Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1203: New Book Conference

"Where? Lin Feng, since you have come to Qingbei University, you have become a student of Qingbei University. [WWW.SuiMеng.lā. Hey! I have won the old Luotou."

Seeing Lin Feng, the old professor Ding Li smiled, especially when he knew that Lin Feng had really reported to Qingbei University instead of Yanjing University. Ding Li smiled even more. Even if Lin Feng finally applied for the School of Economics, not the college where Ding Li was located.

"Teacher Ding, I'm really sorry. Yanran and I were both admitted to the Department of Economics, so..."

Lin Feng knew that when the college entrance examination scores had not yet come out, Ding Li had been pulling himself to apply for the Department of Ancient Chinese at Qingbei University. Although he was still at Qingbei University, he was not the college where Ding Li was located.

"What does it matter? Lin Feng, anyway, you came to Qingbei University to become a student. As long as you are a student of Qingbei University, you can take my courses in the future, or... you come to me as a teaching assistant and I can send you Work-study subsidies..."

Ding Li took Lin Feng and talked all the way. He wanted to win over Lin Feng, a talent in ancient Chinese, and finally he couldn't help but sighed, "Ah! But to be honest, Lin Feng, it's a pity that you don't learn ancient Chinese. With your talent and your understanding of ancient Chinese, if you can study ancient Chinese in the same way as I did, the five thousand years of Huaxia in our country will be a successor."

"Teacher Ding, don't worry! Chinese traditions will not be buried. Even if I am not learning ancient Chinese, I will continue to promote our ancient Chinese culture in the future."

For old professors like Ding Li and Luo Ji, they have nothing to ask for in their lives. They hope to live in this flashy city, and modern Chinese people don't completely forget the Ming and ‘jing’ Hua passed down from their ancestors. For this, Lin Feng is recognized and admired by one hundred people.

Not to mention other things, Lin Feng can deeply understand from his own inheritance and memory that the five thousand years of Huaxia’s brilliance is how many predecessors’ wisdom is finally uninheritable, and can only be wiped out in the dust of history. .

Fortunately, many of the wisdom of the predecessors have been recorded by Lin Feng's 24 Dinghai God Pearls. With these inherited memories, Lin Feng's mind is at least half of Hua Xia Ming.

"Yes, yes, yes... Lin Feng, if there are more children like you now, we old guys can be dead. You know? Our country does not attach too much importance to the research and protection of ancientization. But abroad, the United States, Japan, and the "Bang" country, etc., have begun to focus on the ancientization of our China. Recently, why those China antiques can be sold at such high prices overseas is because foreign institutions want to pass These antiques come to study our Chinese Ming..."

Speaking of this, the old Professor Ding Li really said in tears, "The first few guys who are about to enter the coffin and Lao Luo have been reporting to relevant leaders for the past few years. The purpose is to make the country pay attention to it from the policy level. , So that the people of the country have the awareness of protecting the national quintessence and traditionalization. Don’t wait until fifty or one hundred years later, we Chinese people want to study the real Chinese traditions and Ming, but go to the United States and the Japanese Going to museums and research institutes, that really shaved the faces of our ancestors..."

"Teacher Ding, don't worry. Lin Feng and I will work hard to inherit the Chinese tradition, and we will call on more people to work together."

Originally, Qin Yanran did not pay too much attention to this aspect. From her point of view, advancing with the times is the main theme. The traditional feudal ‘superstition’ beliefs and Ming should be replaced by the new and Westernized Ming. But after listening to Professor Ding Li's words today, Qin Yanran also introspected.

In particular, Qin Yanran learned the art of Chinese painting from her grandmother Ye Huiqin since she was a child. The so-called poetry and painting are not divided into families, and at the same time they have been exposed to a lot of poetry, and the feelings for this are even deeper.

"Yeah! Teacher Ding, this is not a responsibility that one or two people can bear, but it needs to be passed on by each of our Chinese sons and daughters. When Yanran and I officially report to Qingbei University, we must find a way to cooperate You work together to promote the cause of Hua Xia Ming."

What Lin Feng said was from his own heart, he didn't know how to use the inherited economy in his stomach!

"Good, good! Lin Feng, Yan Ran, you are all good children. By the way, today you came to Qingbei just in time. The famous beautiful'female' writer Chang Yu, with the pen name Tingyu, wants to open a new book at Qingbei University. The press conference starts at one o’clock in the afternoon. Are you interested in seeing it together? It’s said that this is the first time that Chang Yu has officially appeared in the public. There is also a little secret, Chang Yu and Qingbei The origins of the university are not light."

Ding Li said, took out two tickets from his pocket and said, "If you are interested, I have two admission tickets here. The location is Qingbei University Library."

"The beautiful'female' writer Chang'Yu'? The pen name is Changyu! Wow! Lin Feng, I have read her writing and it is very beautiful. I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence that I could meet her new book release here today Yes." Qin Yanran said excitedly.

"I seem to have read a little about this book. In that case, Yan Ran, let's go and have a look together in the afternoon?" Lin Feng smiled and took the ticket from Ding Lishou ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Thanks, "Thank you Ding The teacher, and the one who just helped me and Yanran."

"It's not a big deal, just do it. Hey! Now Tsinghua University is not as clean as it used to be. Some powerful families always like to throw their dudes into our ivory tower. It's a pity that the old man is a humble speech. Light, otherwise these scumbags would have been driven out..."

With a sigh, Ding Li took Lin Feng and said for a long time before he was willing to let Lin Feng and Qin Yanran leave, and then went back to the office to prepare lessons and organize materials by himself.

"Wow! Lin Feng, it looks like Teacher Ding admires you very much, but it is a pity that you did not report to his department."

After shopping for a while, it was almost time for lunch. Qin Yanran and Lin Feng went to the cafeteria of Qingbei University, and each asked for a set meal for 15 yuan, which was cheap and delicious.

While eating, Qin Yanran took the two new book launch tickets and said, "Lin Feng, I didn't expect that the author of this book would be a sister. I don't know what she looks like. I can live in Qingbei. The university library has a new book launch conference, she is really amazing."


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