Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1377: It's revealed! It's revealed! (under)

"Vice Governor Zhou, come on!"

"Deputy Mayor Huang will work harder..."


The officials who came with the inspection team would only shout cheer on the sidelines, really making them start to save people immediately. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a. .

Hearing the voices of these people, Zhou Nan and Huang Tao really couldn't wait to crawl to them and scold them severely. Now they didn't have the strength to curse at all, and all their strength was used to firmly grasp the hemp rope that Lin Feng had dropped.

Those in front of the mountain people also heard the movement, some of whom knew the Deputy Mayor Huang, such as Zhao Wei rushed over, rushing to save people and do meritorious services.

However, Lin Feng stopped him, and said with a smile, "Do you think no one of us here is willing to save people? What can you do? You didn’t see that it was Vice Governor Zhou and Vice Mayor Huang deliberately Did you jump down here and try to climb the mountain to exercise? As Vice Governor Zhou said just now, he climbed more steep mountain roads. Do you want to question the ability of Vice Governor Zhou? ?"

Lin Feng's words, and Zhou Nan and Huang Tao below did not speak, so they blocked Zhao Wei. And Zhou Nan and Huang Tao below listened to them, and they couldn't wait to jump in and fight Lin Feng immediately. It's just because they don't even have the strength to shout to face each other now, and their attention is concentrated, otherwise they would have already shouted for Zhao Wei to come down and save people.

Poo poo!

Ten minutes later, Zhou Nan and Huang Tao finally climbed with great effort. When Zhou Nan's feet landed on the ground, the whole person was relieved, and then saw Lin Feng's smile on the other end of the rope, an anger rushed, pointing Lin Feng to curse, but just now' Hua' took too much effort, was a little short of breath, but couldn't speak very well when the words came to her mouth, just panting and shouting, "Lin Feng, you...you..."

"Oh! Vice Governor Zhou, don't thank me. These are what I should do, right? How can I see two leaders falling down and not helping each other! Moreover, Vice Governor Zhou deserves to boast just now. Physical strength, to be able to climb on such a steep slope, is nothing like a 60-year-old Ma!"

Before Zhou Nan dialect was spoken, Lin Feng immediately blocked it with a smile, making Zhou Nan almost vomiting blood with anger. As for that Huang Tao's physical strength is worse, after finally climbing, there is no strength to stand up, let alone scolding Lin Feng, lying directly on the mountain road, rolling his eyes and panting.

"Okay! Alright! Don't watch the excitement! Everyone! Vice Governor Zhou and Vice Mayor Huang have successfully arrived, and continue to walk to the mountain temple. Otherwise, there will be no time to go down the mountain..."

Seeing Lin Feng's ragged appearance, Zhou Nan almost vomited blood out of his anger. Mayor Chen'Lu'ping hurriedly rounded up Lin Feng and let the team go on.

Those officials who had watched the excitement, faced the anger of Vice Governor Zhou, all bowed their heads, and did not dare to look at him directly, especially those of the inspection group, they all got a little bit of a thump in their hearts, knowing that they might go back. It is inevitable to be scolded.

This farce of the mountain caused both Zhou Nan and Huang Tao to suffer. Both faces were cut by the rocks, blood was flowing, and several wounds. Fortunately, the mountain people found the mountain's native herb medicine for them. , After chewing it with his mouth, put it on their face. Zhou Nan and Huang Tao had nothing to do. In order to avoid infection, they could only tolerate the scum of herbal medicine mixed with the saliva of the mountain people.

However, the two of them were unable to continue walking forward, so they had to rest on the side of the road and take a breath.

"This time things must not be forgotten, uncle cousin, after going down the mountain, we will deal with them severely."

Watching the team in front go far away, after a long time, Huang Tao relieved his anger and said viciously.

"Huh! Chen'Lu' Ping, Chen'Lu' Ping! The mayor of a dignified city actually followed a group of mountain people to worship the mountain gods, and participated in such ‘superstitious’ activities. Wait for you to step down..."

Zhou Nan also took a sigh of relief, "There is also the one named Lin Feng, just wait for me! I won't forget Zhou Nan..."

At this time, the mountain people and officials had already walked to the mountain temple halfway up the mountain. The village head of Tianmu Village took the lead, and the village heads of four other villages were behind, all bowing down to the charred mountain god. In front of the temple, he kept kowtow to admit his mistake.

"Grandpa Shanshen! We didn't mean to offend, and we hope you will show favor, don't blame us ordinary people."

The head of Tianmu Village said, kneeling towards the mountain temple. The mountain people followed suit one after another. Only Lin Feng and these officials from Zhi'an City were still standing, especially those officials who were a bit at a loss. They didn't know whether they should bow down or not. They all looked at the mayor Chen' Lu' Ping.

However, the mayor Chen'Lu'ping did not bow down. When the village chief saw this posture, he sneered in his heart, "These officials are not sincere and sincere to worship Grandpa Mountain God, huh! I want us to agree with you. Development plan, dream! Unless Grandpa Shanshen personally approves!"

After the village head worshipped the mountain god, he greeted him and asked everyone to bring the new mountain **** image and prepare to replace the new dog head god.

But at this time, the mountain people who first entered the temple said strangely, "Village Chief, come and take a look! The mountain **** statue seems to have not been burned to black at all, but it is on the altar!"

"How is this possible? When I came to see the mountain yesterday, it was obviously burnt..."

The village chief walked in incredulously ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and looked at the altar, and immediately became dumbfounded. The original mountain **** was like a dog's head, but now this one on the altar is a standing big yellow dog, and its appearance is lifelike. Like the previous mountain god, there is a mole on the right corner of the mouth.

"This, this, this...what the **** is going on? Where did this **** come from? Obviously the mountain **** image I saw yesterday has been burned out!"

As the village chief exclaimed, more and more mountain people rushed in and saw the rhubarb standing on the altar pretending to be a god. They were all shocked.

At this moment, Rhubarb moved suddenly from a static state and shook his two dog paws.

"Ah! How did the deity move! It's manifested... it's manifested! This is not a deity, this is the body of Grandpa Mountain God! Hundreds of years ago, Grandpa Mountain God was attached to the body of such a big yellow dog and led our ancestors. Have escaped the catastrophe! Appeared! Appeared!...Grandpa Mountain God has appeared again..."

Upon seeing this, the village chief immediately screamed and danced.


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