Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2923: Sister Song's request

Those who can come to the night tribe to spend more or less know the background of this bar.

I also know the strength of Brother Li.

But the more so, the more incredible they are.

Brother Li, a man of owl, even called a junior younger than him a boss?

If this spreads, it will be enough to sensationalize the underground world of Bailu City.

Those Jiang university students around Ye Hong also froze at the same time.

They now have no idea what Ye Hong is.

Say he is a Jiang University student, but which student can be called the boss of the club brother like Ye Hong?

Say he is a mixed club, but which mixed club can be as rich as Ye Hong?

So a group of people was completely ashamed, just staring blankly at Yehong.

Only Zhou Qianqian and Li Muya, who had a little understanding of Ye Hong's background, were not surprised.

In their view, Liu Yupeng was destined for his tragedy from the moment he planned to find Yehong in trouble.

Because in the entire Egret City, no, no one in the entire Yan Kingdom dares to find Yehong trouble!

Liu Yupeng was completely dumbfounded this time.

Look at Brother Li and Yehong again, as if he didn't wake up, his face is confused.

"What are you doing stunned for? Why kowtow!"

Brother Li stared at Liu Yupeng fiercely.

Liu Yupeng was still stunned, and a response was overwhelming.

Brother Li made a look at the big men behind Liu Yupeng.

Those big men knew that they stepped forward and kicked on Liu Yupeng's knee.


Liu Yupeng's knees were kicked soft and forced to kneel underground.


He just wanted to talk, but his head was pressed down by the big man behind him.

Then he pressed Liu Yupeng's head rigidly and knocked out a total of thirty loud heads.

"Bang Bang--"

All of a sudden, the audience only heard banging.

Liu Yupeng's forehead was already covered with flesh, and blood oozed from it.

But what made Liu Yupeng most sad and indignant was that this scene was seen by countless visitors.

Including Li Muya he admires, his roommate, his classmates... and countless passers-by.

There are even passers-by who look at the liveliness and are not serious, picking up the phone and photographing Liu Yupeng's kowtow scene.

There are only four words left for Liu Yupeng.

Be in disrepair.

The waiter who had previously bandaged Liu Yupeng also stood by right now.

He looked at Liu Yupeng, shook his head, and sighed, "Let's not let you provoke the night, you must not listen, alas..."

Upon hearing this, Liu Yupeng was even more tragic and regretful.

If he knew that Yehong had such a background, he would not dare to provoke Yehong by giving him 10,000 guts!

Ye Hong looked at this scene with a blank expression, and there was no slight fluctuation in his heart.

Brother Li's method seems rude, but it is appropriate to punish people like Liu Yupeng.

Today, if it is replaced by someone else, Liu Yupeng will be punished to death if he fails to guarantee.

Therefore, Ye Hong had no mercy for Liu Yupeng's tragic encounter.

Everything was asked by Liu Yupeng.

But Ye Hong found that Li Muya's group of roommates were scared and shrunk.

Li Muya himself frowned slightly.

Ye Hong knew that they did not like to watch this kind of scene, so he gestured to Brother Li.

Brother Li immediately understood Ye Hong's meaning and waved his hands to bring down the like-looking Liu Yupeng.

"Take a lesson for Liu Shao to make him understand that having money can't do whatever he wants."

Brother Li explained this to his men before turning to Yehong.

Hehe smiled and said: "Would you like two more drinks?"

Ye Hong glanced at the pale faces of those college students and shook his head.

He was worried that if he stayed here again, a few delicate flowers would be directly scared away.

"You have time to eat dinner, I will accompany you for two drinks."

However, Ye Hong did not make Brother Li feel chills, and gave him this sentence.

After receiving such an honoured invitation, Brother Li immediately burst into anger and personally took the people out of the bar.

After that, Ye Hong sent a group of people back to Jiang Da.

On the occasion of parting, Ye Hong also asked Li Muya's mother about her health.

As the victim of the nightmare factory's genetic modification experiment, Li Muya's mother was cold and poisonous in southern and central Xinjiang.

Because of the embarrassment at home, Li Muya's brother Li Dafa even became addicted to gambling.

If it wasn’t for Yehong’s rescue, and Li Dafa had quit his gambling addiction, Li Muya’s family might have collapsed.

On the other hand, it can also reflect how bad the Nightmare Factory is.

However, since the nightmare factory was taken away in one fell swoop, the once-comfortable name seems to be getting further and further away from Yehong.

According to Li Muya, her mother's body has now fully recovered.

In addition, Li Muya was deliberately explained to her to take Yehong home, saying that she wanted to entertain Yehong as her life-saving benefactor.

Ye Hong certainly had no time to go home with Li Muya at this time.

After saying goodbye to Li Muya, he went back to the prehistoric civilization research room and 503 dormitory.

Visited the members of the research room and the four big animals in the dormitory.

For the return of Ye Hong, these two places also greeted him warmly in their own way.

The welcome way of the research room is to throw a lot of archaeological questions towards Yehong and carry out continuous bombing for advice.

The welcoming way of the dormitory is to pull him to play the game all night.

Ye Hongshi couldn't bear such a "warm" welcome, and immediately slipped out of Jiangda overnight.

After that, he again asked Song Qianqian and Song Lingling, the twin sisters, to come out.

Although he promised to invite his sister Song Lingling to dinner alone, he also promised to invite his sister Song Qianqian to dinner alone.

Finally thinking about it, it was still two people who called them together.

For Ye Hong, this is naturally a hassle-free process, but it also inevitably gains the eyes of the sisters.

These sisters are now the two new stars in the security industry, and a cool temperament is not something ordinary women can have.

Staying with them, Ye Hong's pressure has become much greater.

But the sisters didn't come to Xingshi to ask for guilt today, but looked at Yehong with pleading.

"In fact, we would like to ask Ahong to help you find someone."


Ye Hong couldn't help but wonder.

With the power of these two sisters, who else can't find it?

The sisters looked at each other and said the same thing: "Our mother."

Ye Hong suddenly froze: "But I remember your mother is not already..."

Ye Hong clearly remembered that the parents of the sisters had already passed away and were raised by grandpa Song Weiguo.

"Yes, we thought she had already passed away.


The sisters' faces suddenly became serious: "Later we discovered by accident that her'death' was related to an organization!"

"What organization?"

"Nightmare Factory!"

Hearing these four words, Ye Hong's pupils shrank suddenly!

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