Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1202: Professor Ding makes a rescue

With a crash!

When the wooden bridge on the lotus ‘flower’ pond fell, it immediately attracted the attention of the school’s security guards. Many tourists also looked around here to see what happened. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a

"What happened? How did this bridge collapse?"

Liu Shenglong, the security captain on the campus of Qingbei University, hurried over, calling for an ambulance while scolding. More than a dozen security guards rushed over, and it took a lot of effort to remove the wooden bridge, and rescued Zhao Shuang and the four others who were under the wooden bridge.

"Captain Liu, it's them! It was those men and women who were jumping and jumping on the bridge, which finally caused the wooden bridge to collapse."

Zhao Shuang, who was crushed under the bridge, had even greater grudges towards Lin Feng and Qin Yanran, so after being rescued, he lied. In front of the security captain Liu Shenglong, Lin Feng and Qin Yanran were wronged.

As the number one person on the Qingbei campus, Zhao Shuang and the security captain Liu Shenglong are relatively familiar, especially when Liu Shenglong approached, Zhao Shuang took out several hundred yuan bills from his pocket, handed them to Liu Shenglong, and then whispered. Said, "Captain Liu, find a way to plant this matter in the body of the male and female. Some are to your advantage."

Just as the wooden bridge collapsed, Liu Shenglong had to find a specific person in charge. Zhao Shuang and the others unanimously said that it was Lin Feng and Qin Yanran’s fault, Liu Shenglong unceremoniously walked to Lin Feng and Qin Yanran. He shouted majesticly, "You two, stop for me. Someone reported that you two broke the wooden bridge. Now please follow me back to the security room for investigation. If necessary, we may call the police. , Sue you for maliciously destroying the public property of Qingbei University."

"Lin Feng, what should I do? It must be that Zhao Shuang and the security captain are in collusion to wrong us."

Qin Yanran panicked when she heard the nonsense of the security captain. After all, this side was relatively remote, and there were no other tourists except the two of them just now. And even if other visitors watched it at the time, they could only see Lin Feng and Qin Yanran on the bridge, but could not see Zhao Shuang and others hiding under the bridge at all. They could not prove the innocence of Lin Feng and Qin Yanran.

"Relax! Yanran, they never want to wrong and frame us."

Lin Feng guarded Qin Yanran behind him and said to Liu Shenglong, the security captain, "It was obviously Zhao Shuang and the others who stood under the bridge and maliciously collapsed the wooden bridge. Instead, you wronged us? You just talked about it. The two of us are walking on the wooden bridge. How can we'collapse' the wooden bridge?"

"You...Anyway, some people say that you're doing it. You must go back with me for a detailed investigation. Otherwise, I'll call the police. When the police arrive, you won't get out so easily. Maybe, still If you want to share a criminal lawsuit, Qingbei University is full of historical monuments. If you damage the historical monuments, it is a small thing to go to jail."

The reason is that Lin Feng was dissatisfied, and Liu Shenglong used the police to threaten and intimidate Lin Feng and Qin Yanran, just like the usual blackmail of other tourists who accidentally damage the contents of Qingbei University.

"Report to the police? OK! Do you report or me? I want to see what will happen when the police arrive."

Faced with the threat of intimidation from security captain Liu Shenglong, Lin Feng was not afraid at all. At this moment, Liu Shenglong didn't recruit, and he could only wink a look, and made his security brothers rush forward, and said viciously to Lin Feng and Qin Yanran, "I think you are toasting and not eating or punishing wine. , I damaged the property of Qingbei University. Is it reasonable? Brothers, take me to the security room and wait for the police to deal with them."

Zhao Shuang, who was being bandaged underneath his wound, let out a sigh of relief in his heart when he saw this scene, and he also thought about it. After a while, Lin Feng and Qin Yanran were both arrested in the security room, and when they were too frightened. , I used to pretend to have taken a lot of effort to bring Qin Yanran out. In this way, Qin Yanran would definitely be grateful to him.

As for Lin Feng, don't care about him, he can just let him carry the black pot that the wooden bridge was damaged this time.

It's a pity that Zhao Shuang hasn't laughed for a few seconds, and suddenly an old professor with white hair came over from the side of the road and screamed at the security captain Liu Shenglong, "What are you doing?"

"Ding...Professor Ding! I am catching two tourists who maliciously damaged the wooden bridge of Qingbei University. Looking at the wooden bridge, it has been repaired so many times and it hasn't been damaged, but these two people'broken' it. "When Liu Shenglong saw someone coming, he said as if a mouse saw a cat.

The old professor who walked in front of him was not someone else. It was Ding Li who came to Zhi'an City to win Lin Feng to Qingbei University College. Ding Li is not only a professor at Qingbei University, he was also the vice president of Qingbei University, and now he is also an honorary president. He has managed all major things on the campus of Qingbei University for more than ten years, and almost all the security and staff of Qingbei University All know him.

Even if he has resigned from his management job now, Ding Li still wanders around on the campus of Qingbei University from time to time when he has free time. He will severely reprimand if there is any unqualified phenomenon, and he will maintain the reputation and image of Qingbei University as his responsibility.

Therefore, after hearing the sound of the wooden bridge collapsing, Ding Li, who was nearby, hurried over, just to see Liu Shenglong leading the security team to catch Lin Feng and Qin Yanran. Ding Li recognized Lin Feng at a glance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then looked at Zhao Shuang and others who were lying on the ground in the school, and they instantly understood what was going on.

"Captain Liu, I know this classmate. It is absolutely impossible for him to do such a thing. Also, don’t you look at how this wooden bridge collapsed? I have presided over the repair of this wooden bridge twice. Only when the site under the wooden bridge is unstable can the wooden bridge collapse."

Ding Li walked forward, glared at Zhao Shuang and the others, and said to Liu Shenglong, "I think you should pursue those who are hiding under the bridge, instead of troubled by these two classmates."

After finishing speaking, Ding Li said to Lin Feng with an apologetic expression, "Lin Feng, why do you come to Qingbei University and don't say hello to me, I can pick you up, old man!"

"Teacher Ding, I came to Qingbei University with Yanran to take a look first. Don't bother you to be old."

Lin Feng was planning to teach these short-sighted security guards a lesson, but he didn't expect to meet Professor Ding, an acquaintance here. Moreover, it seems that Professor Ding's status in Qingbei University is quite high, and these security guards were so scolded by him that he did not dare to reply.


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