Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 3221: Different consciousness

"Yes! Of course we haven't lost yet!"

Ning Qixiang also recovered from the upset and frantic emotions.

Her eyes flickered fiercely, staring at the approaching crowd: "I didn't want to do so absolutely. You forced me!"

After saying this, she sent out a series of gestures.

And this time it was not aimed at the ground, but at the army of ancient beasts outside the city!

Obviously, those ancient behemoths are also controlled by the Dark Chef.

At this moment, Ning Qixiang's gesture command should have been received.

Suddenly, the actions of the ancient behemoth suddenly changed unexpectedly!

At this time, in the deer king city defense command post, an old deer general in battle uniform was staring at the big screen in front of him.

In the room he was in, there were hundreds of such large screens.

Different big screens are broadcasting the battle situation in various directions outside Deer King City.

A huge mechanical behemoth seemed to rush out of the screen, which was shocking.

The busy crowd ran among the machines, conveying information and orders one after another.

At this moment, a deer soldier came to the front and reported in a hasty voice: "Your Excellency Marshal, there is an urgent report outside the city. The mechanical monsters seem to have temporarily stopped their attack."

The old general looked at the strangely stopped mechanical behemoths on the big screens, frowning: "If something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

Send my order, send people to watch every move of the mechanical behemoths, don't take it lightly! "


But shortly after the soldier retreated, the old general's expression suddenly changed.


He hurriedly said: "Come here, send reconnaissance troops to detect the temperature and radiation heat changes in the area 100 meters around the mechanical behemoth!"

It didn't take long for information to be returned.

"Report! The reconnaissance troops sent back a test report!

The report claims that the temperature of the 100-meter area around the mechanical behemoth is rising rapidly!

Radiation heat response graph feedback, the heat source is the mechanical monsters themselves! "

"Sure enough..." The old general's face turned pale for a moment.

Trembling his lips, he shouted sharply: "Tell me to order everyone in the city to hide in the shelter as soon as possible!

At the same time all soldiers evacuated the front line!

Be fast! "

"Your Excellency Marshal, what happened?" Some subordinates asked puzzledly: "Didn't we stop those giant beasts outside the city? Why did we suddenly abandon the battle line?"

"Idiot!" the old general roared: "Because those guys really want to blew up!"




In a small courtyard in the city.

Listening to the noisy movement outside the courtyard, You Ziyi and Qiu Ying were a little uneasy.

In fact, they Nixianjiao also detected the idea of ​​the mechanical monsters wanting to explode.

When they came to Gentle, they asked anxiously: "Should we also take a break?"

"Yes, if those guys all blew themselves up, I'm afraid this King Deer City..."

Facing the nervous two people, Gentle shook his head faintly: "Don't worry, our leader still has a trick."

"Are there any tricks?"

Qiu Ying and You Ziyi looked at each other.

Is Yehong able to solve this kind of great crisis?

In the air, the shed.

"Hahahaha!" Ning Qixiang laughed wildly, "Since I can't get this King Deer City, don't you think of a complete King Deer City!"

Everyone at this moment couldn't notice the crisis outside the city, they all stared at Ning Qixiang.

"Ning Qixiang, are you crazy, right?"

"You did this, did you leave yourself a way out?"

"Living way? Haha!" Ning Qixiang sneered, "Since I established the Dark Kitchen, I have put life and death away!"

She looked savage and mad, and laughed wanton: "What's more, King Deer and millions of sentient beings will be buried with me today. Even if I die, I will be able to retain my name forever!"

No one went to talk to this crazy woman anymore, but looked at the ancient behemoths that kept approaching outside the city with an uneasy expression.

Only Yehong's eyes remained calm.

The corner of his mouth was slightly hooked, and he said in his heart: Third son, come up.

City Defense Command Post.

The old general of the deer clan stared at the big screen, and there were bloodshots in his eyes.

He was short of breath, shouting again and again: "Have everyone in the city retreated?!"

"Report! About 30% have not been withdrawn!"

"Speed ​​up the progress! In addition, how far is the mechanical monster from the city?"

"Report! It's less than one kilometer, and the estimated approach time is five minutes!"

"Five minutes..." The old general felt dizzy, his body shook, and he almost fell to the ground.

"Your Excellency Marshal!" The surrounding subordinates exclaimed and stepped forward to support him.

"Five minutes, how could it be possible to evacuate all the people in five minutes!" The veteran general who was being supported had very painful eyes.

"In the beginning, His Royal Highness Deer King wanted to use the Deer King City layout to attract secret chefs.

This idea also got my consent.

But now the crisis is approaching...I, I am sorry to the innocent people and tourists! "

Facing the old general who blamed himself, his subordinates were also very sad.

"Your Excellency Marshal, this is all to blame for being too cruel on the other side, and you are not the culprit!"

"Yes, you and His Royal Highness Deer are also thinking about the Beast Emperor Valley!"

"Your Excellency Marshal, let's evacuate here too, right?"

"No!" The old general gritted his teeth and stood upright, looking at the direction of the city with eagle eyebrows and tiger eyes, and said word by word: "Before the people in the city are completely safe, even if the entire army is wiped out, we must not retreat. step!"


The echoes resounding all around were full of tragic atmosphere.

Everyone knows that if those giant mechanical beasts start to explode, the first place to be affected is their city defense command post, which is the closest to the city.

But at this moment, no deer clan soldier escaped!

Because this is their mission!

The same goes for death, Ning Qixiang represents selfishness, but these deer soldiers are demonstrating generosity!

In the tragic atmosphere, someone suddenly pointed to a big screen and exclaimed: "Your Excellency Marshal, what is that?!"

The old general looked along and found that there was a huge mechanical monster approaching King Deer City on the big screen.

But what attracted the old general the most was not the mechanical monster.

It's a black shadow in the sky behind that mechanical behemoth!

The black shadow seemed so huge that the big screen couldn't fully capture it, only a part of the black shadow could be seen blurred.

"Quick! Quickly gather all the screens around and see what it is!"

Under the eager command of the old general, hundreds of screens quickly connected and gathered into a huge screen.

In this way, I can see the huge black shadow in the sky clearly.

"Then, what the **** is that..."

The soldiers and soldiers, including the old general, were all shocked and dumbfounded.

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