Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2939: Some things are not negotiable

On the island, Perak is still immersed in shock.

Suddenly, he turned his head and glared.

A figure slowly floated up from the bottom of the sea.

It was Yehong who let him hate him!

Watching Ye Hong approaching him step by step, the thunderbolt remained silent, but his heart was full of murderousness: "As long as it is within 10 meters of me, I will be killed!

Humph! Not in the control center, how do you restrain me? "

While Perak was silently calculating the distance between Yehong and himself, the oncoming Yehong suddenly smiled and said, "Little Perk~"

Thunderbolt was sick for a while.

God is so small, can it be more disgusting?

But at this moment, Thunderbolt found his throat tickled uncontrollably, and a syllable he had never ran out of his throat: "Wang!"

At that moment, the whole island was quiet.

Chiyu and Ergou both looked at Thunderbolt blankly.

Thunderbolt was dumbfounded.

He is a great lion!

How can a dog bark? ?

Then Thunder suddenly thought of something, staring at Honghong with a murderous look: "Are you the ghost?"

Yehong smiled and nodded: "Yes, I set your program to [as long as I call Xiaobaipa, you can respond with a dog barking.]"

Thunderbolt is full of grief and indignation: please, be yourself? !

Chiyu shook his head in tears: "You kid..."

Ergou also looked at the thunderbolt sympathetically.

Too bad, really bad.

A good lion was turned into a dog by Ye Hong!

After the thunder and grief, he comforted himself: anyway, it was just a shame...

Then, he began to silently calculate the distance between Ye Hong and himself.

But at this moment, Ye Hong stopped and waved to Thunder: "Go over."

"You let me go past, then I am not very faceless?" Thunderbolt looked disdainful.

But at the next moment, Perak found his body rolling towards Yehong uncontrollably.

That's right, it's roll!

When the thunderbolt rolled in front of Yehong in disgrace, he asked sorrowfully: "What program is this..."

"[If you are asked to roll over, you have to obey the program]." Ye Hong smiled.

Thunder raised his paw silently, watching Ye Hong's eyes full of fierceness!

At this distance, he can kill Ye Hong!

However, he hasn't acted yet, but finds that his big claws fanned towards his face uncontrollably!


This big slap directly fanned the thunderbolt.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, I also set up a program [if you want to hurt me, you have to slap yourself]."

Yehong smiled.

"I fight with you!"

Thunderbolt lifted his big paw again, but the paw fell on his face without surprise.



"Get off." Ye Hong was another instruction.

The body of Thunderbolt actually made a rolling movement subconsciously.

"Huh? I didn't set this instruction." Ye Hong wondered.

The rolling Thunder body stiffened, grieved and angry: "I'm too cheap!"

He got up and ran towards the depths of the evil lion magnetic island.

"Lao Tzu can't bother you, can't you?"

However, before running a few steps, the whole body fell heavily to the ground.

Ye Hong shook his head and said, "There is another thing I forgot to tell you.

I set up a program for your range of activities.

The specific scope of activities is about five square meters. "

Thunderbolt is in despair!

Five square meters, he didn't have enough shit!

Thunderbolt cried, crying very loudly.

Ye Hong no longer cares about the sad reminder, anyway, there will be time to torture him slowly.

The reason why Ye Hong did not directly destroy the thunderbolt was not to have compassion, but to have his own plans.

It is no accident that the evil lion magnetic island appeared on Blue Star.

The evil thunderbolt, which has lived for thousands of years, must know a lot of relevant information.

This information is why Ye Hong left a thunderbolt.

Shaking his head, Ye Hong came to Olivion's body.

Unexpectedly, Olivier was still sighing in death.

But obviously, he saw the tragic encounter of Thunderbolt throughout.

At this time, the eyes were more sad than death, almost indistinguishable from a corpse.

Even evil spirits are not Ye Hong's opponents, what can he do?

Yehong overlooked Olivien and asked indifferently: "Tell me, why can you be resurrected?"

Yehong clearly remembered that Olivien was cut off by the fifth sword half a year ago. Even the corpses were cleaned up by Yehong. Why is he resurrected now?

Reminiscent of the nightmare factory's long-term goals, Ye Hong was inexplicably upset.

The banner of the nightmare factory is to revive the dead through genetic modification experiments!

Huai Yonglu, Wang Brown, and Vina's father...

These people were all attracted to this ideal, and thus joined the Nightmare Factory!

Now that Oliverne is resurrected from death, does it mean that the nightmare factory's resurrection experiment was successful?

And if this experiment is really successful, it is no exaggeration to say that it can definitely change the entire Blue Star... No, even the historical process of the entire ancient world will be directly changed!

Those former great powers will be resurrected.

Those once evil criminals will also be resurrected!

The two worlds will fall into chaos!

But... is it really as simple as you think?

"Want to know?" Olivion lying on the ground suddenly laughed, smirking, and said: "Then you will save me!"

Only me can tell you this secret! "


The blade of Xingyu's long sword pierced Olivier's chest directly.

Olivion stared blankly at the long sword on his chest and muttered to himself: "Why... don't discuss it..."

"There are some things that cannot be discussed." Ye Hong looked at Olivion with a blank expression. "I will naturally investigate what I want to know.

Discuss with me? Are you also worthy? "

Olivier's eyes gradually relaxed, and then he suddenly burst out laughing: "Yeah, I don't deserve it!"

I was originally a chess piece in the hands of others, I am not worthy!

I don’t deserve it, ha ha ha ha! "

Ye Hong frowned again.

Olivion stared at Yehong with his last breath: "Yehong, don't think that killing me will end your nightmare!

You never know what the words nightmare represent!

Even Qi Shangde, who founded the Nightmare Factory, is nothing but a pitiful piece like me!

Nightmare will always be with you!


In an eerie laugh, Olivion finally swallowed the last breath.

The enemy is dead, but Ye Hong's expression is not very good-looking.

What did Olivian mean before he died?

Is it mysterious, or is it really hidden?

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