Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2938: I may not be human

The sound suddenly resounding over the evil lion magnetic island is of course Yehong's.

Thunderbolt was annoyed by the malfunction of the evil lion magnetic island. Hearing Ye Hong's voice, he faced the sky with a fang: "Where are you hiding? Get out and let Lao Tzu eat!"

"Huh? You just called me uncle just now, why do you want to eat me now?" Ye Hong's voice continued to echo in the air.

"Bullshit! I am the uncle who called the evil lion Magnetic Island, what's the matter with your kid?" Perak sneered.

"It seems that you haven't realized what happened yet." Ye Hong's voice was joking at first, and then suddenly cold, shouted: "Then let me help you understand!"

Suddenly, the body of Thunderbolt started a movement of ghosts and animals.

This time the thunderbolt finally reacted and shouted into the sky: "What the **** do you, bastard, do to my body?!"

"Stupid, don't you understand?" Chiyu landed on the island somehow and said lightly: "Your body has been occupied by Yehong."

She secretly wondered in her heart.

She just said casually before, but did not expect Ye Hong to actually let the evil lion Magnetic Island recognize the Lord again.

Being able to take away the evil lion magnetic island from Perak can only prove that Ye Hong's master is higher than Perak.

Recalling that Ye Hong was only in control of the scene of the fiery meteor in the sky, Chi Yu suddenly silenced with a complex face.

Ye Hong, who was controlling the center at this time, heard this conversation and couldn't help but look black.

He always felt that Chiyu was driving, but there was no evidence.

"What?" Thunderbolt was taken aback. "This is by no means possible!"

How many years have I merged with the evil lion magnetic island, how could this kid say that he can take it away? "

But he hadn't finished speaking, and his body moved uncontrollably.

This time the invisible power is more exaggerated than before. It is no longer a simple ghost animal, but a thunderbolt thrown into the sea, and then fished out, repeated indefinitely, becoming an upgraded version of the ghost animal!

In and out, it becomes up and down!

"Damn! Is it true that she said?"


"Boy, I advise you to stop, or else..."


"...Boy, there is something to say..."


"Brother, I was wrong!"


"I didn't even admit you wrong, are you still here?"


"Woo, uncle, uncle Yehong, let me go!"

Thunderbolt finally gave up resistance.

He originally lived on the evil lion magnetic island, and now the evil lion magnetic island is not under his control. He is no different from waste.

Ye Hong in the control center finally stopped the instruction to torture the thunderbolt and smiled coldly: "Do you still eat me?"

"Don't eat, don't eat, I swear I won't eat in my life!"

"Huh? Is that something to eat next life?"

"When did I say... grunt-"

The thunderbolt has no strength to cry, desperately said: "I gave up, give me pleasure."

"Oh! You killed so many people. Wouldn't it be cheaper to give you a happy heart?"


Ye Hong passed his voice to Chiyu's ear: "Sister Chiyu, is there any way to control this guy?"

"Do you want to conquer him?" Chi Yu frowned: "I advise you to give up this thought.

Evil spirits have absorbed the purest evil thoughts between heaven and earth. They are a generation of unforgivable sinners, and it is impossible to be subdued. "

"No, how could I want to conquer this kind of guy.

I just wanted to lock him on this evil lion magnetic island, torture it if it's okay. "

After hearing this, Perak shouted with grief and indignation: "I may not be a person, but you are definitely the evil spirit!"

"That's it." Chi Yu felt his chin, thinking seriously about Ye Hong's thoughts.

Thunderbolt wanted to escape, but as long as he had action, he would be sucked back by the powerful magnetic force on the evil lion magnetic island.

This means he used to deal with people who do not know how many people, but now it has become his fatal shackles.

The desperate thunderbolt can only pull his head, waiting for the advent of the trial.

"Yes." Chi Yu's eyes lighted up: "Thunderbolt is the evil spirit of the evil lion magnetic island, and it was also the once used spirit.

You can modify the background program of Qi Ling through the control center's program menu to make him into an easy-to-control existence. "

"It turns out that I will try it."

Ye Hong's voice no longer came, apparently trying to go.

A thunderbolt dragged his head, but a flash of cunning flashed in his eyes.

I secretly said: "Fortunately, I had a back hand.

As long as the kid enters the background program, it will definitely be calculated by my remaining hands!

Until then... Hehe hehe! "

Under the sea, control the center.

Yehong opened the background program and found the program of Qiling.

It turns out that the so-called organ spirit is a program derived from ancient artifacts.

At this point, Linglong is different from ordinary instruments and spirits.

She is a composite product of the combination of the flesh and the spirit, so she claimed to be a fairy, not a spirit.

But Thunderbolt is a pure procedure.

After seeing the original program, Ye Hong discovered that when the Thunderbolt was originally designed, it was also a housekeeper-like instrumental spirit similar to the meteor master.

But because of the absorption of evil thoughts, it has become what it is now.

Now, this guy's original program is in front of Yehong.

Ye Hong wanted to transform him into what he likes.

Just as Ye Hong was preparing to attack this program, a voice suddenly came to his mind: "Ding! Found a malignant virus, automatically triggering the master-class computer ability to remove the virus..."

"Ding! Remove malignant virus, computer ability +10..."

"Ding! Computer ability upgrade, current level: Grandmaster level.

Obtain the master effect: [Code God], the efficiency of compiling code is enhanced, and the enhancement factor increases with proficiency.

Current efficiency: 100 times. "


A surprise flashed in Ye Hong's eyes, but he was very grateful for the virus that came out of nowhere, so that his computer skills that had stopped for a long time were strengthened, and he successfully entered the master class.

Exactly, the code ability is needed to modify the program at hand.

Yehong did not delay, and reached out to modify the program code.

On the island, the thunder shuddered, and a spit of black plasma spit out of his mouth.

It's hard to find a channel: "How could that virus not be cracked by the top code masters of the mechanical family, and even given by the kid...

What kind of monster is that kid? ! "

Ye Hong didn't know the current thought of Perak, but he still concentrated on modifying the code.

Finally, a few minutes later, he shot with a big hand: "It's finished!"

"Now, it's an experiment."

The corner of Ye Hong's mouth suddenly aroused a bad smile.

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