Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1158: Beijing Changjia

After another storm, Lin Feng was quarreled by the ringtone of his cell phone. When he saw that the call was actually made by his mother, he quickly asked, "Hey! Mom, what's wrong?"

"You little bunny, you just came home yesterday, and you disappeared. {щww{suimеng][lā}.! Did not come back for one night, where did you go?"

Mother Lin asked fiercely, "I made dozens of calls to you, are you answering now?"

"Mom, I... this is something I didn't hear." Lin Feng smiled awkwardly.

"I don’t care if you are okay! But the strange thing is that your auntie Fang told me that Qingqing did not come back last night, and the phone was turned off. Your auntie Fang asked Qingqing several colleagues of Southeast Airlines Sister, they all said that Qingqing left work yesterday and went back. There is no sign of it yet. You should come back quickly and look for Qingqing together." Mother Lin said anxiously.

"Mom! What about that? It's okay, you don't have to worry about Sister Qing Qing, what about that... Sister Qing Qing is with me!" Lin Feng glanced at Luo Qingqing next to him and said with a smirk.

"Boy, you... how can you say that I'm with you? Then, don't my mother and Aunt Zhang know?" Luo Qingqing was anxious and said in a low voice.

"What? So Qingqing was with you? Where did you go?" Mother Lin said in disbelief, "You call Qingqing and I will ask her."

"No! Sister Qingqing, my mother wants to talk to you!" Lin Feng gave Luo Qingqing the phone with a grin.

"You stinky boy, I...how did you tell me to tell Aunt Zhang?"

Luo Qingqing hadn’t figured out the wording in her mind. Lin Feng handed the phone over, and she could only deal with it in a hurry, "Hey! Zhang... Aunt Zhang, I... I'm with Xiao Feng! My phone has no battery. So I turned it off. You told my mother not to worry about me... I'm fine."

"Qing Qing! I'm relieved that you and Xiao Feng are together, but where did you two go home if you didn't go home all night?" Mother Lin meant to "spy on military affairs".

"No! It's nothing, Aunt Zhang, we are...we want to live in the old house on Tong'an Road. We came over last night to take a look. Later...it was too late to go back without a car, so we lived in the old house for sex. ."

Luo Qingqing's face was blushing, saying half-truths and half-truths, and then felt that something was wrong, and then quickly added, "Neither the bed nor the sofa in my house have been removed. I slept in the house. Bed', Xiao Feng sleeps on the sofa outside."

However, after saying this, Luo Qingqing felt that she was a little superfluous and deliberately concealed it.

"So it's like this! It's okay, Qingqing, I'll tell your mother later. You and Xiao Feng go home early for dinner, and we have something to announce this afternoon." Hearing Luo Qingqing's feeling a little flustered 'Mr Lin had already guessed the words.


After hanging up the phone, Luo Qingqing's face was still hot, and she always felt that Mother Lin already knew what was going on between herself and Lin Feng.

"What's wrong? Sister Qingqing, do you have a fever? Why is your face so red?"

Lin Feng already understood his mother's supportive attitude, and if she knew about it, naturally there was nothing to worry about. On the contrary, he looked at Luo Qingqing's worry and fear, which was funny.

"Smelly boy, you have a fever! Sister is fine, hurry up, get up... put... put on your clothes. Going home, Aunt Zhang said that there is something important to announce this afternoon!" Luo Qingqing said with a pouting mouth. . In fact, she had already given up, no matter what, the facts have already happened.

At this time, in a low-rent house in the capital, Wu Zeqing looked at yesterday's rewards of 100 million yuan, and still felt like he was dreaming.


When he received a new QQ message, Wu Zeqing clicked on it. It was the message sent by the encyclopedia, so he opened it quickly.

"Sister Wutong, I'm sorry. I didn't find out the specific background information of the reader'lunatic' who rewarded you. But it is almost certain that his account has been relatively normal before, and it should be the one you described. It's just an ordinary high student."

Seeing the news from Tsing Yu, Wu Zeqing became a little lonely, biting her lips, and wondering, "Then... Tasting Sister, if I can’t find anyone else, how should I return the money to him? What? Now as long as he talks about the reward money, he qq ignores me."

"What are you going to pay? Sister Wutong, since he can give a reward of 100 million yuan anyway, he is definitely not short of money. Sister, I will continue to check for you, and you can use the money with peace of mind. Don't have any psychological burden, After all, he didn't give it to you for nothing? It is an affirmation of your novels, and only those who like your novels are willing to reward them."

The encyclical gave Wu Zeqing a few words to comfort him, but Wu Zeqing was still a little uneasy. After all, this was not one hundred yuan, nor one thousand yuan, but one hundred million.

Jingcheng, the Chang family, as the ‘female’ patriarch who controls the power of the Chang’s family, Chang Jade is the most beautiful ‘female’ that those aristocratic children in the entire capital fear to see. After all, Chang Jade can rely on its own strength to support the already declining Chang family and become a big family second only to the five ancient Wu family families, and it is not the ancient Wu family family, but a pure business family group. And know how strong this Chang Yu's wrist and strength are.

So ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Although Chang'Yu' has been the first lady in Beijing since he was 20 years old, there are few aristocrats who dare to really pursue her. The only ones who had the courage to molested her, also suffered enough.

"Miss, we have clearly found out the true identity of that person, why didn't you tell Wu Zeqing?"

An old mother standing behind Wu Zeqing asked strangely. She knows that Wu Zeqing, who just talked about QQ, is very close to Chang Yu. In addition to managing the family, ‘Jade’ would occasionally write novels in his spare time, so he made friends with many novel authors.

"Aunt Kui, sister Wutong is just an ordinary person, why should she be involved in this muddy water? I just didn't expect that Lin Feng that Xiao family deliberately wanted to'make good friends' was actually sister Wutong's. Fans."

Chang'Yu' laughed a few times, and then became a little serious, and said with deep meaning, "It's time to open the Changbai Mountain Secret Realm again, and the few keys we distributed have also reached the hands of the people who should get it. I don’t know if anyone who entered the secret realm this time, is there anyone we have been waiting for."


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