Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1336: To get rich, build roads first

If you change to another mayor, when you hear that the leader of the province has brought the inspection team down, he must be running back, greeted by good wine and good food. ?шщЩ.suimEnG.1a. . However, as the mayor of Tiemian, Chen'Lu'ping is notoriously not fond of relations and flattery. Everything is done in accordance with the rules and regulations.

In her opinion, it is more important for Dunxu Town to eradicate the aftermath of underground casinos and to receive some insignificant officials from the municipal government who came to inspect the work.

However, the secretary Xiao Liu said with a sad face, "Mayor Chen, isn't it a little bit okay? Moreover, this time the team led by Vice Governor Zhou Nanzhou in charge of environmental protection and tourism."

"Deputy Governor Zhou? What does this have to do with me? I don't seem to have any'intersection' with Vice Governor Zhou."

Chen'Lu'ping tried hard to think about it, and suddenly thought of something, she frowned, then hesitated, "Okay! In this case, let's go back first. Anyway, Director Gong will arrange the follow-up work here. ."

After that, Chen'Lu'ping could only say goodbye to Lin Feng in a hurry, and drove back to the municipal office.

In the car driving back, Chen'Lu'ping hurriedly asked the secretary Xiao Liu, "Xiao Liu, if I remember correctly. This Vice Governor Zhou, should be the cousin of Vice Mayor Huang Tao?"

"Yes! Mayor Chen, what I wanted to remind you just now is that so many people are inconvenient to say." Secretary Xiao Liu nodded and said, "You and Deputy Mayor Huang have always had disputes with each other, especially for a rectification. After the influence, Vice Mayor Huang also gained a lot of support. This time Vice Governor Zhou came to our city as an inspection team, which is probably a bit of a shock to the mountain."

"Got it! It's also my fault that I haven't noticed this aspect. This Huang Tao, if he is honestly doing political achievements to compete with me, I will encourage and help him more. But if you want to use the power of the face to suppress I, let me give in and flatter him, then he made the wrong idea."

Knowing the key, Chen'Lu'ping's mouth curled slightly and said firmly.

Having been in officialdom for so many years, Chen'Lu'ping can be said to be very familiar with the set of officialdom cards, and has encountered many obstacles. However, she is determined not to succumb to this set of collusion between officials and officials. She treats everyone equally, and only looks at your political achievements and ability, not your background.

Huang Tao, the deputy mayor of Zhi'an City, is still relatively capable under her, but she has some cleverness, can't hold her breath, always wants to get promoted quickly, and often uses some small means.

Not long ago, Huang Tao put forward a proposal to vigorously develop industrialization in Zhi'an City and carry out the construction of a chemical plant. After Chen'Lu'ping voted down, he has always had a lot of opinions on Chen'Lu'ping. Because Huang Tao is the deputy mayor in charge of industrial economics. If this proposal is passed, his political achievements and benefits must be mainly implemented in his head.

However, Chen'Lu'ping, from the perspective of the long-term development of Zhi'an City, is not suitable for the development of polluting heavy industries and construction of chemical plants, but for the development of tourism. However, Chen'Lu'ping's own plans have been difficult to develop due to numerous difficulties. On the one hand, the gambling ethos in Zhi'an City has made farmers more tired of their ‘sexuality’ and there is no motivation to build tourist attractions. On the other hand, it is still a matter of money. The construction and maintenance of tourist attractions require large amounts of funds and overall planning.

Especially in Zhi'an City, surrounded by mountains and rivers, most of them are natural landscapes. If the mountain roads and corresponding supporting facilities cannot be repaired, and there are some tourist commercial squares, then it is impossible to attract a large number of tourists. The few tourism funds allocated by Zhi'an City every year only allow Zhi'an City to barely maintain the number of tourists less than tens of thousands each year.

This year’s situation has improved. At the peak of the past few months, the number of tourists in Zhian City has exceeded 5,000 in a single day, and it has surpassed 50,000 in more than half a year. It can be said that it was completed in half a year. the amount. This is thanks to the heroic restaurant of Lin Feng's family, which has promoted the development of the tourism industry in Zhi'an City from another level.

However, this is still insignificant when compared with the several major tourist cities in the vicinity, with hundreds of thousands of tourists a year. How to make good use of the natural tourism resources of Zhi'an City and build Zhi'an City into a well-known tourism at home and abroad has always been the biggest task and goal that the mayors of Zhi'an City want to do well but are difficult to start.

On the way back to Zhi'an City from Dunxu Town while driving Maybach, Lin Feng looked at the beautiful mountains and rivers along the way, but he was actually thinking about this issue in his heart. From the situation of the villagers seen by the casino today, he wondered if the "poor mountains and bad waters" that these villagers saw could develop into the "green mountains and green waters" that the city people are happy to visit, and use tourism to bring these villagers If they have a source of income, then they have a way to get rich, and naturally they will not put their minds on unrealistic daydreams such as gambling and lottery tickets.

"Mom! There are a lot of tourist attractions in Zhi'an City! I don't think there are too few cities next door! Why are there so few people visiting here? Especially Tianbao Peak behind Dunxu Town, when I was a kid, I used to When I ran to play, the scenery on that side was so beautiful. But not many people seem to know..." Lin Feng asked in a puzzled manner.

"Hey! Xiaofeng, take a look... it's not the eighteen bends of our mountain roads, even our locals can't climb those peaks~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the fruits and vegetables that your uncles planted before. Many of them can only be rotten in Tianlishan and cannot be shipped at all. Because the cost of transporting them out is even higher and selling them at a higher price, it is better to let them rotten there..."

Mother Lin's words awakened Lin Feng. Grandpa Deng is right. To get rich, we must first build roads. The city of Zhi'an is mostly mountainous. There is often only one one-way cement road between various scenic spots and towns. From the perspective of the traffic environment, it is very difficult. There is the possibility of'sex' to develop tourism.

The poor mountains and bad rivers lead to the creation of the people. It is precisely because of this living environment that the villagers in Zhi'an City are better lazy, indulging in gambling, and daydreaming about getting rich overnight.

"It turns out that this is the case. The fundamental reason why the tourism industry in Zhi'an City cannot develop is the rugged mountain roads. If these supporting'traffic' facilities can be made well, coupled with relevant propaganda methods... see here Are you afraid that there will be no visitors to the beautiful scenery and scenery?"

Lin Feng estimated the sleeping dollars in his current account, and felt it was time to let the money show some light and heat.


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