Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1131: Someone spends your life

Lin Feng, alone, wearing a weird and mighty great saint mask, standing at the big gate of the mining area, blocking the power representing the most powerful countries in the world such as the United States, Japan, Russia, and Europe. At the'door', and he just reached out for money. {Щww{suimеng][lā}. !

"Mr. Dasheng, we will definitely pay the remaining balance. It's just that time is running out. We are the first to come over. You can let us go in first, right?"

For the American captain Jackson, who didn't want to lose time, he pleaded with Lin Feng.

"No! You can only enter after paying. My great sage's credibility has done what was promised to you. You should also fulfill your promise and pay the remaining 15 million US dollars. You Americans are not the most demanding contract." Is it a spirit?" Lin Feng said without letting go.

"This...good! Our horse...Mafu."

Seeing that the Japanese, European and Russian forces behind were also chasing after him, Jackson had to grit his teeth and let his subordinates hurriedly transfer the funds over the phone, and then transferred the remaining 15 million US dollars to Lin Feng's account.

Even the Americans who claimed to be the policemen of the world, faced Lin Feng, didn't dare to recklessly recklessly, so he could only'hand over' the money obediently. The other three forces chased after him, and there was no time-consuming ‘wave’, so they quickly ordered their subordinates to transfer the money to Lin Feng. After all, with this one hundred billion worth of diamond mines, what is a mere 15 million dollars worth?

"Good, good! One hand to'pay' the money, the other to let it go. Don't worry, as long as the money arrives, anyone of you who wants to go in can do it! My great sage's signboard is a leverage."

After the phone confirmed that the money had arrived, Lin Feng said his words and stepped away. All forces rushed into the mine area, and after they entered the mine area, they all kept a safe distance from each other. Because in their view, now that they have escaped, the alliance is no longer necessary. They are both competitors, and they are likely to play black hands behind each other.

"Hey! Good show... only now!"

Seeing these superpowers pounce on the mining area like hungry wolves, Lin Feng smiled knowingly. He called again and checked the balance of his anonymous Swiss bank account. It was 106 million dollars this time. The pockets of a mission swelled up instantly.

However, Lin Feng is still not satisfied with this. The superpowers of these countries, working for various countries and forces, are ultimately a huge threat to them. Especially when they joined hands to deal with it, it was overwhelming.

Therefore, Lin Feng would take this opportunity to completely dismantle the interests and trust between these group forces.

"That Russian Jack, this time seems to want my life. Okay! Let's get him operated on first..."

Thinking of that rocket bomb, if Lin Feng had no magic weapon to protect his body, he might have been planted. This hatred is not avenged by the non-gentleman. Lin Feng saw that Jack was not pleasing to his eyes earlier, so he decided to take him first.

Inside the mining area, Captain Jackson of the United States took the lead, first controlling the entrance and energy system of the entire mining area, and then quickly dispatched his men to collect ore samples under the mining area.

The Japanese were not to be outdone. Although they were weak in the next step, they quickly followed the United States and entered the mining area, and they also wanted to collect ore samples as quickly as possible.

On the European Union's side, seeing the weakness after more than one step, they moved their brains. Their captain Jimmy walked back quietly, but instead ran to find Lin Feng at the ‘door’ of the mining area.

"Mr. Dasheng, it really opened my eyes today. I didn't expect that Mr. Dasheng's strength is already a grade."

When Jimmy came, he said something nice. This is a typical British style, and beautiful words are always spoken first.

"Captain Jimmy, those who are now entrenched in the Crow Mine have retreated, and other forces are desperately seizing the resources of the Crow Mine. Do you still have time to compliment me like a gentleman?" Lin Feng smiled slightly and said.

"Mr. Dasheng's strength really admires me. I don't know. Does Mr. Dasheng's previous price of "transaction" still count? Ten million US dollars, kill a B-level strong." Jimmy looked around. , Found no one else, and whispered.

As soon as he heard this, Lin Feng knew what Jimmy was going to do, so he smiled and nodded, "Of course! What I said, naturally counts. Moreover, the price is fair, no price increase. Still the same. Ten million dollars to kill a B-level strong, I don't know which Captain Jimmy wants to kill?"

"Naturally is Jackson, the strongest captain in the United States. Mr. Dasheng has also'fighted' with him before. There should be no problem?" Jimmy has already determined that Lin Feng is just a powerless man who came here to make gold, so he feels relieved. Said his intentions.

"Oh! Of course there is no problem. As long as there are dollars, there will be no problems in my eyes."

Lin Feng smiled slightly and nodded affirmatively.

"In that case, I will transfer the money to Mr. Dasheng immediately. Please check it. I don't know when you can kill Jackson?" After receiving Lin Feng's affirmative reply, Jimmy's mind became more active.

"As long as the money arrives, everything is easy to say."

Lin Feng was thinking of the first Jack from Russia to perform the operation, but he didn't expect that Jimmy from Europe would rush the door to send money. If this is the case, why can Lin Feng not be willing to collect 10 million dollars more?

A few minutes later, when it was confirmed that the 10 million US dollars from Jimmy had arrived, Lin Feng rubbed his palms and swaggered into the crow mine base~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this time, the internal base's Most of the area was controlled by the advanced US. Captain Jackson was full of energy and felt that this time the crow mine was definitely their country of the United States. Even if they couldn't eat it completely, they could at least occupy more than 60% of the share with their current advantages.

When Jackson was checking key information in the energy control center of the entire base, Lin Feng, who was wearing the Monkey King's face, suddenly rushed in.

"Oh! Dear and great Mr. Dasheng, thanks to you, we were able to destroy the'excited' light cannon and drive them out of this mining area. Now we must dare to'hand in' ore samples before them. ... There is not much time left for us..."

Jackson was not at all wary of Lin Feng. Like Jimmy, he regarded Lin Feng as an unpowered "bounty hunter." Besides, there are two or three American genetic warriors who are also B-grade. Jackson couldn't think of it. Lin Feng went straight to him as soon as he entered the'door', with a smile of death under the mask, and said coldly " I'm sorry, Jackson, someone'spends' your life!"


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