Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2924: Weird

The main team of the Nightmare Factory was wiped out in Yan Guo.

The factory director and deputy factory director were all killed, leaving no party at all.

And in the United States, Jiang Taotao also used the power of FCI to clear the research base of the Nightmare Factory.

In that research base, many research subjects were also taken away by the nightmare factory.

Among them, Leng Feng's wife Long Xiaoyun.

But at the same time, it is regrettable that there is also a roster of deceased subjects.

On the roster, some of the research objects were killed.

But whether it was alive or dead, Ye Hong had never heard of the names of the mothers of the Song sisters.

So, where did the information from the sisters come from?

"Sister Long Xiaoyun told us."

An unexpected answer made Ye Hong stunned slightly.

Long Xiaoyun?

Leng Feng's wife?

"Sister Long Xiaoyun told us that when she was caught by the nightmare factory, she seemed to have seen someone who looked like our mother.

Although we are not sure whether that person is our mother, we will not give up as long as there is a trace of expectations.


The sisters smiled helplessly: "We used all the power at hand, but found no clues about it.

Therefore, I can only ask you for help. "

After listening, Ye Hong sighed slightly.

Long Xiaoyun knew what the mother of the Song family looked like, and Ye Hong was not surprised.

Because she is Leng Feng's wife, and Leng Feng also took her to meet the Song family.

But in his view, Long Xiaoyun should have been wrong, and recognized a similar person as the mother of the sisters.

However, Ye Hong would not have the heart to break the sisters’ only hope, and asked aloud: "Do you have any items related to your aunt?

Perhaps, what clues can be found from this. "

The sisters glanced at each other, but suddenly they reached into their shirts.

Seeing this scene, Ye Hong was embarrassed and turned his face away.

But obviously, he wanted to be crooked.

The sisters didn't have any extra movements, just took the same thing from their necks and handed it to Yehong.

One side said: "This is the ‘relic’ that my mother left us.

But apart from such things, the security staff at the scene did not find the mother's body.

This is why we suspect that our mother may still be alive. "

Ye Hong looked closely and found that the sisters were holding a broken jade bracelet in their hands.

The two jade bracelets were put together, as if they could make a complete pair.

Seeing the jade bracelet, Ye Hong couldn't help flashing a look of surprise.

Because of this pair of jade bracelets, he had seen it once.

That time, I went out with the sisters, but I met a flying little thief with short eyes.

Coincidentally, the thief just stole the jade bracelets.

Although it was finally stolen by Yehong people and captured, Yehong remembered that his appraisal ability at that time could not see the attributes of the jade bracelets.

Since then, Ye Hong has also forgotten this incident, completely forgotten.

Today, he once again opened his own identification ability, looking at the jade bracelet.

"Ding! Trigger the guru-level identification ability, trigger the guru-level effect [God Eye Ghost Eyes]..."

Sure enough, this time the jade bracelet in his eyes was very different from before.

"Ding! After the identification, the target attribute: the incomplete space jade bracelet.

Place of Origin: Fairyland of Ancient World.

Function: When using antiquity, you can open the storage space. The target is currently in an incomplete state, so it is temporarily unavailable. "

Ye Hong's pupils were shocked in the depths of his eyes.

Regarding the properties of jade bracelets, he thought about many possibilities in advance.

But he never thought that this turned out to be a pair of space equipment!

Although it is incomplete, the ancient spirit that remains in the jade bracelet undoubtedly proves a fact-

These broken jade bracelets come from the ancient world!

But why is such a thing a relic from the mother of the Song family?

How could something produced in the fairyland of the ancient world appear on a blue star human?

It's impossible...

The appraisal result of the jade bracelet suddenly made Ye Hong feel a mist coming on his face.

Opposite, after seeing Ye Hong in a daze, Sister Song asked doubtfully: "What's wrong, A Hong?"

Ye Hong shook his head and asked the sisters for the pair of broken jade bracelets.

After that, Ye Hong immediately returned to Haiye Island.

He gave a second command to the members of Yebla who were looking for holy bones outside. That was to find clues about the mothers of the Song family.

But a few days after that, like the holy bones, no news came back.

And Ye Hong has been able to stay at Blue Star for a long time.

According to the original plan, if Blue Star has no news of the holy bones, he will take people back to the ancient world and continue to search for related clues.

Only by finding the Holy Bone Routine as soon as possible can Xuanyuan help find Grandma's clues.

At this time, an overseas call was made to Yehong's mobile phone.

It is Jiang Taotao who has not been in contact for a long time.

"Brother Ye, when will you come to the United States to see others?"

Over the phone, Jiang Taotao's charming voice came.

But if someone is really deceived by this voice, it can only be too simple.

This little girl, who looks like a beautiful girl, is now firmly in control of the practice of the United States, that is, all the power of FCI.

Even with the entire northern continent, major countries, and all forces, they can only act on Jiang Taotao's face.

It is the head of the big sister.

"Don't come to this set, is there something else to ask me for help?" Ye Hong scolded.

"I don't miss you anymore.

I heard that you went to the ancient world some time ago..."

However, after a little chat, Jiang Taotao still exposed his careful thinking.

"In fact, it's not a big problem, I just think I should tell you."

Since then, Jiang Taotao mentioned on the phone a strange thing that happened recently in Beizhou.

About a month ago, two intermediate FCI agents disappeared in the sea area of ​​[Zhenpinghai].

Later, when Jiang Taotao dispatched people to search for these two agents, the people sent were also missing one after another.

Until one time, a senior detective finally returned from the sea.

Paradoxically, the senior detective had many wounds that seemed to be caused by beasts.

Seriously wounded, he died shortly after returning to the land.

When FCI inspected the body of the senior agent afterwards, he could not distinguish the beast from the wounds.

It seems to be a species never seen on Blue Star.

All kinds of weirdness made Jiang Taotao's thoughts to the bottom.

It's just that she didn't want to continue letting her men die.

It was at this time that she heard Jiang Yuyun mentioned Yehong's return, and naturally thought of coming to Yehong for help.

After listening to this strange thing, Ye Hong jumped for no reason.

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