Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2928: Black memory

Since the last century, the prestige of the Devil's Triangle has spread.

There is a no-go zone for ships at sea and a no-fly zone for air planes.

Some scientists once suggested that the magnetic field in that sea area seems to be different from all the blue star sea areas.

The peculiar magnetic field will attract the ship that strayed into it to the bottom of the sea, causing the phenomenon of disappearance.

Once the plane flew over the sea, it would be similarly disturbed, causing the plane to crash.

Of course, there are other views.

Such as seabed black holes, aliens, ancient ruins... and so on.

No matter what kind of viewpoint, no one can verify it.

It's just that the sea area recently expanded strangely outwards, and even FCI agents were unfortunately killed, so Jiang Taotao didn't pay attention.

"Go and see the agent's wound tomorrow."

Ye Hong put his thoughts aside and said lightly.

With this clue now, it is not possible to analyze what.

Only after seeing the wound can we get clues.

The next day, early in the morning.

When Yehong got up, she found that Chiyu had already woken up.

When he came to the restaurant hall, Chiyu greeted him like no one else: "Yo, what a coincidence."

Ye Hong asked with a weird look: "You will not forget what happened last night?"

"Last night?" Chi Yuxiu frowned slightly. "What happened last night?"

I remember that I seemed to drink a lot of wine, and then woke up in this restaurant. "

Yehong looked at Chiyu silently for a while, and shook her head in her innocent eyes, sighing, "Forget it, just forget it."

Ye Hong yelled to Jiang Yi who was preparing breakfast in the kitchen: "Jiang Yi, go back and give me a half-pound of Dionysus sigh, I'm going back to Yan Guo."

Jiang Yi in the kitchen hadn't answered yet, and Chi Yu shouted anxiously, "I need more than half a catty!"

Ye Hong turned back immediately and looked at Chi Yu with a blank expression: "Did you mean that you completely forgot what happened yesterday?

How do you know that Dionysus sighs? "

A big blush appeared on Chiyu's face, and then he clenched his fists and clenched his fists: "Boy, do you seem to have too much nonsense?"

"...I'll see if the breakfast in the kitchen is ready!"

Seeing Ye Hong's rushing back, Chi Yu put his hand on his hot cheek and twitched, "I already knew that I wouldn't drink so much wine, it's really cheap, stink boy!"

After breakfast, Ye Hong went to the L City branch of FCI.

The body of the detective was placed here.

Chi Yu didn't know where she heard about it, so she followed her directly.

Ye Hong was unable to refuse her, and could only let her follow.

The detective's body was kept frozen.

But even through the transparent freezer, you can see the fierce breath on the wounds on his body.

The scars deep into the bone marrow are like the marks left by the claws of an animal.

However, each of these scars is more than half a meter long, which makes FCI people unable to find the corresponding animals in any way.

"Ding! Trigger the guru-level detective ability, trigger the guru-level effect [Track and Trace]..."

Looking at the scratches on the wound, a huge animal figure gradually came out of Ye Hong's mind.

Ten-meter-long body, sturdy torso, sharp fangs...

Overall, the most likely animal is a lion-like animal.

But like the FCI people, he couldn't find a realistic existence consistent with the animal image in his brain.

So he opened the freezer and reached for the wound.

At this time, Chi Yu on the side also looked at those injuries for a while.

Then disdainfully said: "Well! Isn't that the wound left by the lion."

"Impossible, where did such a big lion come from?" Jiang Taotao shook his head.

"Huh! Your blue star does not, does not mean that our ancient world does not.

Like this lion, I have seen more in the ancient world. Chi Yu sneered.

A group of people immediately shut their mouths honestly.

After all, they are involved in the knowledge of the ancient world, and these people are not even worthy of raising shoes for Chiyu.

"No." However, Ye Hong looked down at the wound, but shook his head and said, "It's not an ordinary lion."

He pointed to the end of the trace on the wound and said: "It can be seen from this that this wound is almost completely injured by some kind of machinery."

Because when Ye Hong just probed the wound, she was keenly aware of the mechanical breath coming from above.

Hearing Ye Hong's words, everyone was stunned again.

Even Chi Yu, who was originally full of confidence, approached the wound and suspiciously said: "Is it a lion of some mechanical form?"

But after she found that she had finished speaking, everyone around her, including Yehong, looked ugly.

"Uh... what's wrong?" Chi Yu asked in amazement.

"You don't know." Ye Hong explained ugly: "In the ancient world, speaking of mechanical creatures, you might think of the mechanical family for the first time.

But at our Blue Star, everyone will only think of an organization for the first time! "


"Dream! Nightmare! Work! Factory!" Ye Hong said gloomyly.

Yes, when the conclusion of the mechanical lion appeared, Ye Hong thought of the nightmare factory as soon as possible.

After the nightmare factory, besides the genetic modification of human beings, which is a evil in the world, another great feat is the mechanical modification of humans!

Even the robots in Yeblad now have many inspirations from the mechanics of Nightmare Factory.

But the robot is a machine after all, but the mechanical transformation of humans is a cruel operation on the body of humans or animals!

Even Olivien, the deputy director of the nightmare factory, was frustrated by the fate, and he also integrated his body and machine into a veritable mechanical monster.

Now, the four words of mechanical lion immediately awakened the black memories of many people present.

Even though Ye Hong is so powerful now that he covers the four continents, he still feels a sense of depression in his heart when he remembers the memories of the nightmare factory that he could not look back.

"Oh! Isn't it just a small factory? It's good to stab to death with one finger."

Chiyu didn't feel the feelings of the blue star, and looked disdainfully.

And Chi Yu's words made Ye Hong sober suddenly.

Yeah, Yehong now is not the same as before!

Even if you encounter the nightmare factory in its heyday, you can easily eliminate them.

What's more, it's just a guess now.

In the end, whether it is the nightmare of the nightmare factory or not, you have to go to the sea area and check it out.

After that, Ye Hong kept walking, but came to the beach.

The idea that Jiang Taotao and others planned to send someone to follow was decisively rejected by Ye Hong.

That kind of weird place is not better with more people.

So Yehong and Ergou are enough.

Of course, you have to add a red jade to follow.

And when Ye Hong set off for the Devil's Triangle, there was a peerless murderer slowly waking up under the sea.

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