Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1378: Instructions from Grandpa Mountain God

Hundreds of years ago, the original Tianma Village was not actually in its current location, but in the position where the cliffs are now cracked. {Щww{suimеng][lā} At the time of the mobile phone terminal, without knowing what the reason was, a violent earthquake occurred around Tianmu Peak and the entire Tianmu Village was trapped in it.

At that time, it was precisely because such a big yellow dog that ran out suddenly uttered words and told the villagers at that time that they should immediately move their families to a safe place, which made the villagers of Tianmu Village stay here. No one was injured or killed in a major earthquake.

And the big yellow dog that didn't know where it came from, after leading the villagers to a safe zone, ran into Tianma Peak and disappeared. In order to commemorate the life-saving grace of this big yellow dog, the mountain people of Tianmu Village built such a mountain temple to enshrine the big yellow dog, but later changed the image of the big yellow dog to a dog head.

However, no matter how the statue was changed, the yellow "color" and "hair" of the dog's head and the mole on the right side of the mouth continued all the time, because these were characteristics that the village chief at the time clearly remembered. And this legend of the mountain **** like a myth has been passed down from generation to generation in the mountain villages around Tianmu Peak.

Therefore, when the old village chief of Lao Village saw the rhubarb on the altar that day, he could stand up on two feet, and its appearance, especially the mole on the corner of the mouth, was almost the same as the legendary big yellow dog of the mountain **** It was exactly the same, and immediately thought that Grandpa Shanshen had appeared again.

"Cao Min knocked on Grandpa Mountain God..."

Without even thinking about it, the old village chief immediately knelt down to the rhubarb and said piously. At the same time, I was thinking in my heart that Grandpa Shanshen must be dissatisfied with the tourism development plan of the municipal fu officials, knowing that those officials will come today and he will show his spirit to stop him.

"The mountain **** has appeared! It's really a mountain god..."

"A big yellow dog? It can stand! Is this really a mountain god?"

"Isn't it the mountain folks who deliberately came to pretend to be a ghost?"


The mountain people all knelt down religiously and prayed to the rhubarb, but the officials outside could not deny it, holding a scientific skepticism.

"Lin Feng, what's going on, this... isn't this the big yellow dog your family raised? So you let it run over to pretend to be a mountain god? Are you afraid of being exposed by those mountain people?"

Chen'Lu'ping recognized rhubarb, so she recognized it as soon as she saw rhubarb, and immediately asked Lin Feng in a low voice.

"Aunt Ping, don't worry. Rhubarb's acting skills are enough to win the Oscar winner."

In the first step, the rhubarb had already appeared, and Lin Feng greeted the rhubarb with his spiritual sense, and then started the second step of the plan. The sound transmission note pasted on the rhubarb body began to be'activated'.

Ever since, after the mountain people of Tianma Village knelt down, the rhubarb on the altar opened its dog mouth, and one by one it made a human voice, "You stupid mountain people, your brains, There is a great opportunity before you, neither of you know how to cherish it, do you still want my blessing?"

This is the illusion created by Lin Feng with the aid of the sound transmission notes attached to the rhubarb body and the coordination of the rhubarb's movements.

But this opening is even more remarkable. Originally, the mountain people were also skeptical, thinking that a yellow dog could stand motionless on the altar, and it was probably a mountain **** who appeared. And this time, the yellow dog opened his mouth to speak, which is exactly the same as the big yellow dog possessed by the mountain **** who was said to have saved the lives of the whole village.

"Ah? Grandpa Mountain God, please forgive us, what we did wrong, please point it out, we must correct it! We must correct it..."

Originally, it was a great sign for Grandpa Shanshen to speak, but if Grandpa Shanshen started to accuse him, it would not be a good thing. Being so frightened, the old village chief and all the mountain people became sincere and frightened, especially when they thought of the earthquake and natural disaster hundreds of years ago, they were even more afraid.

As for the officials outside, they didn't believe in the existence of mountain gods. Now, whether they were officials from Zhi'an City or the inspection team, they were completely shocked. Hearing is fictitious and seeing is believing. They are all watching this big yellow dog speak with their own eyes. Isn't it true?

"God! There really is a mountain god, hurry down and don't blaspheme the gods!"

"Kneel on your knees... I beg the **** of the mountain to bless me next year when I get promoted and get rich!"

"Let's go! This turned out to be true. This is the first time I have seen... a dog can talk."


At this time, even people who do not believe in ghosts and gods in materialism can't help but kneel to Rhubarb. Only Lin Feng and Chen'Lu'ping are still standing, because they know the truth!

"If Grandpa Shanshen has any instructions, please make it clear that the people of our Tianma Village will do it! They must do it!"

The old village chief is sincere and frightened, where is there any other thoughts at this moment! Just thinking about what the **** of the mountain had ordered, and after fighting his old life, he must do it correctly.

"My instructions? There was a great opportunity in front of you, so that the people in all the villages below my grandma's peak could make a fortune and bring more tourists and incense to my temple. The original **** couldn't help being happy late, and as a result, you ignorant and uncivilized mountain people, went to stop this great development plan, so angry that the original **** had to show his spirit."

Through the mouth of Rhubarb ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, Lin Feng uttered these words with a sound transmission, which immediately made the mountain people underneath regret it. Dare to love Grandpa Shanshen fired a cannon and set fire that night, not angry at all, but happy.

"Grandpa Shanshen, we are stupid! It is our stupidity. We must seize such a good opportunity and we will definitely recruit. Today, Mayor Chen of Zhi'an City is also here. I will go and tell Mayor Chen that we all All the mountain people fully agree with the tourism development plan, and there will never be the slightest obstruction. After we have made money, we will definitely raise money for Grandpa Mountain God to build a bigger and more glorious temple..."

The old village chief hurriedly raised his hand to swear, and then immediately ran outside the temple, and said apologetically to Chen Lu, "Mayor Chen, I'm so sorry, we have understood the meaning of Grandpa Mountain God by mistake. From now on, we will ignore the political affairs. We all agree on how to develop Tianmufeng, and we all support it 100%. Please continue this tourism development plan..."

With the personal instructions of the mountain **** Rhubarb, the old village chief of Tianmu Village, who had previously bitten his mouth, instead begged Chen Luping to develop tourist attractions.


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