Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1132: Panic

Lin Feng, who came in gently, carried a faint murderous aura. His eyes were completely indifferent to life and death. Anyone could not help but shudder when he touched them. A feeling of fear that made people cold to the bottom of my heart. However raw. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a

With the words Lin Feng just said when he entered the door, Jackson immediately opened his horrified eyes, instinctively stretched out his hand to block it, and hurriedly said to Lin Feng, "Great Sage, no...you can't kill me! Don't kill me! , I...I will give you a higher price...Don't kill..."

It's a pity that Jackson hadn't finished speaking yet, Lin Feng had already rushed to him with a death-like smile, lightly touched his heart, and then quickly moved away.


With a loud cracking sound, all the other American genetic soldiers present were dumbfounded. They saw the whole process, and the sudden Lin Feng tapped their unmatched captain Jackson's chest. Then, Jackson exploded like a group of thunder, full of thunder.

Hui Hui!

Under the thunder and explosions, Jackson, the strongest genetic warrior who was the captain of the United States, was easily erased by Lin Feng from any traces in the world. There was not even a drop of blood and a hair left, only one was left on the scene. Pile of black dross.

"team leader!"

Sam was also in this control room at this time. He witnessed the whole process of Lin Feng killing Jackson. From Lin Feng entering the control room to Jackson exploding and killing him, the whole process took less than five seconds, and the moment Lin Feng and Jackson met I'm afraid it's less than one-tenth of a second. Jackson has no backhand strength at all. No, it should be that he doesn't even have time to react.

"Great Sage, you. Killed our captain. It is an enemy of the US, no matter where you escape to, our US will not let you go."

Anxious Sam pointed at Lin Feng in fear and angrily, screaming angrily. However, the other American genetic warriors beside Sam hurriedly pulled Sam and shouted, "Sam, now is not the time to speak harshly. Let's run, otherwise, he might kill him."

"You don't have to run, I won't do it to you. My great sage always completes 100 tasks, never a little bit more. Someone spends money to buy Jackson’s life, but no one has yet to pay for your life. I won’t be wasting my efforts.” Lin Feng smiled slightly, then turned and left the control room, leaving five or six American genetic warriors looking at each other. They had never seen such a powerful opponent as Xiang Linfeng. Captain Jackson was killed, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

"Sam, what should I do? The captain is dead, let's report to the top immediately!" A team member looked at Sam who is currently the strongest here, and said.

"What kind of power is it? It actually bought Jackson's life for 10 million dollars to find the Great Sage."

Hearing what Lin Feng said, and Lin Feng didn't do anything against them, Sam already believed that some other forces had paid for Lin Feng to kill Jackson.

"Report to the headquarters immediately, report to them the situation here, and at the same time... ask the headquarters whether we have to spend money to ask the Great Sage to remove the threats of other forces. The price is 10 million US dollars for a B-level strong."

After thinking about the key points, Sam also said cruelly, "Since they were the first to provoke us, how much do they want to compare the US dollar with us?"

This violent explosion in the control room immediately aroused the attention of other forces, and they sent people to inquire about the news. The U.S. did not hide it. They knew that it was the other three forces who paid Lin Feng to kill Jackson, so it was almost in an instant that the U.S., Russia and Europe all knew that the captain of the U.S. captain Jackson was killed by the Great Sage. Up,

And what shocked the other forces the most was not Lin Feng's strength, but the reason why the American captain Jackson was killed, but because someone spent 10 million US dollars to ask Lin Feng to do it.

B-level strong, 10 million US dollars.

At this moment, the quotation that Lin Feng had just appeared in the underground base of the Four Nations Alliance appeared in the ears of superpowers of all forces.

Ten million dollars!

For ordinary people, perhaps ten million US dollars is a huge sum of money. However, none of the people here are ordinary people, they are superpowers above the average people, let alone 10 million dollars, even the lowest-level c-level superpowers here, their net worth will not be low. At 100 million U.S. dollars.

But now, it only takes ten million dollars to kill a B-level powerhouse. This is crazy for them, and C-level superpowers are even cheaper.

"God! Someone actually paid for Jackson's life. This great saint is also crazy, dare to make this money?"

The Russian Jack was shocked and panicked. His strength is not as good as Jackson. Doesn't it mean that as long as one person here privately finds the Great Sage and spends 10 million US dollars, his life will be immediately killed?

At this moment, no one doubted Lin Feng's strength anymore. Everyone felt a deep sense of self-danger. This sense of self-danger was very subtle. It did not originate from anyone here, but from everyone.

Even the superpowers in the same camp are afraid that there will be resentment companions taking this opportunity to spend money to let the Great Sage assassinate him.

Suddenly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was panic.

Even the European Union captain Jimmy, who paid Lin Feng to kill Jackson, was surprised and delighted at this time. The expression on his face was cloudy and uncertain, and he didn't know whether it was happiness or fear.

"He did it, ten million dollars, Jackson is really dead. This great saint is terrible..."

Jimmy sat down on the ground. He never thought that Jackson, the American captain, who had been in the upper hand for five or six years, would die so easily. If he died, he might be able to do it in a Las Vegas casino. On the ten million dollars thrown out.

On the other hand, what makes Jimmy fall into deep fear is that Jackson is dead, and the strongest among the four powers here is him. Obviously, if someone learns from him, he can compete with Jackson for only ten million dollars. Accompanied.

It was like Pandora's Box, now that Jimmy opened it himself, but he himself felt terrified and there was no turning back. In the entire crow mine base, nearly a hundred superpowers from the four countries all fell into an unprecedented panic.


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