Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1389: Hidden crisis

"Brother Gu, it’s better to be more cautious.?  WWW.suimeng.lā And our task is to investigate the true strength and family background of this Lin Feng. The main task is to observe. It is best not to have any contact with him. He can't be discovered by him. After all, if he is really an innate martial artist, he will be able to detect us through the breath of the air..."

Zhong Lisong, another martial artist from the Super Dragon Group, is also at the peak of acquired cultivation. Both are over sixty years old, but because the martial artist looks younger, he looks forty years old. In his early days.

However, this Zhongli Song Gu Jiyang is much more cautious and conservative. After first receiving this task of monitoring and observing Lin Feng and came to Zhi'an City, Gu Jiyang's suggestion was to directly find a way to find a place to monitor the villa near Building 19 in Jinou Community, but Zhong Lisong strongly opposed it.

In the end, in order to prevent Lin Feng from discovering their whereabouts, the two had to adopt this indirect method, using camera surveillance, even if Lin Feng was a warrior in the late congenital period, they would never find any trace of them.

"A little too trivial, right? I think the elders have been too vigilant over the years, so that the superpowers of other countries and organizations in the world have developed too fast, and our country is still these warriors, and those ancient martial artists We cannot use the power of the family."

Gu Jiyang is obviously a ‘radical’ faction, and has quite a bit of criticism about the decisions of the elders.

"Brother Gu, there is no other way. The elders don't want to reproduce my Chinese glory? However, the current economic development of our country is at a stage of speeding up, and everything is based on stability. You are an elder and do not want the whole country. Promote ancient martial arts methods and select a large number of talented warriors? Those foreigners are still staring at us! If we rashly carry out these measures, we can't stand it in groups."

Zhong Lisong sighed, but he knew the good intentions of the Presbyterian Church. China’s development over the past few years has really grown stronger in the cracks of the world. And it is still the kind of development that requires carefulness, and cannot develop too fast or violently ‘exposing’ too much ambition. Otherwise, the EU and Russia will join forces to impose sanctions on China.

Huaxia actually lacks allies in the world. Once it falls into such a besieged situation, it will become very passive and embarrassing. Therefore, the main thing we need to do is to make progress steadily, keep a low profile, and properly ‘expose’ some shortcomings and weaknesses so that other major national forces are less vigilant.

However, as China’s economy has taken off rapidly in recent years, technology and weapons have gradually caught up with and surpassed, and international arguments about the “China Threat Theory” have spread. With the advantage of Huaxia Guwu, foreign national forces once again began to pay attention to and be wary of Huaxia.

But at this time, the development of superpowers in China also encountered some bottlenecks and difficulties. Most of the ancient martial arts methods are hidden in the major'men' schools, and these'men' schools don't take the country seriously, or it is to give some face to recognize the status of the super dragon group, they can Don't cause trouble and even listen to some punishments given by the Dragon Group to the disciples of the'men' faction, but it is absolutely impossible to willingly take out the techniques inherited from the'men' faction and use them as a library for the promotion of ancient martial arts across the country.

Moreover, it is not just a matter of cultivation techniques, but also the talents and resources needed to cultivate ancient martial arts. In fact, the conditions of those foreign superpowers are not much lower. These various reasons have caused the domestic super-powered dragon team to develop their own country's power of superpowers, but they often have little effect.

The few superpowers that have been cultivated are nothing more than enough to maintain the relationship between superpowers and ordinary people in the entire Chinese nation. Often high-strength warriors will be sent out to perform national tasks. For example, this time the task of investigating Lin Feng, the level is as high as A, and two warriors of the acquired peak cultivation level need to be dispatched.

Moreover, once it is truly determined that Lin Feng's cultivation level is indeed innate and it is harmful to the safety of the country and the people, this task will immediately be upgraded to S-level. The s-level national mission means that an innate elder is needed to take action. And if it is SS-level, it needs two congenital elders to take action.

The sss level is the highest-level national mission, which means that all innate elders must be on standby at all times, and even some elders must sacrifice their lives for the benefit of the country.

Of course, so far, there has only been one SS level national mission, and the SS level has not yet appeared. And the only SS-level mission was when a Tianren from the Japanese Kingdom tried to'mix' into our country to cause various'messy' cults and destruction. Our Elder Hall directly sent two congenital elders, And it was in the later stage, the Tian Ren was half-crippled on the spot, almost unable to return to the island country.

"Brother Gu, I found out that Lin Feng will take an early flight to Beijing tomorrow, and our tickets have been booked. He is on the same flight as him, so in order to avoid being discovered by him, he needs to take the elder's refining pill tomorrow. Keep the martial arts aura in the body to a minimum. However, this will bring certain side effects..." Zhong Lisong said more cautiously.

"I know! After taking this masking pill ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it may cause a certain amount of qi and blood blockage, and lose the ability of the martial artist's qi and blood to run in a short period of time. That is to say... we lose our martial arts! , This will not last long. As long as the two of us are not so badly lucky and are not clogged together, as long as it takes ten minutes, we can break through the clogged blood and restore our strength."

Gu Jiyang nodded, and then said again, "I still feel that the elders have made some fuss about this Lin Feng."

"The judgments of the elders are generally not wrong, we just need to obey the arrangements and tasks." Zhong Lisong replied, and the two took turns watching these surveillance cameras at night.

At this time, in a tall building outside the Jinou Community, a pair of binoculars kept looking at Lin Feng’s villa. Like the two Super Dragon Warriors, he did not dare to approach the Jinou Community for fear of being caught. Lin Feng discovered that he kept a certain distance and monitored Lin Feng remotely, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth. "Lin Feng, this time I don’t believe that you can’t kill you. Tomorrow’s plane, to congratulate you for taking the Qingbei exam. University, I have prepared a big gift for you..."


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