Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1133: Protection fees

"No! I definitely can't die here, let alone die under the bounty of a mere ten million dollars. [WWW.SuiMеng.lā...! Otherwise, if I go to hell, my soul will feel wronged."

At this time, Jimmy fell into a deep panic after taking down the biggest threat Jackson through Lin Feng. However, he racked his brains and couldn't think of a way to escape this bad luck. According to his understanding of Lin Feng, as long as he paid for it, once someone paid ten million dollars to buy his life, his fate would be Exactly the same as Jackson.

"Captain, great. Now that there is no Jackson on the American side, it is not our opponent at all. Are we going to organize a team to grab the Crow Mine?"

The people under his hand came to report excitedly, but Jimmy said with a look of chagrin, "No! I shouldn't do this. Now, including me, everyone in this mining area is in danger."

Although Jackson was eliminated at a small price, Jimmy now has no excitement at all. Because he knows that he is most likely to die next.

At this moment, Lin Feng didn't know when he came to the European camp, yawned, and walked towards Jimmy.

"Mr. Dasheng, you... don't come here, if you have something to say... if someone pays you to kill me, I...I will give you double...no...ten times! One hundred million dollars, don't kill me."

Jimmy was taken aback when he saw Lin Feng appearing. What he was most afraid of now was Lin Feng appearing in front of him. Although Lin Feng had a lazy look at this time and did not have the slightest murderous look, Jimmy saw him like a mouse seeing a cat.

"Captain Jimmy, what are you doing so nervously? My business is not so busy yet, and I haven't received other orders yet. Haha! I just came over to tell you that your mission is complete."

Lin Feng shook his head. Seeing Jimmy's look so greedy for life and fear of death, he was even more certain that his move was completely effective.

"Huh! No one'spend' money for you to kill me? It's great to scare me. Mr. Dasheng, I... can I discuss with you, can you not accept the target is my task," I...I can pay you extra."

Seeing that Lin Feng wasn't here to kill himself, Jimmy was relieved, and then asked respectfully and humbly.

"Don't take the mission to kill you? This... Jimmy, you know. In our business, credibility is very important. Where is the mission "door" to extrapolate? In this way, it is not for others to question my saint What's the ability?" Lin Feng shook his head and said.

"No, no, no...Great Sage, your ability is beyond doubt, even Jackson can be killed by you, not to mention others. But I...I pay 100 million dollars, don't take the task of killing me , Can you?"

The other superpowers in the European camp nearby saw the captain Jimmy, who has always been known as a tough guy, facing Lin Feng, their expressions were about to cry.

"Sorry, Jimmy, this is not my style."

Lin Feng refused again. Jimmy was disappointed when he saw this, but when Lin Feng changed his words, he smiled and said, "However, I can take on the task of protecting you. You are a b-level strong. The price is exactly one hundred million dollars. Do you want to release this mission? Jimmy, I can guarantee your personal safety in this crow mine."

"What? Really? In this way, even if someone else posted a mission that asked you to kill me, I would be safe?" Jimmy asked with ecstasy.

"Of course, no one has asked me to kill you yet, so the task of protecting you is first, and I will naturally not take on other tasks to kill you. This is a natural contradiction, so it does not violate my principles of doing things."

Lin Feng said it for granted. He hadn’t finished speaking. He saw that Jimmy had picked up the phone and dialed the VIP line of Swiss Bank. After a minute, he smiled and said to Lin Feng, “100 million dollars have been transferred. Your account is over, Mr. Dasheng, you can check it."


In order to save his life, Jimmy didn't even want to transfer 100 million US dollars from his personal "private" account to Lin Feng.

This billion dollars is equivalent to the protection fee for Lin Feng. Maybe even the protection fee of 10 million US dollars before that, Jimmy would think it was a sky-high price and not worth it. But now he used 10 million dollars to invite Lin Feng to buy Jackson's life. The effect was completely different.

When people die, no amount of money is.

For Jimmy, who has hundreds of millions of dollars in his account, it is really desirable to "spend" 100 million dollars to save his life.

"Ok! Captain Jimmy, it's really a pleasure to work with you. Don't worry, with my great sage, this crow mine base can guarantee your absolute safety."

He shook hands with Jimmy amicably. To tell the truth, Lin Feng still admired the British gentlemanly demeanor, giving money without sloppy, that's refreshing!

But having said that, this is related to the "life" of his wealth, and Jimmy is eager to send Lin Feng money over!

"Mr. Dasheng, I am also very happy to be able to cooperate with you. Your strength and credibility are beyond doubt. It is my honor to meet you."

After getting Lin Feng's assurance, Jimmy was completely relaxed. Now he can rest assured, except for this unfathomable great sage, in this crow mine base ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, no one else is his opponent.

"It's also my honor!"

After speaking, Lin Feng walked towards the base hall outside, where most of the superpowers gathered. When they saw Lin Feng coming over, they were all in turmoil, hurriedly trying to escape, for fear that Lin Feng would take on some mission from the European Union, and their next target would be themselves.

Then, Lin Feng waved his hands to everyone, and smiled, "Everyone, take it easy! Take it easy! I took a task from Captain Jimmy, but this task is not for anyone else. It's a To protect the mission, Captain Jimmy'spent' 100 million US dollars to allow me to ensure his personal safety throughout this crow mine. Therefore, I also want to warn you, now Captain Jimmy is my protected person and you are not allowed Hurt Captain Jimmy a little bit, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Lin Feng's remarks shocked everyone again.

Jimmy’s “spending” a sky-high price of US$100 million to ask this great sage to protect him? Are you kidding me? The superpowers here, except for Jackson, who was just killed by the Great Sage, the strongest is Jimmy!


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