Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1103: Pity for the Same Disease (Part 1)

At about 10:30 in the evening, in the bedroom of Lin's father and Lin's mother on the second floor of the Lin family, today's celebration banquet was busy all day from morning to night, and Lin's father and Lin's mother were almost exhausted. WWWW.SUIMENG.lā,. Pinshu

As soon as Father Lin touched his'bed', he fell asleep snoringly. However, Mother Lin was lying on the'bed', tossing and turning without any sleep.

Hululu! Hululu...

Lin Shengli's snoring sounded loudly, and Zhang Guizhu was upset.


Zhang Guizhu unceremoniously kicked Lin Shengli out of the'bed'. The sleeping Zhengxiang Lin Shengli woke up, crawled from under the'bed', and said with an aggrieved expression, "Guizhu, this most of the night, Why are you kicking me if you don't sleep?"

"My old lady can't sleep, who made you sleep so soundly? My son has done such a big thing, and your heart is so big that you can sleep."

Muttering, Zhang Guizhu said to her husband unceremoniously.

"Something big? What big thing happened to Xiaofeng? Guizhu, isn't our Xiaofeng good? Can something big happen?"

Father Lin said with a look of suspicion, and at the same time moved his body for fear of being kicked by his wife again.

"Ms. Xu and Qingqing both came home. It's not a big deal? And... when we washed the dishes late, I also talked with Tongtong. Do you know what Tongtong thinks of our Xiaofeng Huh? Say it, you probably have to envy your son." Zhang Guizhu said.

"What's your idea? Can't you see me as a fool? Tongtong must have been interesting to our Xiaofeng, otherwise, can we help our family take care of the heroic restaurant wholeheartedly?"

Lin Shengli was not drowsy for the time being kicked by his wife. He leaned on the head of the'bed' and said, "According to Miss Tongtong's ability, helping us to manage the hero's restaurant is too small for us. But you old lady, I Look at you, you really regard Tongtong as a daughter-in-law's wife."

"So what? Tongtong, I want to be a daughter-in-law's wife. Whether in appearance, **** or ability, it is dozens of times stronger!"

After a happy laugh, Mother Lin said, "I asked Tongtong what she thinks of our Xiaofeng after dinner, do you know? She actually said that no matter how many'women' there are around our Xiaofeng, she will always It's a'female' person who belongs only to our Xiaofeng."

"What? What's this idea? Is it possible that Miss Tongtong can still accept that Xiaofeng's three wives and four concubines are not successful? No! No! What kind of messy thoughts are these? Men, three wives and four concubines? That is the bad habit of the old society. Our men in the Lin family have always been single-minded in feelings. My son must be the same as me."

Hearing this, Lin Shengli stood up from the'bed' and said.

"Come on! Lao Lin, you are good at it, you can't stand up to my mother and I alone, you still dare to think about three wives and four concubines? But our son is different, but you have a lot of skills. You didn't see Teacher Xu, Qingqing, Tongtong, and Mayor Chen’s daughter Qin Yanran, and even the big star Su Zixuan, all around Xiaofeng?"

Mother Lin also got up from the'bed' and said, "They are all vying to be our Lin family's daughter-in-law'women'!"

"Then you can't hug the left and the right? Guizhu, don't teach our son to learn badly. These'girls' children are all good'girls' children. Let Xiaofeng not be sentimental, and don't be corrupt. The'door' lintel of our Lin family." Lin Shengli said seriously.

"So! My mother, what I'm bothering about is this big event. These'girls' children are all excellent, how do I choose?" Zhang Guizhu said with a headache.

When Lin Shengli heard this, he smiled, and pointed to her and said, "What do you choose? Guizhu, the right to choose is not in our hands. Now it is free love, let their young people decide on their own."

"I gave birth to him and raised him, and he is going to marry a'wife' now. Can't I give some reference?"

The more I thought about it, the more Zhang Guizhu couldn't sit still, looked at the clock on the wall, took a sigh of relief, took the coat on the side of the'bed' and walked towards the'door'.

When Lin Shengli saw it, he hurriedly asked, "Guizhu, where are you going out so late?"

"If you don't ‘figure’ this question, I won’t go to bed all night. I went to the little bastard’s room and called him up and asked him which ‘girl’ child he most liked."

After speaking, Mother Lin stepped on her slippers and went straight to Lin Feng's bedroom to kill.

As soon as Mother Lin left the'door', Lin Feng's spiritual sense had already noticed it. But now, he is accepting Xu Minjing's affectionate confession.

At this time, Li Yutong, who was standing invisible next to Lin Feng, could only helplessly spread his hand to Lin Feng again, and said helplessly, "Lin Feng, what should I do next? Auntie came here too, and it really is tonight. Your disaster day!"

"Sister Tongtong, what else can I do? Anyway, I definitely can't let my mother know that you, Sister Qingqing and Teacher Xu are all in my room. Otherwise, she will definitely want to open my ass." Lin Feng said with a bitter smile helplessly.

At this time, Xu Minjing didn't know anything about it. She was already reaching out to take off Lin Feng's clothes.

"No way! Minjing, what... My mother is here." Lin Feng could only helplessly hold Xu Minjing's hand and said.

"Lin Feng, don't lie to me. How could Auntie come over at this late hour? And, if she came here, how could you know?" Xu Minjing winked like silk, thinking Lin Feng wanted to play "desire". He greeted, and said with a smile, "Don't be embarrassed, I didn't see how reserved you are that night!"

"It's not that I'm reserved! It's my mother who really came here, I have heard footsteps. Hush...my mother is about to knock on the'door'..."

Lin Feng’s voice just fell, and there was really a knock on the door and Mother Lin’s voice, "Xiao Feng, are you sleeping? Open the door, Mom wants to ask you something."

Hearing Mother Lin's voice, Xu Minjing stopped her irregular hands.

"Mom! I'm already asleep, if you have anything to say, let's talk about it tomorrow morning!"

There are still three "women" hidden in this house~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How dare Lin Feng let his mother come in?

But how could Lin Mu be able to dismiss Lin Feng's "sleep"?

"Get me up when I fall asleep. Tonight, there are some things, Mom must ask you in front of you."

With that said, Mother Lin knocked on the'door' again and said, "Quickly open the'door'."

"You can't open the'door', Lin Feng, your mother saw me inside when you opened the'door'." Xu Minjing hurriedly whispered.

"But, Minjing, if I insist on not opening the'door', my mother will definitely think there is a problem, and then go find the room key to come in." Lin Feng said helplessly.

"Then... wait a minute, I... I hide first, and then you go to open the'door'."

In a hurry, Xu Minjing quickly scanned Lin Feng's bedroom, and his eyes undoubtedly fell on the only place to hide in the room-the big closet.


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