Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1344: 10 billion investment (middle)


The investment attraction of Zhi'an City this year failed?

Are you kidding me?

This kind of small county can usually have an investment of 50 or 60 million a year, which is very good!

Almost 100 million has been invested in the past half of this year, which is much better in previous years. <щww.suimeng.lā

However, such achievements in investment promotion are extremely unqualified in the eyes of Vice Governor Zhou Nan.

At the same time, if the people who are not particularly knowledgeable about politics and investment promotion, they will naturally be misled by Zhou Nan's words when they see these reports. They think that Zhi'an is a city at least, and there is too little investment promotion at this point in a year.

"Deputy Governor Zhou, the investment promotion target set by our Zhi'an City this year is 80 million. It has only been eight months since we have overfulfilled the task."

The secretary, Xiao Liu, was a little angry, so he stood up and spoke for Mayor Chen Luping.

"I'm talking to Mayor Chen. You are the mayor's secretary. You are not qualified to speak here." Zhou Nan glared at the secretary Xiao Liu, and then deliberately changed the topic again and'forced' people to Chen. "Lu" Ping said, "I and the provincial leaders have always believed that Mayor Chen is a pragmatic official, and perhaps the amount of investment investment of more than 80 million yuan is about the same for other county-level cities. However, Mayor Chen kept saying yesterday. To drive the development of the tourism industry in Zhi'an City, there is no investment of about one billion yuan, but nothing can be done. I don’t know Mayor Chen, what do you want to say about what I said?"

As soon as Zhou Nan's words were finished, the reporter from the Provincial TV Station pointed the microphone and camera at Chen'Lu'ping. They were also deliberately found by Zhou Nan. Today's interviews will be broadcast on the provincial evening news.

"Vice Governor Zhou, you are very right. Our roads in Zhi'an City have poor traffic conditions. Manufacturers and companies from other regions rarely consider investment in Zhi'an City. This is also what the people of Zhi'an City have always The fundamental reason why it is difficult to get rich is to build roads first. No matter how difficult it is, I, Chen Luping, will do my best to develop the tourism industry of Zhi'an City in this year. go with……"

Before Chen'Lu'ping finished speaking, Zhou Nan interrupted him in a very stern voice, "Mayor Chen, I don't think the provincial leaders and the people want to hear your fake words. What you said It is a situation that we all see. What we want to know now is, what kind of effort do you have to do? What is your plan? In how many months do you plan to complete the investment attraction, and in how many months , Complete the construction and development of tourism industry infrastructure?"

It is worthy of being in the field of tourism in Fujian Province for more than 20 years. Zhou Nan has a series of questions about every program here, even if it is for Chen Luping. Xiao Liu, the secretary who was speaking, choked and didn't dare to speak casually.

"It's over! From this point of view, Vice Governor Zhou is really targeting Mayor Chen..."

"That’s just to say, don’t look at how he is related to our Deputy Mayor Huang. Mayor Ci Chen publicly rejected Deputy Mayor Huang’s industrialization proposal at the meeting, and now Deputy Mayor Huang deliberately found his backer to retrieve it. It's a place."

"In fact, Mayor Chen has done very well. I dare say that it is absolutely impossible for Mayor Chen to do better if any other official comes to our city as the mayor of Zhi'an..."


Yesterday’s questioning in the conference room, plus today’s question in the mayor’s office, the political officials in the municipal office building, as long as they are not blind, can see that Vice Governor Zhou Nan came to find fault with Chen Lu’ping on purpose. child.

These officials should watch Chen'Lu'ping lively, some expect Chen'Lu'ping to step down quickly, and some worry about Chen'Lu'ping's unrest.

But Chen'Lu'ping faced such pressure, but she did not humble and picked up last night and said, "Vice Governor Zhou, for the specific content of the plan, I have already laid out a timetable, you can take a look. "

"What? Mayor Chen, you won't fool me with the plans you made before?"

Zhou Nan was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Chen'Lu'ping had actually completed the development plan for the entire Zhi'an city's tourism industry overnight in just one day.

"Is it the previous plan? You can find out." Chen'Lu' said flatly.

"In September, it is expected to attract 300 million yuan of investment for basic tourist facilities and road construction. In October, the scenic spots will be repaired and maintained..."

Seeing this clear list of timetables, even Zhou Nan, who wanted to pick the bones of his ‘chicken’, had to write a capitalized "service" in his heart. It can be said that Chen'Lu'ping is really a good hand in political work, which makes people unable to fault.

However, Zhou Nan wanted to pick Chen Luping’s question. He snorted coldly, threw the plan on the table, and then asked again, "Mayor Chen, this plan is clearly stated. Can you do it for 100 million yuan? In most half a year, it will be less than 100 million yuan. There is still one month left to attract 300 million yuan of investment?"


In other respects, including the timing and feasibility of these plans, Chen Luping has done ‘precise’ design, and he is confident that people can’t pick up problems. This is the first time that Chen Luping is so embarrassed to attract investment. There is almost no investor who has the intention to invest, let alone 300 million. Chen Luping feels that according to this situation~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even thirty million is a problem.

"Why? Nothing to say? Mayor Chen, do I need to repeat the Chairman's instructions? You need to be hard to fight. Our people don't need officials who are full of empty talk, but they want public servants who can do practical things down to earth. You No matter how beautiful the report plan is written, it can’t be implemented and attract enough funds, then everything is equivalent to... fart..."

Pretending to be very angry, Zhou Nan yelled in front of so many Zhi'an city officials and media cameras, as if he was a clean and honest official who worked hard and worked hard for the people all the time.

"Haha! Chen'Lu' Ping, this time at the conference, didn't you also use this set of words to talk about me? Wasn't it cool at the time? Now that my cousin scolded me like this, I have nothing to say? Investment, with my cousin in one day, you can't even get thirty to three million yuan..." Deputy Mayor Huang Tao saw that Chen Luping was criticized, and his heart was happy.

The situation in the office is very severe. Everyone is worried about Chen Luping, and they feel that Zhou Nan has criticized too much, and Chen Luping has no step down. But at this time, an abrupt bell rang in the office.


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