Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1157: Control spirit worms

Can bugs talk?

This is nonsense!

If Luo Qingqing herself heard someone say this, she would definitely think that the person who said it was talking about dreams. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a,. Parrots can talk about the same, even a small bug can talk?

However, Lin Feng didn't make a fuss at all. Instead, he calmly said to Luo Qingqing, "Sister Qing Qing, please listen carefully. What did this little bug say to you?"

"En! I...I'm listening, but it seems to be so obscure, as if it were words, but after I heard it, I remember it deeply in my mind, even if I want to forget it, I'm afraid I can't forget it."

This kind of feeling is very special. Luo Qingqing felt that with the buzzing worm call in her heart, there was an inexplicable memory content in her mind.

As soon as Lin Feng heard this, he nodded, calmed down, and secretly said, "It seems that it is like this. The golden scarlet bug is teaching Qingqing the two cultivation techniques recorded by its wings. Sister. Sister Jia Qingqing now has a golden body, so it's certainly not difficult to cultivate."

Reminiscent of Luo Qingqing's golden body, Lin Feng suddenly reacted again, and quickly looked at the congenital lotus seed in the Shenshui space, and saw that there was a little more golden gas lingering in it. In this way, Lin Feng was one step closer to opening the ‘Chaos’ body.

"Xiao Feng, what is going on? Why do I think there are two kinds of similar cultivation methods in my mind? It seems to be the kind in martial arts movies! One is called, the other is called."

It took a full one or two hours for Luo Qingqing to completely absorb the two cultivation methods, but her heart was still full of doubts. After all, she is not as okay as Lin Feng is to read some Xiuxian fantasy novels, she is at best reading martial arts novels written by Jin Yong Gulong.

Then, what she encounters now is much more separated by the heroes in martial arts novels. In martial arts novels, the protagonist obtains the heaven-defying martial arts techniques, either by falling off the cliff, or by accidentally gaining the inheritance of some senior. But now, Luo Qingqing feels that she is more like she is dreaming. It turns out that a bug that doesn't know where is teaching her two cultivation techniques.

"Yes! Sister Qingqing, these are two tactics of cultivating realism. Realization of realism is actually cultivating immortals. The gods of our ancient China are the gods who flew around. You now get it from the body of the golden scarlet insect. It is the technique of cultivating to become a god..."

Perhaps Lin Feng hadn’t planned to tell Luo Qingqing about the cultivator before, but now Luo Qingqing herself has made a mistake to become a cultivator. Of course, Lin Feng is willing to be her guide, for her. Open the big'door' of cultivation.

Lin Feng continued to talk for more than an hour, and his mouth was dry before Luo Qingqing fully understood what exactly is all about cultivation.

"What? Xiaofeng, according to what you mean, there is a bug in my body now? Are you a cultivator? Can I become a cultivator just like you?"

After listening to Lin Feng's experience of cultivation in this period of time, Luo Qingqing was really stunned, and it was really hard to believe. However, after Lin Feng concealed her invisibility and other gods' spells, Luo Qingqing had to believe it. What's more, the sound of insects that appeared in her body was real and could not be faked.

"Yes! Sister Qingqing, you are a more precious body of Gengjin. Originally, what I cultivated did not fit your cultivation. Fortunately, the Golden Scarlet Worm passed on to you. By the way, there is that, Sister Qingqing You might as well try to use the method of the Spirit Insect Art to see if you can communicate with the Golden Scarab in your body."

Having exposed his identity as a cultivator to Luo Qingqing, Lin Feng wholeheartedly helped Luo Qingqing step into the palace of cultivation.

"Huh? Okay, I'll try it."

Following Lin Feng's guidance, Luo Qingqing closed her eyes and tried her best to release her spiritual sense. She has not formally cultivated, so just like ordinary people, spiritual sense can only move in her own body. It's just that ordinary people don't have the ‘door’ of meditation, and they can’t control their spiritual consciousness at all.

With Lin Feng’s guidance, Luo Qingqing'spent' a few minutes and then easily mastered the method of controlling spiritual sense. Then she clearly used spiritual sense to look inside and saw the movement through her body. That little golden red beetle.

"Huh? Hee hee! Xiao Feng, it turns out this is a golden worm! It's so cute, it's not scary at all."

Luo Qingqing, who was psychologically prepared, thought that this golden beetle might look more disgusting or scary, but when she really saw the golden beetle with spiritual sense, it was covered with local tyrant gold and filled with a strand of gold. Naturally cute feeling. After all, newborn animals are the cutest.

"Sister Qing Qing, saw the Golden Scarlet Worm? Ok! Then you try to communicate with her now and order it to come out of your body." Lin Feng saw Luo Qingqing's face, and continued.

"Okay! I'll try it..."

After using the accustomed spiritual sense, Luo Qingqing communicated with the Golden Scarlet Insect in accordance with the internal method, "Little bug, come out! Get out of sister's body quickly."


After hearing Luo Qingqing's order, the Golden Scarab was a little unhappy at first. After all, being in Luo Qingqing's body made it feel very comfortable.

"Come out quickly, do you hear it? Come out and show your face, and let Xiaofeng also take a look at you." Luo Qingqing could clearly feel the bug's unhappiness~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so he ordered again.

So this time, the Golden Scarlet Worm did not dare to defy Luo Qingqing's order, and buzzed directly into Luo Qingqing's mouth.

"Oh! Xiaofeng, did you see it? It flew out, it really flew out. This is the golden scarlet worm, so small! Only the size of a grain of rice!"

Seeing the Golden Scarlet Worm flying out according to her instructions, Luo Qingqing also danced excitedly, pointing at the little insect flying in the sky and yelled.

"Sister Qingqing, congratulations! This time, you are considered to have entered the'door'. This golden scarlet worm has been connected to your blood since its birth. It is equivalent to your spiritual pet, and it will help you in the future. If you practice together, you can get twice the result with half the effort."

Seeing that the Golden Scarab was under Luo Qingqing's control, Lin Feng was also completely relieved. It's just that, now they are both still lying on the "bed" of this old house, and the scenes of last night are still vivid, and Lin Feng smirked again...


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