Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1343: 10 billion investment (on) 5 more

The President Lian said such a passage, and Chen'Lu' Ping immediately knew what was going on. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a

"Understand! Understand... Mr. Lian, thank you for telling me this today, but I still hope you can think about it carefully. I will work hard to solve the problem of traffic in the major scenic spots in Zhi'an City. The tourism industry in Zhi'an City is still Very promising for investment."

After hanging up the phone, Chen'Lu'ping frowned. For more than ten years in politics, there has never been a day in which he has been so aggrieved.

It is no wonder that the companies she contacted did not even come to visit the site and directly declined investment invitations. Behind this was the vice governor Zhou Nan who was doing bad things. Those companies who did not dare to offend Zhou Nan, who was in charge of the tourism resources in Fujian Province, naturally sent Chen Luping declined emails.

"Mom, what's the matter?"

Seeing her mother's frowning face, Qin Yanran came forward very well and said, "I'll make breakfast for you."

"Don't bother, Yanran, mom is going to the work unit first, buy something and eat early."

After speaking, Chen'Lu' Ping drove to the municipal fu squad with a sad expression on her face.

The provincial inspection team went out for inspection for one week, and spent about three days in Zhi'an City. Today is the second day. Early in the morning, under the leadership of Deputy Mayor Huang Tao, Vice Governor Zhou Nan began to examine the various work contents and contributions of the major government departments of Zhi'an City.

After yesterday's head-on'clash', many officials in the municipal government felt that the direction of the wind had changed. They know the difficulty of developing the tourism industry. Once the mayor Chen'Lu'ping really fails to develop the tourism industry in Zhi'an within a year, he must resign as promised.

On the other hand, Deputy Mayor Huang Tao has the cousin of the Deputy Governor as his backer, and his personal abilities are fairly passable. Obviously he has great potential for promotion. Suddenly, in the municipal office, many officials began to think carefully, and wanted to get close to the deputy mayor Huang Tao.

Chen'Lu'ping has actually felt these subtle changes, but she does not have the time and'essence' to manage these gangs, her mind has been running at high speed, looking for one. Solutions that can solve the current dilemma.

"Mayor Chen, I'm sorry. I made several investment calls in the past, and the other party said they were not interested in hanging up..."

The secretary, Xiao Liu, had already called in the office for a noon. The other party didn't answer or connected and then hung up without saying a few words. No company is interested and sincere in investing.

"Don't blame you, Xiao Liu, it was Vice Governor Zhou who made the announcement. I am afraid that we are going to expand the scale of promotion of investment promotion. The large enterprises around Fujian Province will more or less scrutinize Vice Governor Zhou. We I can only go further north to find companies to invest..."

In fact, the investment promotion is still secondary. The most serious problem Chen Luping has to solve is the construction of the section of the Tianmu Mountain road.

"If the investment and cost are not taken into account, it will cost between 100 million and 150 million yuan to open and build this section of the road. However, even if the best construction company in the country is invited, it will only be at most 100%. The certainty of Twenty can ensure that the mountain will not collapse completely under the influence of explosives..."

Holding a pen and painting on the information, Chen Luping shook his head straight after calculating for a while, "No! Twenty percent confidence is too low. If you fail, the consequences will be unimaginable, which is equivalent to directly letting the villages and scenic spots behind you. I'm cut off from the world. At that time, there will be really no way to enter the mountains, and the current technology will not be able to build such a long highway...

This scheme does not work!

That plan is too risky!

Lack of sufficient funds!

There is no technology to support!

Step by step is difficult, step by step is difficult!

Difficult steps, no way!

In the mayor's office, Chen'Lu'ping's mind has reached a dead end, and she can't think of any reasonable solution.

At this time, Zhou Nan, the vice-governor of the inspection, knocked on the door of the mayor’s office to conduct a condolence inspection, and was followed by a group of media reporters who came over from the province.

"Mayor Chen, it's really hard work!"

Zhou Nan smiled and said beautiful scenes.

As a reporter from the provincial TV station followed, even though Chen Luping hated the smiling tiger Zhou Nan in his heart at this time, she had to shake hands and smile friendly and said, “It’s not hard, why don’t we have Vice Governor Zhou’s inspection work so hard? !"

"Mayor Chen is ridiculous. The hard work of our inspections depends on the transparency and efficiency of your Zhi'an City officials. You are transparent and efficient. Our inspection work is not easy?" Zhou Nan is indeed an old official. Such a sentence seems soft, but it is a knife hidden in the cotton.

"I don't know what Mayor Chen is doing recently? The military order issued by Mayor Chen yesterday is really a role model for us civil servants. We have the courage to assume responsibility and formulate goals and plans. I don't know about the tourism industry in Zhi'an. Where is Mayor Chen's plan to attract investment?"

Today, the reason why Zhou Nan deliberately brought reporters from the provincial TV station was that Zhou Nan actually wanted to take advantage of the TV station’s exposure to further confirm Chen'Lu'ping's military order, and also reported the purpose of taunting and belittling Chen'Lu'ping again in front of the media. After all, other leaders in the province are still very sure of Chen Lu'ping's ability.

"The first step of the Long March, I am still planning the plan to attract investment, and I will discuss the plan with relevant officials of the Municipal Tourism Bureau and the Investment Promotion Bureau."

Because facing the camera ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhou Nan came to inspect on behalf of the provincial leaders, naturally Chen'Lu'ping couldn't avoid answering every question he asked. Therefore, even if he knew that Zhou Nan wanted to make a fool of himself in front of the camera, he had to be forced to accept it.

"Oh? Mayor Chen! Although Zhi'an is a county-level city, I have always had great expectations for your city and for you personally. But I just came over from the China Merchants Bureau. This year has passed more than half. I was very dissatisfied with the result sheet that you'handed in'. For more than half a year, even the investment of 100 million yuan has not been implemented, and how did I hear about the Tianmufeng mineral water that was originally planned to build a contract? Has the investor changed his mind over the factory’s 30 million investment intention?"

After mentioning the issue of attracting investment, Zhou Nan began to zoom in on the recruitment, and directly in front of the camera, he began to re-account the mayor Chen'Lu' Pinglai. This is also the trick he thought of yesterday when he was entertaining with Huang Tao from other provinces in the club. Taking advantage of Chen'Lu'ping's present vain killing her, he used various methods to weaken Chen'Lu'ping's prestige and influence from various aspects. More importantly, through this live TV news broadcast, the leaders in the province who are biased towards Chen Luping gradually lose their trust in Chen Luping’s ability.


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