Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1385: Lin Feng, pay the money soon!

This night, Lin Feng thought a lot. How many times has he imagined that one day he could really enter the university and start a new life stage. What would it be like?

Saying goodbye, but not so sentimental, after all, you can come back anytime you want to. *WwW.suimeng.lā.

Reluctant to give up, my heart is full of good and hope for the coming college life.

"I really couldn't think of it. I can really pass the Peking University exam. It's really like a dream."

After finishing the phone call with Qin Yanran, Lin Feng stayed alone for a while, smirking from time to time. Who can really understand the taste of a counterattack from a poor student?

The kind of hopelessness from life, suddenly became full of hope and hard work, and finally reaped the fruit of sweat, and blinded countless people who look down on themselves. This kind of counterattack is sad and refreshing, making people feel helpless. The aftertaste.

"That's right! I don't know when Zhang Zhen started school. Beijing Normal University seems to report on Qingbei University later."

Remembering that the best friend Zhang Zhen also took the exam at the Normal University in Beijing, Lin Feng also hung up a call for him.

"Hey! Madman, I heard that you are going to the capital tomorrow? How about waiting for me for a few days? Our normal university is still a few days late..."

As soon as he got on the phone, Zhang Zhen said with a smile. Lin Feng heard the game sound effects next to him and knew that this guy was ‘obsessed’ in the game cf again.

"What you said is funny, Zhang Zhen, we will report from Qingbei University tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. You ask me to wait for you for a few days, then I can miss the day of the report. Why don't you tell you a few days earlier Go to the capital with me first? Don’t play games at home all the time. You have time to play games in the four years of university. If you come tomorrow, if you come, I will immediately make an appointment for you and Yanran tomorrow. Flight." Lin Feng said with a curl of his lips.

"Tomorrow? That's too rush, I haven't packed my things! And, Lin Feng, I shouldn't be the light bulb between you and Qin Yanran! I have to wait for my family to be together. We have already booked the tickets for the next few days. Up."

Zhang Zhen can be said to be proud of the "spring" wind. Although the college entrance examination results are not as fierce as Lin Feng, it is also a great counterattack. It happens to be the same university as Tian Yunyun he likes. But it is also more dangerous. After Zhang Zhen volunteered to fill in the report, he was the Beijing Normal University who just adjusted his professional talents.

However, this was completely enough for Zhang Zhen, and it was a result that he could not even imagine before. It is already a pie to be able to take the second university, let alone Beijing Normal University is a key university in the capital.

"See'Lust' forget righteousness! Zhang Zhen, don't talk about loyalty... OK! You don't play the game too late, we brothers, see you in Beijing!"

Since he can't take Zhang Zhen to fly together tomorrow, Lin Feng is also happy to enjoy the first-class business class with Qin Yanran. However, Lin Feng just hung up, and another number from Beijing called.

"Huh? It's so late, the Beijing number, who will call me?" Lin Feng looked at this unfamiliar number, strangely, hesitated for a moment or connected "Hey!"

"Lin Feng, when will you come to the school to report! It's a coincidence to tell you a good news! I was also admitted to the Economics Department of Peking University, so well! We can meet again in a few days..."

This arrogance should have a stubborn voice, and you don't need to guess that it is the crazy girl Xiao Nishang. After returning from the Tianshan Secret Realm for so many days, Xiao Nishang hasn't contacted Lin Feng much, and she has been practicing Wudang with great concentration. It is also today that she has just broken through the sixth floor of the acquired day and reached the seventh floor of the day after tomorrow, which is also the cultivation base of the later day after tomorrow. I remembered that it was a freshman from Qingbei University who reported on it two days later before calling Lin Feng.

"Crazy girl! What is the good news, I said! It's obviously bad news..." Lin Feng laughed jokingly.

"Cut! Lin Feng, are you going to quarrel with me again? Be careful, I zoom in and recruit." Xiao Nichang narrowed his eyes and said as if Lin Feng had his own hand.

"Go! What a big trick! Crazy girl, I haven't seen you anywhere! You kind of let it out..."

Lin Feng grinned badly, "Would you like me to switch, use the video call, let me take a good look at your big move?"

"Well, you Lin Feng, if that's the case, I'm not welcome. My big trick is...fast! Pay the money..." Xiao Nishang urged the account confidently.

"Repay the money? What is the money, mad girl, are you crazy about the money! When did I owe you money..." Lin Feng denied.

"Hey! Lin Feng, it seems that you want to fall back on your account! Listen well, when you were in the Tianchi Secret Realm, I commissioned you to sell four places of the'Jade' pendant, one for 2 billion yuan , The total is 8 billion yuan. Even if you want to mention 40%, I still have 4.8 billion yuan. Don't want to go wrong..."

After breaking his fingers to settle the accounts, Xiao Nishang resorted to his ultimate move and asked Lin Feng to pay back the money. This sum of money was really there. Lin Fengci had forgotten it after he returned from Tianchi. He didn't think of it at all. Now it is mentioned by Xiao Nishang. It is really bad to think that it is really bad. It is indeed said to help Xiao Nishang sell the'Jade' pendant.

"No! That's not... Crazy girl, didn't you get in without a quota? And, if you really count, these money can be regarded as my bodyguard fee to protect you in the secret." 'Lin Feng, of course, can't bear to give so much money to Xiao Nishang in one breath, although 4.8 billion yuan is really not a lot of money for him now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ protection fee, huh! Lin Feng, didn't I pay the protection fee? "Xiao Nishang blushed with shame, and said without a word.

"Yes? Why didn't I receive it? All nonsense, mad girl, when did you pay the protection fee?" Lin Feng asked somewhat incomprehensibly.

"Huh! Lin Feng, you pretended to be confused again. When we were in the secret realm at that time, we...huh...I gave you all of myself. Isn't this considered as protection money?"

Thanks to Xiao Nishang's ability to say it, even Lin Feng couldn't help blushing when he heard this, and said, "Crazy girl, you are shameless, I...I still want to make a face!"

"Huh! If you want a face, hehe... Lin Feng, call the money quickly, so oh! My Swiss bank account number is sent to you... If you don't pay back, be careful with me... Humph! You know... …"

After threatening Lin Feng fiercely again, Xiao Nishang hung up the phone contentedly. In fact, in Xiao Nishang's eyes, how could it be interesting to have such a flirtatious quarrel with Lin Feng?


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