Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1337: Mayor Chen is accountable

It was the night, when he returned to his home, Lin Feng was in a pretty good mood. Today, the removal of the malignant underground casinos in Dunxu Town can be regarded as a contribution to the fellow villagers. ? WWW.suimeng.lā. . !

I'm going to report to Qingbei University in Beijing in a few days. Lin Feng looked at the suitcases my mother had arranged for him, and he was almost packed.

"I don't know if Yanran is ready? By the way, ask when she would like to go, just book the air ticket together."

Although Lin Feng is the second largest shareholder of Southeast Airlines, he can't fly to Beijing with a ‘private’ plane every time. This time, he and Yanran will go to Beijing with Yanran, and it’s almost enough to book a business class or something.

However, after the call was connected, Qin Yanran didn't seem to be in such a good mood.

"Yan Ran, what's the matter with you? Is there anything unhappy today?" Lin Feng asked when he noticed it.

"It's nothing, Lin Feng, I think my mother seems a little unhappy today. Normally, my mother won't be like this when she comes back from get off work. When she comes back tonight, she won't even eat dinner, so she is locked in the study room alone."

Qin Yanran said with some worry, "I just made some soup and wanted to send it to my mother, but my mother told me that she is not in a good mood right now, and let her be quiet."

"Ah? Aunt Ping is in a bad mood? What is going on?"

Lin Feng recalled what happened today. The eradication of the underground casino in Dunxu Town is absolutely pleasing, and it shouldn't make Aunt Ping unhappy. Moreover, Lin Feng knows that Chen Luping has always been a very knowledgeable and optimistic "female" sex. She is in the high position of the mayor. She has always been'chaos' and not surprised, and possesses strong resistance. The ability to pressure can be said to be a strong woman.

"I don't know, Lin Feng, I've never seen my mother like this. I...I'm a little worried about her. I'm afraid that after we go to Beijing to study, my mother will still be like this. Grandma told me not to worry, but I...I Always worry about mom..."

Qin Yanran is so sentimental, and ordinary people are more sensitive. It is said that the ‘female’ is her mother’s little padded jacket, but now Qin Yanran feels that she is not very helpful and cannot warm her mother who is in trouble at this time.

"Yan Ran, don't worry, let me think of a way. First ‘figure’ out what Aunt Ping is upset about, and then solve it."

After comforting Qin Yanran a few words, after Lin Feng hung up the phone, he frowned and thought, "Could it be that Aunt Ping went back to receive the officials of the provincial inspection team today and was unhappy?"

But at this moment, Mother Lin in the living room downstairs shouted loudly, "Xiao Feng, Qingqing, come downstairs!"

"Mom! What's wrong? What happened..." Lin Feng asked hurriedly out of the bedroom.

"What's wrong? Aunt Zhang, what's new!" Luo Qingqing also stepped on her slippers, walking down with a charming expression.

"The evening news in Chi'an City has started. Come and watch. Today is the footage of our mother and son merging the two swords and breaking the underground casino. Look...that's me, sitting at the gambling table and looking at the fierce and evil Zhang Dafa , Not afraid of him at all."

Mother Lin cheerfully pointed to herself in the TV news and said excitedly.

"Huh? It's really you, Aunt Zhang, did you really go to the casino to break the scene today?"

Luo Qingqing also stared at the news screen of the LCD TV. At this time, it was broadcasted the "sneak" footage of Lin Mu and Zhang Dafa gambling, and also "plugged in" the casino cheating to produce the old thousand, and also matched Zhou Yun. The voice of the narration explaining these thousand techniques immediately made all the audience who saw this news understand the cheating methods used by the casino.

"What is smashing place, Qingqing, Xiaofeng and I are going to eradicate the malignant tumor today, and cooperate with the police officers to eradicate all the underground casinos that have harmed our people. At the same time, we must reveal their thousands of tricks to the general public. The common people sounded the alarm, long-term gambling must lose, the harm of gambling is worth tens of millions!

Lin Mu, a steadfast anti-gambling fighter, shouted with great momentum.

"Hey! Mom, don't tell me, you're a pretty good mirror. Sitting at that mahjong table is a lively gambler!"

Lin Feng also agreed with a smile, but Father Lin smiled and shook his head and said, "You two mother and son, you really know how to play."

At the same time, when this anti-gambling news was broadcast throughout the city, the wives of almost every village and township peasant family quickly called their husbands who were obsessed with gambling and asked them to be careful. Look at this news carefully.

After realizing the tricks of cheating in casinos, many gamblers, like the gamblers in Dunxu Town today, came to their senses and hated the self who lost a lot of hard-earned money in the past. It can be said that this piece of news directly brought a new breeze to Zhi'an City, where gambling prevailed, and dispelled the mists of gambling.

While Lin Feng's family was talking about TV news, when the next news came out, everyone was surprised.

"Today, the provincial inspection team led by Vice Governor Zhou Nan came to our city to inspect the work, and gave affirmative praise to the city's many work progress. At the same time, it also pointed out some shortcomings that need to be improved..."

After a brief introduction by the host of the TV station, the news screen shifted to the situation in the meeting room of the municipal fu building this afternoon. It seems that the deputy governor of Beer Belly Zhou, who is almost 60 years old, is sternly accusing Chen Luping, the mayor of Zhi'an City, in the meeting room.

"Mayor Chen, I remember five years ago when you asked for tourism resources like our Provincial Tourism Bureau~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but you promised to develop the major scenic spots in Zhi'an City. At least one country There are 5a-level attractions, two 4a attractions, and five 3a attractions. But now? Five years! Five years have passed! Zhi’an has only one 4a attraction, two 3a attractions, and the annual number of tourists is less than 100,000. The tourism output value has not even broken 500 million. Is this your so-called promise?"

Working in the quiet Zhi'an municipal meeting hall, even if Vice Governor Zhou Nan knew that he was facing the news, he did not save face to the mayor Chen Lu Ping, and he unceremoniously held accountability in person. By his side, Huang Tao, the deputy mayor of Zhi'an who was in charge of the reception, had a sly smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Today, when I see the current situation in Zhi'an City, I really regret it. Mayor Chen, I am not here to question your ability, but I am thinking, since a responsible and capable official like you is Can’t vigorously develop the tourism industry in Zhi’an City. Does that indicate a problem...that is, Zhi’an City is actually not suitable for the development of tourism?”

Zhou Nan’s painting style changed and said, “I saw a plan for vigorously developing industrialization by your deputy mayor Huang Tao a few days ago. I think it fits the current development situation of Zhi’an City very well and will help solve your current difficulties.”


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