Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1179: Your diamond is fake!

The waiters were all guessing what jewelry Ye Zhifei would give Qin Yanran, and the Qin family was in the jewelry business, so the Qin family and the father and son looked at the shape of the jewelry box. Ye Zhifei gave one piece. Pendant. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a

"Dad! Look at the jewelry box that Ye Shao sent Yanran. I guess it is a'Jade' pendant. Maybe it's an ice type or even a smaller glass type. According to Ye Shao's generous shot, it should be no less than one. million."

Seeing that Ye Zhifei took out the prepared gift, Qin Yuechuan's heart became a little nervous, after all, this was Ye Zhifei's last chance to come back.

"En! Although Yanran is our Miss Qin family, she has never been in contact with the family's jewelry business. I believe that as long as Ye Shao takes out an ice-seeded'Jade' pendant, she will definitely be amazed and attracted... …"

Qin Zhong also nodded, and whispered, "With Ye Shao's net worth, a pendant of less than one million is definitely not available."

Everyone around was looking forward to the scene where Qin Yanran took the jewelry box and opened the baby inside. However, Qin Yanran waved her hand and pushed the jewelry box back, and declined, "Ye Shao's kindness, I take it with my heart. However, I can't accept this gift if there is no merit or no reward."

Of course Qin Yanran would not accept Ye Zhifei's gift, and she pushed it back without even opening it.

Lin Feng, who was on the side, swept it directly with his spiritual sense, and he had a clear view, knowing that the jewelry box contained a diamond and platinum pendant of about 30 carats.

"Diamond Platinum Pendant? It's not small! It seems that Ye Zhifei came here prepared and wanted to pry the corner of the young master. Huh! But today, I am afraid I will disappoint you! Don't say that my family is so small. The diamond pendant can be pried away. You are too embarrassed to take out such a big diamond?"

Using spiritual sense to scan the diamond pendant in the jewelry box, Lin Feng just remembered that when he went to the crow mine in South Africa when he accidentally picked up a natural diamond, it was not too small, it was half a chicken. The egg was so big, the one that Ye Zhifei brought was more than three times the size, which was more than one hundred carats.

"Yan Ran, how can you be like this? Ye Shao specially invited you, it's just a small gift, what's wrong? Our Qin family tutor doesn't teach you that way, listen to Er Bo Yes, accept Ye Shao's gift."

Seeing that Qin Yanran turned down Ye Zhifei's gift without even thinking about it, Qin Zhong pretended to be dignified and displeased, using an elder attitude.

"Yeah! Sister Yanran, it's just a gift. Besides, you haven't opened it yet! Maybe it's your favorite?" Qin Yuechuan also strongly persuaded.

Even the waiters outside also hope that Qin Yanran will accept this gift in their hearts, because only in this way can the gift be opened, and they also know what the big hand of a top family like Ye Zhifei is. of.

And Ye Zhifei’s face is also a bit embarrassing. He is'mixed' in the circle of the capital's family. Almost everyone will give him face. He never knows what it means to "refuse", let alone being himself like he is now. He licked his face to give a gift, but it was still rejected.

However, Ye Zhifei was not discouraged because he believed in the charm of this "lucky star" very much. After all, this is the "Lucky Star"! In Europe, many noble "women" are chasing wildly. The media also claimed that no "women" on this earth can resist the charm of "lucky stars."

Therefore, Ye Zhifei resisted his anger, and squeezed a smile and said, "Yanran, let's do it! I will open it to you to see what it is. If you don't like it, I won't force it. But if you like it If so, how about accepting this gift?"

With that, Ye Zhifei was afraid that Qin Yanran would resolutely refuse, and without waiting for Qin Yanran's response and answer, he opened the outer packaging of the jewelry box and opened the jewelry box grandly in full view.

"What is it? What will it be?"

"Look at it, it's shining! God... such a big diamond!"

"Diamond ring? Isn't it a ‘Jade’ pendant? It’s really a diamond, a platinum diamond pendant. I’ve never seen such a big diamond!"


When Ye Zhifei quickly opened the jewelry box, the waiters who peeped at the door couldn't help but scream.

"Isn't it? It's a diamond pendant, Shao Ye, you... this is too handcrafted, right? A diamond of this size is estimated to be about 30 carats.

The Qin family used to specialize in ‘door’ jewellery business, so naturally they knew nothing more about jewellery diamonds. When Qin Zhong saw this large diamond, his eyes widened and he couldn’t help but scream.

"Lucky star? Ye Shao, shouldn't this one be the lucky star that Lingtang bought from 50 million in Europe?"

Qin Yuechuan recognized the origin of this diamond, and couldn't help but tweeted, "Such a big diamond, even the jewelry business of our Qin family, has never been seen before. Our largest diamond is only about 23 carats. Yeah!"

"Diamond pendant? Ok... so beautiful!"

When the jewelry box was opened, the dazzling light was dazzling. After all, Qin Yanran was also a beautiful girl. Seeing such a big and shiny diamond pendant, she naturally couldn't hide her favorite gaze.

"Diamond gift to beautiful woman, Yan Ran, this diamond is called Lucky Star. It was bought by my mother from 50 million in Europe. It weighs 30 carats and is one of the largest natural diamonds discovered in recent years."

Seeing Qin Yanran's eyes that looked at diamonds obsessively, Ye Zhifei gently picked up the platinum pendant, walked triumphantly in front of Qin Yanran, and said, "I was at home before. I thought, what kind of beautiful "female" lady is needed to be worthy of this lucky star? But now, I have found the answer. Only Yanran is worthy of bringing this lucky star. Come on, I Wear it for you, it belongs to you."

Gently unbuckle the white gold pendant, then Ye Zhifei walked forward and stretched out his hand, intending to bring it to Qin Yanran himself.

However, Qin Yanran backed away in time and waved his hand firmly and said, "I'm sorry, Shao Ye, although this diamond pendant is really beautiful. But I still have a word, it’s not mine for nothing. Something~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don’t want it."

Although my heart liked this beautiful and eye-catching diamond pendant very much, Qin Yanran insisted on her position and said no, no.

"If you like it, why not? Look, how good it fits you!" Ye Zhifei didn't care, insisting on giving Qin Yanran a strong face, said.

At this moment, Lin Feng couldn't just sit idly by. He sneered, snatched the diamond pendant from Ye Zhifei's hand, and said with a smile, "Tsk tusk! It's really unexpected! The dignified second young master of the Ye family, it turned out to be unexpected. Will send this kind of garbage to the floor stall."

"Lin Feng, what nonsense are you talking about? I am a local stall? Do you understand? This 30-carat natural real diamond, you actually said it is a local stall? My mother bought it from 50 million in Europe. "Ye Zhifei stretched out his hand, threateningly said, "Give me the diamond pendant. This is for Yanran."

"50 million shots? Tsk tsk, Ye Shao, it seems that Lingtang has eyes and no beads, others are cheating! Your diamond is obviously fake!" Lin Feng said with a smile.


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