Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1155: Gengjin Qi

"Sister Qingqing, you can't die!"

"I will never let you get involved!"

"What **** thing, do you think this can block my spiritual sense?"

"Get out! Get out of here, I want to save Sister Qingqing, I will definitely save her..."


Feeling that the breath of Luo Qingqing's body is getting weaker and weaker, Lin Feng worked hard with all the strength of the body, compressing the spiritual sense bit by bit, even after suffering this kind of sharp pain like a thousand swords, he bit Teeth'struck' past. *WwW.suimeng.lā. . !

"Quickly! Quickly... My spiritual sense can still hold it, compress it! Compress it again! Sister Qingqing, we will definitely...definitely be able to ‘go through’..."

For the little whirlwind in his cousin Yang Lingling's body, the inexplicable force that Lin Feng is facing now is even more terrifying, and it can directly cut off his spiritual sense bit by bit. People say that ten fingers are connected to the heart, so it hurts most when ten fingers are injured. But now Lin Feng has been slashed by thousands of swords, but his spiritual sense is the most directly connected to his feelings and has even magnified countless times.

Human spiritual consciousness is not fragile, even the slightest pain will cause the pain of the'physical' body to be painful countless times.

Gritting his teeth and supporting with a strong willpower, Lin Feng fainted without pain. After countless attempts, Lin Feng discovered the law of this force in Luo Qingqing's body. When the spiritual sense was almost compressed to the extreme, Lin Feng used extremely fast speed to move from the gap of this force to the extreme. One second broke through.


When Lin Feng's spiritual sense traversed this terrible force and entered Luo Qingqing's body, the pain of thousands of swords stopped completely.

"What the **** is going on? Why does sister Qingqing's body have such terrifying power?"

Lin Feng squeezed a cold sweat fiercely, and the whole person was about to collapse. The spiritual sense entered Luo Qingqing's body and immediately stretched out to thoroughly investigate the cause of all this.

Lin Feng had also scanned Luo Qingqing's body with his spiritual sense before. Although he only scanned it roughly once, he had never noticed anything unusual. But now, after entering Luo Qingqing's inner world, Lin Feng's spiritual sense was shocked.

"Energetic! What's the matter? Sister Qingqing's body is so sharp, so sharp? All these auras are... by the way! It is the energy of Gengjin! Even, there is a trace of innate gold. What is going on? Why is there such a drastic change in Sister Qingqing's body?"

Unlike the internal structure of the human body that Lin Feng had seen before, now Luo Qingqing's body is completely fierce. This also made Lin Feng somehow understand that the breath force that blocked his spiritual sense from entering, and even turned into countless swords, was the energy of gold.

"Sister Qingqing's body, there is so much Gengjin Qi, presumably it is Gengjin Body? Or even innate Gengjin Body?"

Combining several special physiques he has seen, Lin Feng analyzed Luo Qingqing’s physique type, but after thinking about it, he felt something was wrong, "No! If Sister Qingqing is a congenital golden body, then I should have discovered it a long time ago. This kind of physique's sharp edge is'exposed', it is impossible to hide it. I have swept Sister Qing Qing's body several times with my spiritual sense before, and found no abnormalities at all."

Reminiscing about Luo Qingqing’s sudden illness this time, Lin Feng guessed in a puzzled manner, “Is it possible that my relationship with Sister Qingqing triggered drastic changes in her body? But why did it happen? So? What should I do now?"

Although the spiritual sense had entered Luo Qingqing's body, Lin Feng still didn't know what to do, because his spiritual sense was surrounded by the pure and innocent golden aura, making Lin Feng a little helpless.

At this time, Lin Feng's spiritual sense felt a very familiar aura in this piece of gold-gold aura, as if it came from a part of his body.

"Huh? What's that? Is it my breath? But why is this breath of mine injected into sister Qing Qing's golden breath? Could it be that this breath of mine caused this? Everything?"

It was clear that there was a golden qi in the front, a trace of yang, with the mark of Lin Feng's body. At the same time, near that trace of Yang Qi, Lin Feng unexpectedly made a new discovery.

"That is...transparent...is it...worm eggs?"

A transparent worm egg was adsorbing on Lin Feng's yang energy, greedily devouring the yang energy little by little.

"Sister Qingqing's body, how could there be a worm egg? What exactly is this worm egg? Why is it devouring my Yang Qi?"

Although he didn't know what this worm egg was, Lin Feng could almost determine that all the abnormalities in Luo Qingqing's body came from this strange worm egg.

Go ahead!

Under the gaze of Lin Feng's spiritual consciousness, the worm eggs suddenly ‘pumped’, absorbing all the yang energy. Immediately afterwards, all the Gengjin Qi in Luo Qingqing's body spun frantically, and was absorbed by the worm eggs again.

"What the **** is this worm egg going to do? Is it parasitic on Sister Qing Qing?"

Lin Feng did not act rashly, but used his spiritual sense to protect Luo Qingqing's mind, and then carefully watched the behavior of the worm eggs.

I saw that the golden gas was absorbed by the worm eggs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ slowly condensed into the golden shell on the surface of the worm eggs, and then the surface of the worm eggs began to appear a trace of cracks, even Lin Feng can Hear that cracking sound.

"Is it going to hatch? What the **** is this worm egg in Sister Qingqing's body?"

As the worm egg cracked a little bit, Lin Feng's spirit became highly tense. If the worm egg should give birth to something harmful to Luo Qingqing, Lin Feng would immediately do everything possible to eliminate it. Although Lin Feng didn't know if he could do it, but in any case, he would definitely not let Luo Qingqing suffer any harm.

The cracked worm egg, the first crack appeared, and a slender antenna came out from it. Lin Feng's spiritual sense watched it, staring at a swaying bug inside and crawling slowly. come out.

The look of the little bug is somewhat similar to Ladybug, but the back is not seven dots, but a golden ‘color’ which is very dazzling. As soon as he was born, this little bug seemed to feel hungry. Apart from anything else, he first ate the soft shell that had just broken free.


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