Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1156: Golden Beetle



The bug with the golden ‘colored’ carapace, after eating its soft shell, seemed to be unsatisfied, squeaking, it should be hungry and bumping around. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a. !

"It turns out that it was this little worm who was playing tricks in Sister Qingqing's body. What I said! It must be my yang energy that completely'stimulated' this worm egg. That's why it triggered Qing. These changes in sister Qing's body come."

Since the birth of this little bug, Lin Feng has not noticed the golden aura in Luo Qingqing's body. It turned out that these golden qi had been absorbed by the little bug, and Lin Feng estimated that it was because of the little bug that these changes had brought about.


The little insect made a grind sound, and the two compound eyes blinked, and the tentacles looked towards Lin Feng's spiritual sense, seeming to have noticed the existence of Lin Feng's spiritual sense.

"Oh! You little bug, ‘quite’ amazing, can you discover my spiritual sense?"

Feeling a wave of the little insect's spiritual consciousness, Lin Feng knew that he was discovered by the little insect. However, in this way, Lin Feng was relieved. Because of the spiritual information passed from the little bug, Lin Feng can infer that little bug is not a pest, and it is very likely that it will be beneficial to Sister Qingqing.

"Little bug, what the **** is going on with you? Why do you live in my sister Qingqing's body, why I didn't notice your presence before? Hurry up and actually recruit?"

This little bug was just born, and his thoughts were blank and simple, so he almost obeyed Lin Feng's words. The force that Canada had just hatched brought Lin Feng's breath, which made the little bug have a special affinity for Lin Feng. a feeling of.

Flutter! Flutter!

The little bug is still too small to express too much information, but it spreads its wings and ‘shows’ some marks under the golden ‘color’ wings.

"What is this? There is a talisman under the wings? God! What's going on? It seems that you are really not an ordinary bug. Once you are born, there are talisman signs under your wings. Could it be that you are a cultivator deliberately Do you cultivate the worms you raise?"

When he swept his spiritual consciousness deep into the surroundings of the little insect, Lin Feng found that these talisman contained a set of cultivation techniques, and this set of cultivation techniques also immediately came with a set of spiritual worms, which were used exclusively for the door. To control this kind of spirit worm called "Golden Scarlet Insect".

"Golden Scarlet Worm? It's a rare spirit insect. I don't know who is so talented. He actually figured out this way to pass on the Taoism."

Looking at the record, Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh. This is indeed a cultivation technique, and the level is not low, at least not as bad as his own. Moreover, this exercise is specially designed for people with metal sex. The greater the metal **** contained in the body, the better the effect of cultivation.

The person who created this set is also a bug repairer, who is good at raising and training various gu worms, so there is one more. He thoughtfully engraved these two sets of methods on the eggs of this golden scarlet worm, and then spread them out, so that these worm eggs could find suitable inheritors throughout the world.

Ever since, these worm eggs have been in the history of millions of years, and I don’t know how many people have sneaked into them. They will hatch out only when they meet the right object and the right time.

It just so happened that Luo Qingqing’s body was a golden body. I don’t know when this worm egg was parasitized in the body. The worm egg took the initiative to help Luo Qingqing shield it, which caused Lin Feng to check Luo Qingqing’s body many times with his spiritual sense. But nothing unusual was found.

It is not until today that Lin Feng and Luo Qingqing triggered this mechanism after the water and the sky, causing the eggs of the Golden Scarab to hatch.

"It turned out to be such a thing. It seems that this time is a blessing or not a curse for Sister Qing Qing. It is... This golden scarlet worm seems to have a big appetite. If you don't quickly find a way to feed it, now Sister Qing Qing Still unable to drive and control it, it may be so hungry that it may eat all of Sister Qingqing's body..."

After ‘figuring out’ what happened, Lin Feng temporarily withdrew his spiritual sense from Luo Qingqing’s body after a thought.

At this time, Luo Qingqing had come back a little, sweating all over, frowning, looking at Lin Feng, and said weakly, "Xiao Feng, am I going to die?"

"No, sister Qingqing, don't worry! You are not sick, and you have nothing to do. Come... Drink this glass of water."

Finding a clean glass of water in the bedroom, Lin Feng ‘made’ some divine water in it and let Luo Qingqing drink it. Shenshui contains powerful vitality and innate aura. Reminiscing that rhubarb has evolved several times after drinking Shenshui before, Lin Feng felt that this golden scarlet insect would definitely like Shenshui.


Luo Qingqing did not hesitate to drink the divine water that Lin Feng handed over, and couldn't stop drinking. The call of the golden scarlet worm in the body drove Luo Qingqing to drink more of this divine water.

"Xiao Feng, I'm thirsty... Give me another glass of this kind of water..." Luo Qingqing's expression improved immediately after drinking the divine water.

"Drink slowly, Sister Qingqing, no one will grab you. I have more of it. You can drink as much as you want."

Lin Feng's spiritual sense observed that after the golden scarlet worm in Luo Qingqing drank the divine water, it really became honest, and seemed to start to instinctively try to communicate with Luo Qingqing's consciousness.



Luo Qingqing, who was drinking water, was suddenly "complex" ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ frowned and "confused" for a while, and asked Lin Feng, "Xiao Feng, you... have you heard any bugs calling? Huh? How do I feel that a bug is talking to me, but it's not in my ears, nor in other parts of the room, it seems...it always feels as if this bug is talking to me in my heart!"

This feeling was weird, and Luo Qingqing couldn't help wondering if she had tinnitus or other auditory hallucinations.

"Sister Qingqing, what did that bug tell you?" Lin Feng asked with a smile.

"Where can I understand what the insect said? Oh! You didn't hear it. It seems that I have hallucinations..."

Luo Qingqing laughed at herself, but before she could finish her words, her expression was stunned again. Lu showed a frightened expression and stammered, "Little...Xiao Feng! I...I seem to ...It seems that I can really understand the voice of the bug, my God! I...how can I understand the voice of the bug?"


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