help jumping at the thought of getting a big credit.

However, Ye Hong looked down at Secretary Li indifferently, and said blankly: "I said I would let you go?"


Secretary Li soon realized what.

His face changed, and he ran away with his hands and feet.

But how can she escape from Yehong's palms now that her strength has been wiped out by Yehong?

A black flash flashed and hit Secretary Li's back.

In the face of unwillingness, Secretary Li's body crashed to the ground.

Ye Hong was too lazy to look at the corpse and turned to Mo Tianlin.

Mo Tianlin was stunned for a long time. He didn't recover until the time when Honghong looked.

He was about to speak, but Ye Hong left a word and disappeared into the room.

"Wait for me to go to Haiye Island first, and then come back to other things."

Mo Tianlin looked at Ye Hong's disappearing position with amazement, and shook his head with a smile: "Come and go without a trace, has this kid become a fairy?"

Then he looked more serious, looked at Secretary Li's body on the ground, and sighed: "But now, only the fairy can save the Yan Kingdom..."

Somewhere in the seaside of Egret City, Ye Hong and his team gathered together.

From here to the east, you can reach Haiye Island.

At that time, Yehong still needed to borrow a boat to come and go to Haiye Island, but now it is not necessary at all.

"Two dogs."

With a single order, the two dogs suddenly became a giant green carp.

The wide back is enough to accommodate a dozen people.

This is the carp form in the two-dog green sea arowana form.

The blue sea dragon fish can fly dragons in the sky, and can also swim in the fish.

Going into the sea from heaven, unimpeded.

Yehong deliberately selected a remote beach, otherwise it is estimated that this transformation will scare passers-by.

He greeted the crowd on the back of the fish, and then the two dogs drove the crowd to the direction of Haiye Island quickly.

At this time, Haiye Island was on alert.

Wudao exudes a strong breath, standing on a boat, looking at Haiye Island with cold eyes.

A series of sounds have been introduced into Haiye Island from the ship.

"Dear Haiye Island, our patience is limited."

"We haven't adapted to the environment of the New Territories before, so we haven't used our full strength at all."

"Yehong, who you missed, can never come back."

"I urge you not to be lucky, but just open the island and surrender."

A voice of persuasion, both hard and soft, was issued from these five populations, and bombarded Haihai Island over and over again.

However, in Haiye Island, a neat and loud response came out: "The power is not exhausted, don't say anything!"

The sound of the quake hit the sky!

The tenacious will in the voice made it difficult for the five people on the ship to look bit by bit.

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