Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1388: Flew overnight

If someone else is stared by the Super Dragon Team, then it must be this person who should be careful, but when this person is Lin Feng, Xiao Nishang feels that the entire Super Dragon Team must be careful. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā. .

However, for Mr. Xiao, who did not intuitively feel Lin Feng’s power, he currently feels that the elders of superpowers are very powerful. When they have reached the stage of late innate or even the peak, it can be said that they belong to the entire country." "Patron saint", superpowers from other countries dare not come to China to presumptuously because of their old guys.

And from Xiao Nishang's description, Elder Xiao only thinks that Lin Feng may be a talented martial arts heir who has obtained a relatively powerful inheritance of ancient martial arts, and he is definitely not a member of the dragon group who can serve the country.

"Nishang, what do you mean by this? I think it is necessary for you to inform Lin Feng now. Tell him not to do anything extraordinary recently, because members of the Dragon Group may be investigating him in the dark. Even... When necessary, members of the Dragon Group will take action..."

When he said this, Mr. Xiao's brows were frowned, because he knew too much about the behavior style of those in the Long Group. The Super Dragon Group can say that the rights and the ability to respond to “excitation” are above the law, and they can execute any person or group that they think is harmful to the country.

At that time, Mr. Xiao was a warrior who was better than his “friends”. He came from a family of martial arts in Jianghu, the “men” faction. When the “men” faction was intended to subvert the state power, he was treated by the martial artists of the Super Dragon Group. Overnight, all of them were silent.

Including the one who was acquainted with the martial artist Xiao's acquaintance, almost no one was spared, and it was only later that Father Xiao learned this. From then on, Elder Xiao became unscrupulous about the Super Dragon Group, and at the same time, he was more determined to join the Super Dragon Group Elder Hall as his ultimate wish.

However, Xiao Nishang has no intuitive knowledge of the Super Dragon Group. She only knows that Lin Feng's abilities are unmatched. At least for now, even the terrifying white-clothed master can't pass Lin Feng's hands. Trick, what super dragon group is really that powerful?

"Grandpa, you don't know Lin Feng. I also said before that the white-clothed masters of the Bi'an Sect are all his subordinates! Didn't you just say that? Several super dragon group elders are also discussing Lin Feng Huh? It shows that Lin Feng's strength will never be weaker than his innate strength."

Xiao Nishang still said very confidently to Lin Feng, “What I’m afraid of now is that if Lin Feng treats those dragon group members who come to inquire about him as martial artists who want to harm him, he will slaughter him. Is it?"

"At a young age, being able to have innate cultivation bases is simply against the sky. However, this young genius is indeed very proud and arrogant. Just like what you just said... Lin Feng might really find those. The members of the Dragon Group lurking in the dark are difficult to handle in case of a conflict with them. At that time, once the members of the Dragon Group die or disappear, Lin Feng will immediately be listed as a super dangerous person, and even then... …I will be forced to take part in the annihilation of Lin Feng."

Regarding this question, Old Man Xiao also raised his eyebrows and worried.

"Dad! What should I do then? I've been in contact with this kid Lin Feng. Although he is sometimes arrogant, he also has some hegemony in his dealings with others. But he will definitely not do any harm to our country, members of the Dragon Group. Just relying on their little observation and feedback to judge, is it a bit too subjective?" Xiao'Ting' said with some worry.

"Yeah! Grandpa, I can guarantee that Lin Feng is absolutely patriotic and will not do anything harmful to our national interests. How can we help him now?" Xiao Nishang also immediately added.

"En! I believe this too. Fortunately, I came here today. Since we now know that the members of the Dragon Group are investigating Lin Feng, as I said just now, remind Lin Feng to be yourself, and don't do anything extreme. 'The move came." Old Man Xiao said.

"Okay, Grandpa, then I will call Lin Feng...no! Such an important matter, I...I want to talk to Lin Feng myself..."

Xiao Nishang said, he made up his mind and said to his father, "Dad! Can you ask Uncle Zhang to send me back to Zhi'an City now? I...I want to find Lin Feng, and then talk to him tomorrow Coming over on the same flight. In this way, I will be by his side and I can naturally remind Lin Feng."

"Nishang, just call Lin Feng to remind you, don't you need to go back in person?" Xiao ‘quite’ smiled, "Or, what other purpose do you have?"

"Dad! What other purpose can I have, you know, if I don't see Lin Feng with my own eyes, I will be even more worried." Xiao Nichang smiled slyly and said, "You let Uncle Zhang send me there! "

Zhang Ling, the uncle Zhang of Xiao Nishangkou, is a full-time pilot of Commander Xiao "Ting", and he drives a special plane for "Private" Xiao "Ting". If you fly back to Chi'an from Beijing, an ordinary passenger plane usually takes two to three hours, but Xiao’s ‘very’ ‘private’ private plane can arrive in just over an hour.

Moreover, this is a special military plane. Any airport can communicate and land at any time. It has great privileges and is not subject to air control.

"All right! It really is the water thrown out by the married'female'~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Dad knows that you haven't seen Lin Feng for many days, you want to go! Solve the suffering of lovesickness... …"Xiao gave a slight smile and agreed.

"Grandpa, Dad, let me go! See you tomorrow..."

After finishing talking, Xiao Nishang rushed to the backyard of Xiao’s house, took a private plane, and flew from the capital to Zhi’an overnight.

At this time, in Zhi'an City, there are two acquired peak martial artists from superpowers who have just arrived in Zhi'an City. After synthesizing some information and circumstances of Lin Feng, they finally decided not to approach Lin Feng. The residential area of ​​Jin Ou Community where Feng is located, instead of using the authority to open the surveillance video in the community for real-time monitoring and grasp the latest developments of Lin Feng.

"A Zhong! Do you think this person called Lin Feng is really as powerful as the elders say? It is a bit too exaggerated to position his strength in the innate stage, after all, the information shows that he is only 18 years old!" This Houtian Peak Cultivator named Gu Jiyang was working in a hotel opposite the Jinou Community, using his computer to check more than fifty cameras inside the Jinou Community, and constantly monitoring the 19th building where Lin Feng's house was located.


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