Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1386: Super Dragon Group

After the Jingcheng, Xiao family, Xiao Nishang and Lin Feng finished talking on the phone, they ran from the practice room to the study room in the building with a smile. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā. .

"Neon clothes, why are you here? Hey... the breath of your body is... haha! Have you broken through to the seventh floor of the day after tomorrow?"

When Xiao Nishang, the'female' son, opened the door and came in, Xiao Ting, the head of the Xiao family, immediately said in ecstasy.

It turned out that Xiao Nishang was the first to call Lin Feng after breaking through the cultivation base. Although she didn't tell Lin Feng about her breakthrough, she actually wanted to hear Lin Feng's voice first from the bottom of her heart. . Later, Xiao Nishang went to the study room to tell his father the good news.

"Yes! Dad, I just broke through. This time I was in the Tianchi Secret Realm, although I didn't find any innate grass, but I absorbed a lot of innate aura. I think it is very beneficial to our martial artist's practice. That's why I will Breaking through so fast, now I am a warrior in the late acquired stage."

Xiao Nishang straightened his waist and said with a smile. Although her talent had been considered very good in these aristocratic families before, it was still far behind the core disciples of the ancient Wu ‘door’ school. But now, at the age of eighteen years old can become a martial artist in the later period of the day after tomorrow, even the core disciples of the top ten ancient martial arts ‘men’ sect few people can do it.

"Great! In this way, our Xiao family's position in the capital will not be shaken in the next fifty years. Moreover, Nishang, I also have a good news to share with you. Father's life and death pass is over, relying on us The innate magic weapon that he brought from Lin Feng successfully became an innate martial artist."

Today, it can be said that the double happiness of the Xiao family came to the ‘door’, but the main thing was that the Xiao’s old lady was promoted to the innate realm. This is a major event for the entire Xiao family, or the entire Beijing city and even the entire Huaxia Kingdom.

"Really? Dad, doesn't that mean that our Xiao family now has the right to become a super power dragon family? Grandpa can enter the super power dragon group's elder hall? Dad, your position will not be restricted to the general Bottleneck."

Xiao Nishang was overjoyed when she heard this. She thought that it would take some time before grandpa could break through. After all, she had read some records. Many of the'men' sects were the predecessors of the day after tomorrow, and it often took half a year to a year. It takes three to five years to make a breakthrough. She didn't expect her grandfather to break through to the innate realm in less than three or four months.

Moreover, for the Xiao family, the Innate Realm was not only able to help them stabilize the status of the five great families in the capital, it also involved a more confidential struggle for rights.

"Yes! Nishang, your grandpa broke through to the innate realm early. After receiving the news from the National Super Dragon Team, they immediately sent someone to invite him to pass. The news in the afternoon has been implemented. Starting today, we Xiao The status of the family is not only the five largest families in the capital, but also a family with the authority of the Dragon Group. My father became the first elder of our Xiao family who can enter the Long Group Elder Hall..."

Xiao ‘Ting’ said very proudly. After all, for so many years in the Xiao family, the martial artists of the late acquired Dzogchen have been better, but no one has ever been able to break through to the innate realm. Now that Grandpa Xiao broke through to the innate, he raised the status of the entire Xiao family by more than one level.

The Super Dragon Group is the super power organization of the entire China Nation. It can be said to represent the government, or it is the highest institution set up by the state to maintain social stability and manage super powers including warriors. The Super Dragon Group is composed and controlled by the Presbyterian Church, and each Presbyterian Church has the supreme right to speak in the entire China, and can even use some real national resources.

And to become a member of the elders of the Super Dragon Group, the only rigid requirement is that the cultivation base must break through the innate realm, and at the same time, it must go through the background and national loyalty inspections, and at the same time obtain half of the existing elders. Only by agreeing to become the elder of the official Super Dragon Group Elder Hall.

At present, there are only a handful of elders in the Super Dragon Group in the entire China Nation. Before Father Xiao left, there were only six people, and the youngest of these six people was nearly 80 years old. No new members have been added in the past two decades. It can be said that Mr. Xiao is a new emerging force.

Of course, just because the power of the super dragon group elder is so great, the honor is so high, and the status benefits and benefits that can be brought to the family are so much, so the patriarchs and elders of the major families in the capital are fighting, Try all kinds of methods to break through to the innate realm.

But how easy is the innate realm! Even those who have accumulated hundreds of years of ancient martial arts ‘men’ sects, there are only a handful of martial artists in the innate realm, not to mention that they are the elders of the ancient martial arts who are still entangled by the secular family.

"Grandpa has become the elder of the Super Dragon Group, Dad, our Xiao family no longer has to worry about their status being in jeopardy. Those of the Ouyang family, if they dare to trouble us now, they won't be able to eat." Xiao Nichang said cheerfully.

"Haha! The Ouyang family is no longer sufficient, unless their two acquired Dzogchen elders can break through to the innate as someone, but where are they so lucky, is the innate magical artifact or innate grass so easy to obtain? If they get it, the chance of breaking through is very slim, unless they dare to close the life and death barrier like a father."

Xiao Ting’s pressure has not been small in the past six months~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now I can finally breathe a sigh of relief, but at this moment, Xiao Ting’s cell phone suddenly rang, and the special ringtone made him couldn’t help. Surprised.

"What's the matter? At this time, where did the large sum of money come into account?"

It turned out that the ringtone set by Xiao Ting’s mobile phone was specifically ‘door’ used to remind Swiss banks of large sums of money in and out of accounts. Only when the amount of money in and out of accounts is less than 100 million US dollars will there be a reminder. And when Xiao ‘Ting’ picked up the text message on the phone, he opened his eyes unexpectedly and said, "Transfer income is 800 million US dollars? This...Where did the money come from? Our family doesn’t seem to have made such a large sum of money recently!"

Eight hundred million US dollars, equivalent to renminbi, is almost 4.8 billion renminbi. Although not a lot of money for the Xiao family, it is also a huge sum of money. Moreover, most of the assets of the Xiao family are real estate, and there is not much cash. Such a large amount of money transfer inflow is even more rare, so Xiao was ‘very’ surprised.

When Xiao Ting was about to put down his phone and let his people check what the money was, Xiao Nishang picked up the phone text message and said with a smile, "Dad! Don't check it. I earned the money. Lin Feng gave our family... a bride price!"


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