Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1335: Provincial inspection team is here

Police Chief Gong Fangde shook his hand. Mayor Chen Luping looked over, and Lin Feng smiled and waved to Chen Luping and greeted him. ◢Щщш.sUimEnG.lā,. !

"It's really Lin Feng!"

Chen'Lu' Ping'Lu' made a complex expression that was both surprised and not surprised, and then walked towards Lin Feng with a smile.

"You, you! Lin Feng, tell Aunt Ping honestly, how did you wipe out these underground casinos?"

Now Chen'Lu' Ping and Lin Feng can't see outside at all, so they ask questions directly.

"Aunt Ping, you praised me. I'm just an ordinary student. No matter what the ability to destroy underground casinos, this is the credit of Director Gong and the masses of people's police."

Lin Feng didn't take credit at all, and said with a smile, "I just did what a good citizen should do."

The beautiful'female' reporter Zhou Yun couldn't listen anymore. After reporting the live broadcast, she ran over and said, "Mayor Chen, don't listen to Lin Feng's mouth. He wants to learn from Lei Feng and do good deeds. Leave a name, just keep a low profile. It never doesn’t matter how hard we journalists are. It’s hard to come up with some good people, good deeds and heroic deeds, but every time this little hero is anonymous and refuses to show his merits, it hurts us reporters. How hard it is!"

When Zhou Yun said so, everyone present laughed. Because everyone thought of the several good things that Lin Feng had done before, didn't they all do good things without leaving a name, and only left a friendly name of "Lei Feng"? At that time, Zhou Yun, who was a reporter for the Zhi'an TV Station, could only helplessly replace Lin Feng's name with an unsung hero every time he reported these incidents. Therefore, Zhou Yun said that today is not without reason.

"Have you heard? Lin Feng, what you have done is good and beneficial to the people. Why don't you dare to leave your name openly? Are you afraid that I won't praise you?" Chen'Lu'ping Said with a smile.

"Aunt Ping, you are really right. My face is too thin, I can't stand too much praise." Lin Feng said cheeky.

"You're so shameless? Lin Feng, why are you so shameless?" Zhou Yun immediately retorted. The bickering between the two of them was full of wit, making everyone present haha. stand up.

Mother Lin laughed so hard that her tears were about to come out. Seeing this beautiful "female" reporter Zhou Yun, she also liked how she liked it, especially when she was running against her son Lin Feng, her flirtatious look , And Lin Feng are alive and well like a happy couple.

"Sister, how do I think this week's reporter is very interesting to our Xiaofeng?"

Upon seeing this, Fang Qiuping, the youngest aunt's mother, also noticed a problem, and discussed with Mother Lin in a low voice.

"It seems that there is such a thing, but..."

When Mother Lin said this, she stopped abruptly.

"But what? What's wrong with the reporter this week? I don't think she is as old as our Xiaofeng! At most three or four years older,'female' junior holds gold bricks, how nice it is!" Fang Qiuping is unclear. She said, how did she know that after the word "but" in Mother Lin, there are too many beautiful female students who are interesting to Lin Feng, and now there is another one, which is really messy enough. Of it.

"What do you know! Does my nephew still lack a "girl" child like it? Didn't you see it when you went to the hero restaurant for dinner? Even the big star Su Zixuan is attracted to our family Xiaofeng! And that Tong Miss Tong is also beautiful, so we don't have to worry about it!"

My uncle Zhang Guiliang smirked, and at the same time, he inevitably envied his nephew’s peach blossom luck.

And these villagers in Dunxu Town saw that even the police chief Gong Fangde and the mayor Chen'Lu'ping had come to the scene in person, and the voice of anti-gambling rose even more. There are even some senior gamblers who walked with tears in their tears and confessed to Chen'Lu'ping.

"Mayor Chen! We should never take this gambling path of no return! Hey! We have failed Zhengfu's expectations and help to us..."

"I promise Mayor Chen that I will work hard and get rich in the future, and I will never be greedy for the mirage of gambling and riches."


Looking at the gamblers who had come to their senses, Chen Luping nodded with satisfaction and said, "As long as you rely on your hard-working hands and sweat, you can definitely get rich and run well. As the mayor of this city, I will Everyone promises that it will give you more opportunities to get rich by business and lift the economy of our Zhi'an City. But this time, the person you should be most grateful to is not me, but Lin Feng, who has gone deep into danger. , Successfully pulled you out of the abyss of gambling..."

After the villagers applauded with gratitude, the originally lively market entrance of Dunxu Town, now only some run-down underground casinos were sealed up. Standing at the ‘door’ of these casinos, Lin Feng really became a little embarrassed. Rao originally came with the goal of getting rid of these malignant tumors, but he did not expect that these casinos could be completely eradicated in such a short period of time.

"What's wrong? Lin Feng, do you want to go back with Aunt Ping's car?"

Seeing Lin Feng standing alone in a daze at the ‘door’ of the casino, Chen Luping walked forward and asked.

"No need! Aunt Ping, I also drove here. I just stopped at my uncle's house. By the way, Aunt Ping, Chi'an is not the only town in Dunxu Town where gambling is serious. I think I can use this time. The opportunity to improve the gambling atmosphere in the entire Zhi'an City..." Lin Feng added~www.wuxiaspot.com~En! I have just discussed this issue with Director Gong and reporter Zhou. We will work with the Public Security Bureau, the Municipal TV Station and the Municipal Propaganda Department to launch an anti-gambling propaganda and anti-gambling activity week throughout the city. It must be within this week. , To eradicate all underground casinos in all towns within the scope of Zhi'an City. "

In fact, these plans were actually formulated by Chen Luping a long time ago, but because of the big environment, because these villagers' persistence in gambling and the yearning for wealth, there is no way to implement them.

At this time, after Chen Luping’s secretary Xiao Liu suddenly received a call, he ran over with a serious face and whispered, "Mayor Chen, the provincial inspection team is here, I... We better go back to the municipal office..."

"How can there be a provincial inspection team at this time? Moreover, they came to them and asked the deputy mayor and staff of the municipal fu to entertain them first. I am dealing with things outside now, can't I go back later?"

Chen'Lu'ping was never the kind of official who is good at flattering, so he didn't take the inspection team down from the rank seriously.


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