Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 3222: Yehong's third move

The culprit that shocked the deer clan soldiers was actually a black spaceship that suddenly appeared in the sky outside the city.

I saw that the spacecraft was huge, and at first glance it seemed to be a thousand meters long.

The huge ship is pitch black, round in front and warped in the back.

From a distance, it looked like a huge black pipe, hovering strangely in the air.

These strangely-shaped spaceships, coupled with the strange and mysterious aura, made both sides of the battlefield stunned.

And in this weird silence, a rugged woman's voice came from the black spaceship: "Baoyu, beat my old lady!"

As soon as the sound came out, the huge black ship disappeared into the air instantly.

Both sides of the battlefield were taken aback.

Before they could react, the black giant ship also appeared in front of an ancient beast.


The huge black giant ship slammed into the ancient behemoth.

Although the ancient giant beast is huge, how can it be comparable to this island-like black giant ship?

Upon collision, the black giant ship was also the part that smashed the ancient behemoth into one place.

Both sides on the battlefield were aghast.

The ferocious black giant ship shocked everyone!

After that, the black giant ship didn't even have any thoughts of stopping, and crashed into the ancient behemoth brigade one after another!

"Boom boom boom boom—"

Those ancient behemoths are like the pins in front of bowling balls, being smashed and broken one after another!

The behemoth brigade was aggressively just now, but at this moment it was like a chicken in front of an eagle, and it broke with one touch!

And no hen can protect them!

At this moment, how dare the ancient beasts continue to rush into the city, and have fled to the valley outside the city!

But the black giant ship didn't mean to let go of the ancient behemoth, chasing and rushing away.

With that brutal style, the soldiers in the city defense command post were stunned.

"So... is it our reinforcement?"

The old general asked in disbelief: "Which one of you will tell me, when does the Beast Emperor Valley have such a powerful weapon?"

At this time, one of his subordinates looked at the giant black ship on the screen and said uncertainly: "Your Excellency Marshal, this ship looks like the [Poyu] piloted by the legendary interstellar pirate!"

"Interstellar pirates?" The subordinate's words made the old general even more confused, "Why did the interstellar pirates suddenly help us?"

"This... the subordinates don't even think about it!"

There are also a bunch of people in the air shed who share the same doubts with them.

Just now when the ancient giants were about to rush into the city and explode, their hearts were also desperate.

But in the next second, the whole situation suddenly turned around.

The appearance of the huge black ship Poyu made everyone unexpected.

Only Hu Yuzhu frowned and muttered, "Why is that woman's voice so familiar..."

Ye Hong smiled secretly in his heart when he saw Hu Yuzhu's reaction.

That's right, the sudden appearance of Poyu is of course the super-giant ancient artifact that stays invisibly in the eastern suburbs-Xinghai Youling!

At the same time, it is also the spaceship of the legendary interstellar pirate.

And the appearance of Poyu is not accidental, it is Yehong's third move!

Although he could not predict what would happen today, it did not prevent him from preparing in advance.

After confessing his gentleness yesterday, he contacted Qu Yiyuan again.

He also ordered Qu Yiyuan to let her help deal with any changes in King Deer City today.

Qu Yiyuan is now full of thoughts about how to invite Yehong to space, and what he said to Yehong is a request!

Moreover, what Ye Hong asked her to do was not at all dangerous.

Those ancient beasts seem fierce, but in fact they are at best equivalent to the combat power of giant ancient weapons.

In front of the super giant ancient weapon Xinghai Yuling, there is no resistance.

Therefore, there was a comical scene of a ship chasing wild animals on a rampage.

However, although Yehong had already told Wenrou about Qu Yiyuan and the interstellar pirates, he forgot to tell Hu Yuzhu.

So much so that Hu Yuzhu could not have imagined that the woman driving that huge black ship now was Qu Yiyuan, who did not give him face at all on the street that day.

Ye Hong thought of the scene where the two might meet later, and he wanted to laugh.

At this moment, Ye Hong was relaxed and happy, and even though Hu Yuzhu and the others were at a loss, they also let out a long sigh of relief.

But the mood of the three people on Ning Qixiang's side can only be described as terrible.

"This is impossible! Reinforcements can't be here so soon!" Ning Qixiang shouted madly.

Up to this time, she thought Poyu was a reinforcement from the Beast Emperor Valley.

However, she did not expect that the Poyu had already concealed her figure and had been parked in the eastern suburbs valley for several days.

"Crazy woman! Don't go crazy here, I am fed up with you, old cow!"

Niu Zhen raised his huge fist and walked towards Ning Qixiang step by step.

"President! Stay in the green hills without worrying about no firewood!"

At this moment, the celebrity judge said to Ning Qixiang with a serious face: "Our action today has failed!

I'll hold them later, you take the opportunity to leave here quickly.

As long as you and the hidden chef are still there, there is no worries that there will be no comeback!

As long as you can leave, there is also a chance to avenge me! "

Ning Qixiang's eyes were painful, he patted the judge on the shoulder, and gritted his teeth and pressed the remote control in his hand.

In an instant, the familiar machinery immediately sounded when it turned.

The enclosed glazed shed, like a container, collapsed in all directions.

The fresh and ancient atmosphere from the outside world was poured in.

The ancient atmosphere is closed and lifted!

At the moment when the shed disintegrated, Ning Qixiang didn't hesitate to turn around and **** away.

"President wait for me!"

Pig Yitou trembled, raising his foot to catch up.

"Where to go?!"

Niu Zhen smiled coldly and stepped forward quickly.

The celebrity judge opened his hands and stopped in front of Niuzhen's path, saying with a cold face: "Niuzhen, if you want to hunt down the chairman, you have to pass me first..."

Before the word "Guan" fell, the Human Race judge's entire line of sight was flooded with an increasingly larger hooves.


Niu Zhen looked at the blood stains under his feet with disdain: "I can't help myself!"

He spat on the corpse that the human judge's mother couldn't recognize, and raised his foot to continue chasing Ning Qixiang and Zhu Yitou.

"Pig Yitou, stop for this king!"

On the other side, Hu Yuzhu didn't watch.

As soon as his strength recovered, he chased Zhu Yitou with a murderous look.

"Chairman Ning, I'm afraid it's not that easy to leave now, right?"

Lu Pingyou also scurried from another direction, outflanking Ning Qixiang in the opposite direction.

Lao Yu's eyes moved, and when he was about to help each other, he found a figure in front of him.

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