Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2926: Drunk red jade is the most terrible

While everyone was guessing who the red beauty was outside, only Ye Hong had a headache.

I didn’t want to meet this aunt, why did I meet again?

Is this long dog nose?

"Please, who are you looking for?"

Jiang Yi was so stupefied when she saw such a beautiful woman with beautiful national fragrance outside her door.

"Get out of the way, I'm not here for you."

The beautiful woman in red reached out and pulled Jiang Yi to the side, but strode toward the store in a stride.

Jiang Yi only felt that there was an irresistible force from the hands of the beautiful women in red clothes. The whole person was directly pushed a few steps and looked at the beautiful women in red clothes.

Those on the table, looking at the beauty in the red dress, changed from amazement at the beginning to stunned, and finally turned into horror and vigilance.

Because during the period when the beauty in red came over, an invisible momentum broke out from the body.

Like a powerful tornado, all the breath of everyone present was involved.

A sense of depression that could not breathe shrouded everyone's heart.

A group of people are horrified, but it is the strength of everyone who can see through this red dress!

Since then, they have seen a beautiful woman in red go straight to a goal on the table!


Their pupils contracted sharply and wanted to get up to protect Ye Hong, but they found that their whole bodies were suppressed by Dashan and they were unable to move at all.

I could only watch the beautiful woman in red walk beside Yehong.

But the beauty in red did not hurt Ye Hong, but instead made a movement that made everyone's eyes widen.

I saw that she stretched out her hand, but she hugged Yehong's neck.

He put his face on Yehong's face and muttered loudly: "Well, good you Yehong kid, secretly drink good wine here, don't call, call the old lady?"

This rough language, which was very inconsistent with the appearance, made a group of people stunned.

Only Ye Hong said helplessly: "Elder Chiyu, are you drinking?"

That's right, this beauty in red is naturally red jade.

Ye Hong knew that Chiyu was here before coming to the United States.

It's just that I didn't think it would happen, she would meet her here in City L.

And Chiyu's cheeks were red, and he seemed to curl up with a big tongue, even with eyes full of drunkenness, obviously drinking a lot of wine.

Ye Hong was curious as to how much wine the tigress drank, so that even the fairy-level she was drunk into this look.

Ye Hong is also the first time to see the drunken red jade.

Although he and Chiyu were not the first "intimate contact", they even ridden her.

But after all, it is the meteorite tiger form.

For the first time in the human form, the two were so close.

Chiyu's white jade face was affixed to Yehong's face, and her bright red lips almost touched Yehong's lips.

A piece of wine mixed with a certain fragrance between them, came straight to Yehong's nose.

Ye Hong suddenly raised a strange look in his heart, as if scratched by a kitten in his heart.

Having said that, isn't a tiger a feline too?

"By passing a winery, I accidentally drank so much, a little...hiccup--"

Chiyu opened two green and white jade fingers, and hey smiled.

Ye Hong's mouth twitched slightly.

I think it’s 100 million points, right? !

Everyone on the table at this time also saw that Chiyu was a friend but no enemy, and could not help being relieved.

But the strange eyes glanced back and forth between Yehong and Chiyu.

Obviously, they also saw that the relationship between these two people was extraordinary.

Vina bit her lip, her face unwilling.

Jiang Taotao glanced down silently at her figure, and then gave a sigh of unknown significance.

"Can you let me go first..." Ye Hong felt helpless, feeling the strange eyes of everyone.

"I won't!"

Chi Yu not only did not mean to loosen Ye Hong, but her body got closer.

This time, not only did the cheeks stick to Yehong's face, but even the body was sitting on Yehong's lap.

And pointed to the Dionysus in Yehong Cup and sighed: "You give me ten pounds of this wine...hiccup...I, I will let you go."

My grandmother!

Treasure God like this treasure of town shop, let alone ten pounds, take a pound of Jiang Yi and Tasker will desperately want him.

Ye Hong felt the pain most, but it was Chi Yu's body sitting up suddenly.

At this time, there were only two layers of fabric between the two, and Ye Hong could even feel the tender skin under Chiyu's clothes.

The most terrible thing is that Chiyu seems to be really drunk, completely unaware of how much excitement her actions bring to Yehong.

When Ye Hong was about to parry, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the gate of Zui Wengju.

Then, one figure after another walked into the store.

"Found it! The woman with red hair and red eyes is here!"

Someone in the crowd yelled at Chiyu.

Then, there was a series of shouts.

Jiang Yi, who was originally at the door, asked: "Will you...?"

"Are you the owner of this store?" Someone in the group looked at Jiang Yi with his teeth clenched, "Come on that red-haired woman!"

"That **** woman stole all ten tons of freshly brewed wine from our winery!"

"Today she will either hand over all the wine or lose money!"

After listening, Ye Hong knew what Chiyu did.

Where did this guy stole the wine from the others, instead he drank the wine from the winery!

A full ten tons of wine!

Is this the "little" wine in her mouth? !

No wonder she will be drunk like this, and no wonder the winery people will chase it all the way!

"Small, stingy!" Chi Yu glanced dimly at the wineries, and said lazily: "Don't you drink a little wine?"

Besides, did I leave something for you to compensate?

Why don't you just let it go? "

"We don't know what you gave, what's the use?"

The man in the winery threw a stone angrily.

Ye Hong looked closely, but it was an ancient stone crystal.

But in terms of value, this ancient stone is far more than the value of the ten tons of wine.

But the problem is that ancient stone is only useful for ancient artifacts, and it is not at all useful for other wineries!

Ye Hong shook his head secretly, vomiting a strange flower in his heart.

On the other side, Jiang Taotao frowned at the distillery and said: "I paid for the ten tons of wine."

When the winery people saw someone wanting to pay, the aggressiveness of the original was eased.

But just as the group negotiated the price, another person came from behind them.

That man is a middle-aged man with a golden bazi.

A pair of small eyes always squint, giving a cunning impression.


Seeing the man, the winery employees greeted each other.

At the same time, Tusca on the table also looked suddenly: "I know him, the owner of the Richard Distillery in City L-Mados Richard.

It turned out that this group of people belonged to Richard Winery. "

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