Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2927: Little grasshopper in a lion

When Mados came to the store, his eyes swept across the table.

All the males were swept away by him.

Most of the eyes stayed on the women such as Chiyu, Weina and Jiang Taotao.

Of course, the two dogs who had been staring at the corner and Xiao Qi's big eyes also made him look a few more times.

But that's all.

Mados finally focused on Chiyu.

First glanced greedily at Chiyu's figure, and then showed an arrogant look: "We winery, don't want money to compensate."

Jiang Taotao heard what Mados said, and frowned, "What do you want?"

Mados smiled and pointed at Chiyu: "I want her."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone on the table flashed unhappy.

Not to mention the unclear relationship between Chiyu and Yehong, even if Chiyu is just a passerby, they can't stand Mados's lustful appearance.

"Mathos, if your winery still wants to open, take back what you just said."

Vina said lightly on the table.

Usually if someone causes the unhappiness of Vina, the black-armed godmother, the ending is already doomed.

However, Mados did not know Vina's identity at all. Not only did he not be shocked after hearing this sentence, but he even more arrogantly said: "Yohe! Want to threaten me?

Are you associates of this red-haired woman?

Then I tell you, if you don’t hand over her today, I can send you all into the prison! "

"It's a big tone." Jackson sneered.

Obviously, after the Black Arms, Mados caused another dissatisfaction on the FCI side.

A few words actually offended the two most powerful forces of Beizhou, and it was considered a talent.

It's just that Mados still didn't realize that he was hanging on the edge of the cliff, and he was still domineering: "Why?

But here I keep the whole surveillance video of this woman stealing wine from our winery.

You said, if I give this video to FCI, what will happen to this woman? "

How could Mados think he was a killer, but he didn't let the people on the table fluctuate.

Everyone looked at him indifferently, with only ridicule left in his eyes except for mocking.

It was like a group of spectators watching the clown performance.

Mados was irritated by these eyes and shouted: "Do you think I'm kidding?!"

"Then you try it." Istiah covered her mouth and smiled.

"You asked for it!"

Mados looked gloomy and immediately picked up his phone to make a call.

Just a few seconds later, several figures in FCI agent uniforms walked in outside the door.

Although Mados was surprised that FCI arrived so fast, he would not miss this opportunity and pointed directly to a group of people on the table: "Inspectors, there is a group of thieves here who conspired to steal my ten tons of wine!

Please be sure to arrest them all! "

Mados added a little bit of oil and vinegar, but failed to make the eyes of the FCI agents look on the table for a second.

The FCI people looked at Mados throughout.

The eyes in his eyes were full of indifference.

"Mr. Mados, we are now arresting you for defamation, please come back with us to assist in the investigation."

Mados looked at the shackles in his hand, and the words from his ear made him feel as if he was dreaming.

He didn't react until the FCI's people dragged him out.

He asked in disbelief: "Inspectors, have you made a mistake?

They are thieves, I am the victim! "

"I think you are the one who made the mistake?"

The FCI person shook his head and sneered: "You are pointing at our FCI chief executive and slandering her as a thief.

Do you think we will believe such a thing? "

Mados was startled, then his pupils shrunk a little.

He looked back at the people on the table, only to think that the people at that table seemed to be in the sky, looking at himself indifferently.

And now he is like a little grasshopper suddenly jumping into a group of lions.

Obviously people can shoot themselves with one paw, but they are very happy.

At this moment, Mados just wanted to slap himself.

Lost in spirit, he was taken away from the drunkard by FCI.

On the other side, the employees of the winery saw how the boss was arrested, and they dared to stay and swam away.

In the shop, calm was restored.

For the FCI members who popped up suddenly, Ye Hong had no surprises.

With Jiang Taotao's current status, it is not normal for some men around him to secretly guard.

At this time, Yehong looked at Chiyu beside him without a word.

The culprit fell asleep on Yehong sometime.

Eyes closed tightly, arms still surrounding Ye Hong.

A scent like a blue musk spit on Yehong's face, bringing a crisp and itchy feeling.

He sighed secretly and sent Chiyu to the room upstairs.

Then return downstairs and continue to eat with the crowd.

But because of this incident that happened halfway through, the sentimental atmosphere about Qi Shangde has been diluted a lot.

A group of people also curiously asked Ye Hong about Chiyu.

Since then, Ye Hong shared the ancient world experiences he said on Haiye Island with everyone on the table.

A group of people listened to their eyes and marveled.

Only when he heard Chiyu's unbearably powerful realm, his face became weird.

Obviously, they did not expect such a wonderful work when such a top strong man was drunk.

"Brother Ye, next time you go back to the ancient world, will you also bring our FCI people?" Jiang Taotao stared at Ye Hong with bright eyes. "I will bring everyone with FCI, and I promise to help you find those annoying The guy has to be beaten and obedient!"

"And I."

"Also count me."

Jackson, Du Gu and speechless people all raised their hands and looked eagerly.

"This is not anxious in advance, let's talk about the strange thing of Zhen Pinghai."

Ye Hong turned his attention to Jiang Taotao.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's face was serious.

Obviously, they all heard about the strange thing.

"We have discovered that there is a place in the sea where the incident occurred that is most doubtful."

Jiang Taotao took out his mobile phone, pointed to the map above, and introduced to Yehong: "Look at this location."

Ye Hong looked around and found that there was a peculiar black triangle at the location pointed by Jiang Taotao.

"This is called [Devil's Triangle"].

There used to be many ships, all of which disappeared inexplicably here.

All scientific methods are invalid here.

But recently, the area of ​​action of the sea area seems to have expanded outward, and there are more and more ships missing around that area.

So I think there must be something unknown that happened! "

Ye Hong also looked at the map, and the relevant data of the devil's triangle sea area appeared in his mind.

He also heard about this strange sea.

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