Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1102: Oh my God!


That night?

Upon hearing these four words, Luo Qingqing, who was about to break out of the cabinet, was shocked as if she had been electrocuted suddenly. *WWW.suimeng.lā,.

"What's the matter? Could it be that the stinky boy and Xu Minjing have already had a relationship? This...how is this possible? The stinky boy should be mine, how can...can be taken away by other'females'?"

Because Luo Qingqing and Lin Feng grew up together, they were childhood sweethearts, so even when facing Qin Yanran, Luo Qingqing still looks like the first time I knew Lin Feng and I felt that the other'women' were her. The third party between Lin Feng.

But now, hearing Xu Minjing's words, it is very likely that she has spent the night with Lin Feng, which is a great blow to Luo Qingqing's self-confidence.

As a result, Luo Qingqing's original actions stopped, and she froze in the closet, quietly listening to the movement outside. She wanted to really confirm from Lin Feng's answer whether what Xu Minjing said was true.

"Minjing, I...I didn't expect that that day we would actually...really, fake the show and do it."

Knowing that Li Yutong and Luo Qingqing were in the room, but when facing Xu Minjing, Lin Feng said the matter first. Lin Feng groaned for a moment, but he still shouldn't hide anything from Luo Qingqing. You can't tell her this matter directly. Let her know the relationship between herself and Xu Minjing in this way indirectly!

Sometimes many words are like this. If you tell it positively, no matter what tone and attitude you use, the consequences will be overwhelming.

In particular, Lin Feng faced the savage "female" demon Luo Qingqing, who always regarded Lin Feng as his own imprisonment. If he knew that Lin Feng had a relationship with other "females" behind her back, Lin Feng felt that Luo Qingqing was certain I will be so angry that I will peel off my skin.

It's good now. Under such embarrassment and embarrassment, Luo Qingqing was hiding in the cabinet and heard about it. Although Lin Feng didn't know how Luo Qingqing would react, at least there was time to ease.

Even though this is too cruel for Luo Qingqing, but this is already the best way.

"Lin Feng, I don't care if it's a fake show or something else. I just ask you, do you...do you like me? Is there me in your heart?"

Having said these words to this point, Xu Minjing certainly no longer has any scruples. However, if she knew there were other people in the room, and there was more than one person, she wouldn't dare to be so bold.

"I like it, Minjing, do you know? In the two months since you left, I felt like a demon in my heart. I wanted to go to the capital to find you, but... I was afraid that you would not see me. Silently texting you every day, have you seen those text messages? But why don’t you reply to me?”

Even though Li Yutong and Luo Qingqing were also present, Lin Feng still said frankly these love words that should have been said to Xu Minjing.

"Those text messages, I... I actually see them every day before I turn on the phone before going to bed. Every time I want to reply to you, I typed a long list of words, but finally deleted them."

Xu Minjing bowed her head slightly, shy like a blooming lotus'flower', leaned down, looked at Lin Feng's eyebrows, and said with a smile, "But none of this is important anymore, am I back? Lin Feng, I am Your "female" person, a lifetime "female" person, would you...want me?"

From these conversations between Xu Minjing and Lin Feng, Luo Qingqing knew thoroughly that Lin Feng had indeed been taken the lead by Xu Minjing.

In this way, Luo Qingqing's whole mood and position have undergone a major change. Before, she felt that whether it was Xu Minjing, Qin Yanran, Li Yutong, or the star Su Zixuan who was confused with Lin Feng, these people are all latecomers, and they are the third between her and Lin Feng. By.

But now, Xu Minjing has already had such a relationship with Lin Feng, and Luo Qingqing no longer has the confidence to say "Lin Feng is mine".

Why does she say that? Did you just grow up with Lin Feng since childhood? Doesn't that even the dead fat Zhang Zhen has the right to say?

Thoroughly, Luo Qingqing felt that she had failed, she had been defeated by Xu Minjing. But she was not reconciled. She didn't know how she lost. The sudden frustration made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

Originally, she had reason to have the courage to rush out of the cabinet, and she could question Lin Feng and Xu Minjing's relationship face to face.

But now?

Luo Qingqing just wanted to hide in the cabinet tightly, she was afraid, she was afraid of being discovered by Xu Minjing. Luo Qingqing paid close attention to the gap where the cabinet was "exposed". If possible, she really wanted to find a place that no one could find, and lock herself tightly, and never interact with anything. People touched.

"Huh? What's the matter with Qingqing? Just now I was so angrily waiting to kick open the cabinet's door. Why is it like a wounded white rabbit, shivering slightly, and shed so many tears?"

Li Yutong discovered Luo Qingqing's abnormality, but I don't know why, but he felt pain in raising land, and sympathized with Luo Qingqing.

"I'm sorry! Sister Qingqing, although this is cruel to you, but...I really can't help it."

Naturally, Lin Feng was always watching Luo Qingqing in the cabinet with her spiritual sense, and found that she suddenly became like this, and her heart was too painful to suppress the ‘twitch’.

In this bedroom, Xu Minjing was the only one who was ‘deceived’ in the dark, not knowing the existence of other people. She was already emotional, ready to dedicate herself to Lin Feng again.

However, at this moment, the spiritual senses of Lin Feng and Li Yutong once again discovered that there were footsteps walking towards this side. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"I'll go, who is this?"

Lin Feng, who heard the footsteps, was almost crying. Why is your bedroom so lively like a market this night? Did everyone come to their room to confess?

But, it's so late, who else will come to his bedroom?

Could it be that Qin Yanran killed him suddenly? Or did the superstar Su Zixuan not leave at all? Or was the nurse sister Liu Yan Ru rushing over the wall?

Not! Not! None of...

A figure that Lin Feng and Li Yutong did not expect came to Lin Feng's bedroom lazily, stepping on slippers.

When I swept this person with my spiritual sense, Lin Feng's face was almost bitter and hard to look like, and he cried out, "My mother! You are really my real mother, dare to come and join in the fun at this time!"



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