Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1178: Killer

"How is it possible? Lin Feng doesn't look like a rich man!"

Qin Yuechuan looked at Lin Feng again in disbelief. What he wore was all unbranded stalls, no expensive gold necklaces or the like, not even a famous watch representing his identity. *WWW.suimeng.lā

How can such a ubiquitous brat become a tens of billions of local tyrant?

"What I said is true, Brother Yue Chuan, I'm afraid you don't know? Today, Lin Feng and I came to the capital from Zhi'an City, not by ordinary flights, but by private people who specialize in the door. The plane. Lin Feng came here by charter..."

Seeing that both the father and son of the Qin family looked disbelief, Qin Yanran thought of the Bentley that Qin Yuechuan had driven before, and said with a smile, "Also, cousin Yuechuan. Not long ago, Southeast Airlines Grandpa Cai gave Lin Feng a congratulatory gift with a Maybach sports car worth more than 20 million yuan!"

'private plane!

20 million sports car!

Net worth of more than 10 billion!

All these luxury goods that were not compatible with ordinary people at all appeared in Lin Feng's body.

"This stinky boy has a net worth of more than 10 billion? Damn it, even me, the funds that can be used are only 100 million. Father's shares in the Yip Group are worth more than 70 billion."

When it was confirmed that Lin Feng was worthy of his own, Ye Zhifei felt more aggrieved and unconvinced.

Why should I be a direct descendant of an ancient martial arts family, I can forget Lin Feng's talents, and even lose to Lin Feng because of the money.

"No! It seems that this stinky boy deliberately pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger, pretending that he was poor, which formed a contrast. Ye Zhifei, who wanted to chase the "female", has not been unsuccessful yet.

It seems that I can only come up with my assassin. Fortunately, my mother prepared this lucky star for me in advance. It must be able to bring me good luck and embrace the beauty. "

After taking a look at all of his strengths, Ye Zhifei was superior in everything from the beginning, but now he feels that everything is better than Lin Feng.

Therefore, Ye Zhifei stretched out his hand and ‘touched’ in his pocket, planning to take out the platinum pendant with a 30-carat diamond.

Are there any "women" in this world who don't like jewelry?

Are there any "women" in this world who don't like diamonds?

Whether you are young or old, as long as you are a ‘female’ person, there is absolutely no resistance to jewelry ‘jades’. How many men worshipped under the pomegranate skirts of ‘female’, and how many ‘female’ worshipped gold in the jewellery ‘jade’ that men bought for them?

An ordinary one-carat diamond is enough for a marriage proposal, as a witness of a lifetime of love. Diamonds of more than five carats are already relatively rare and have to be sold at extremely high prices.

As for diamonds less than ten carats, each of them shines like their own, and they often become the treasures of the jewelry store. Almost every diamond will have its own unique name, but any buyer who buys such a diamond will become the focus of discussions and reports in major media for a while.

Not to mention, this huge 30-carat diamond was already a sensation when it was dug out from South Africa. Moreover, the reason why this lucky star is called the lucky star is entirely because it is not from the professional diamond mine.

Instead, it was in the creeks and rivers behind a huge ore mine in South Africa. A black child came to wash his feet and was accidentally pierced into the sole of his feet by the sharp edges of diamonds. The blood flowed all over the ground. He thought he had pierced his feet. It's just an ordinary stone.

But when it was taken out from the hospital, everyone was amazed by the blood stains on the cleansed face. This one is as big as half a pigeon egg, and it turns out to be a natural ore that does not require further processing. .

Brilliant and crystal clear!

The news that this diamond was born immediately spread in South Africa. Many diamond jewelers in Malaysia rushed to buy it. In the end, the little boy made five million dollars with this diamond.

For this reason, when he sold this diamond, he couldn't help but say that this is really his lucky star. Ever since, the lucky star has become the name of this diamond.

Almost all the jewelers who have handled this diamond have given it the meaning of "lucky" and "good luck" for its promotion.

After playing with so many "females", Ye Zhifei knows them too well. He was sure that as long as he took out the lucky star, Qin Yanran would be able to fall in love at first sight, and thus love Wu Jiwu and get rid of Lin Feng and himself.

Glancing at Lin Feng and Qin Yanran who were showing affection next to him, Ye Zhifei clenched his fists and said secretly, "Smelly boy, this is what you forced me. The "female" I have played with, you have seen Much. See how you can come back this time? I don't believe it, you can suddenly come up with my lucky star and bigger diamond?"

With such a thought, Ye Zhifei slapped the fine jewelry box on the dining table, and said to Qin Yanran with a smile, "Yan Ran, although it is the first time we met today, I appreciate and like you very much. This little gift, I hope you like it."

The waiters who secretly watched the excitement outside the box were still discussing and enviing the wealth of Lin Feng's tens of billions. But now suddenly seeing the second youngest Ye Family take out a gift, he craned his neck happily, wanting to see what the second youngest Ye Family gave was.

Moreover, they clearly saw that Ye Zhifei was fighting with Lin Feng for the beautiful'girl' child. Ye Zhifei is obviously at a disadvantage now, so he took out such a jewelry box, and he definitely wanted to move back to the city.

"Do you think that the second young master of the Ye Family will give a big gold chain! The gold one is heavy, one cost more than 100,000 yuan."

"You soil bun! Gold chains are all standard items for rich wealth. Ye Er Shao is a famous family in Beijing, how could he give such a cheesy gift. But since it is a jewelry box, I guess it may be a ring~www.wuxiaspot. com~ It is most likely a diamond ring!"

"That's not right! The ring box can't be this small, I guess it must be a beautiful emerald ‘Jade’ pendant..."


In this Donglai Hotel, the quality of the waiters is very high, no matter what happens in the box, they must be polite and shut up, and can't discuss the right and wrong of the guests.

But today, the scene is really too ‘exquisite’. These waiters forgot their duties for a while, and babbled in a low voice at the ‘door’.

According to the general situation, hearing the noise of these waiters, and they were still watching their own jokes just now, Ye Zhifei got angry early and asked the manager to teach these waiters a lesson.

But now, Ye Zhifei wanted to let these waiters stand outside the ‘door’, watching and talking. Because if there were no such audiences, wouldn't it be that no one would have witnessed the "precision" scene that overwhelmed Lin Feng?


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